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Guest Arie Ronshor

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Jeh, you're as bad as I am! :P


I don't have as many as you right now(13), but I have bunches of bios ready to be sent off as my other chars get full rank. (like an extra 8 or more)I'll catch you yet! ;D

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Jeh, I'm in awe, how you can maintain so many different characters is beyond me... I've only just started and already I found myself needing to 'think' on my char's personality and character so I don't mess up on anything lol


Still, I love reading your RP's, they're really good!

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Heh yeah, it's a small trick i use, and the reason all of my applications have a picture attacked to them. When making a character, i normally browse pictures until i get one that triggers some inspiration on what i want to be (Aes Sedai, in Jerinia's case).


Then, i write the rest of the bio in one go, according to 'what the picture tells me', as i like to call it. Getting into her personality is easy, all i need to do is look at the picture again ^^


Also, Tig, you're going to have to do better than that, i fear...




Behold, a small forum of mine which i use to store my character applications. I have 27 characters on 7 active forums at the moment :P


Start writing Tig! XD

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hm, im glad I have the com side for I'd get bored here at the RP side twiddling my thumbs till the next post lol


Been enjoying reading several rp's but then, as it goes, they do end mid-story and not quite much going on to occupy each day/evening with (at least for me being used to doing several things on several boards each day).

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