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The magnitude of power the Dark One has......

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If the Dark One has so much power, why doesn't he just tell his followers to rip open the Bore so that he can be freed? Or is he/she similiar to us, wanting to enjoy his moment of triumph and laugh as humanity is destroyed? Or is he @#@#$%! crazy? What is the relation of the Dark One to his followers, involving the saa and the True Power?


I love the idea of the world screaming in agony as it is slowly burned to ash by the Dark One's power, but that's just me.


I love the idea of the world screaming in agony as it is slowly burned to ash by the Dark One's power, but that's just me.


Yeah well your name is Great Lord of the Dark, so it's not unexpected...


Anyways, the True Power is what creates saa in the eyes of the user. I don't know exactly the True Power (I'm sure there's a thread about this somewhere, but I haven't read it), but I suspect it's a hijacked version of the One Power. The One Power drives the Pattern, and once the DO breaks out and remakes the world in his vision, I suspect the TP will drive the pattern.


Now, I don't understand why he doesn't just have his followers break him out. As we know, Mierin (Lanfear) already has once, I don't know what kind of power it took, but it's possible that they can't do it again. But we know it's been done before, so we can guess on why it hasn't been done again.


I think it's because the DO wants to have the world already wrapped up by the time he breaks out. The last time, he was resealed before he could take over the entire world, maybe this time he wants to take over the entire world, then break out. Making it safer for him and his followers to walk Randland.


Well, Meirin may have accomplished it in the AoL, but for all we know it required the use of all sorts of crazy sa'angreal and ter'angreal.


I'd think if it were an easily replicated feat, the DO would have ordered the Forsaken to do it already.


Once linked, they would probably make attempts to kill the one leading it.  :D

actually, once linked, they wouldn't be able to control their own flows...the way linking works, is that who ever has control of the circle controls the flows....


Once linked, they would probably make attempts to kill the one leading it.  :D

actually, once linked, they wouldn't be able to control their own flows...the way linking works, is that who ever has control of the circle controls the flows....


A death by a blade is as permanent as death by the one power(as long as the dark one isn't involved)


If I remember correctly, there were attempts in the AOL to break the DO free completely, but they failed.  At this point, the DO has fewer powerful channelers available.  Any attempt, as Jelly noted, would also be stopped by the remaining seals. 


Why doesn't He tell His followers to just rip Him free? Perhaps the simplest answer is He doesn't know how. His power is obviously insufficient to get Him out, He needs help from within the Wheel. Lanfear punched a hole, not big enough to get Him free but enough for Him to make His presence felt, but aside from working away at it like He was He may not know how to just bust out quickly. The War of the Shadow started with an (obviously unsuccessful) attempt to free Him, but we don't know anything more about that - what they tried, whether it could have worked, whether anyone else knew, whether it was ever passed on - it could be that they would have succeeded if not stopped, but they were and the knowledge died with them.


Do we even know for sure that Mierin's team used the Power to drill the Bore? It could have relied more on AoL technology - particle accelerators and black holes or something.


All we know is that they punched through reality, I'm fairly certain that we never get so much as a hint of how they did it.


I personally believe that it was accomplished with the Power - I believe both Rand and Ishamael have made comments about using the OP to directly manipulate the Pattern - but the fact is that we just don't know enough to determine whether re-opening the Bore is possible in the current Age (other than letting the Seals decay).


That wouldn't make much sense - before the Bore was created, no one would have been able to access the TP, or even know it existed for that matter.


It was only after the first channeler declared for the DO (Graendal, maybe? Don't remember the order too well...) that the TP became accessable in Randland, and even then only to a select group (only the Chosen, as far as we know).


I would have thought Ishy was the first, I seem to recall from somewhere that he presented a speach / treatise or some-such to the Hall Of Servents, regarding his new master and his philisophical reasons for joining the Dark Side. 1 am here, somewhat tired. More than somewhat incoherient.


Ishamael was the first to publicly declare for the Shadow. It was one of the female Forsaken (pretty sure it was Graendal) that first went over, but kept her alliegence secret until after the War of Shadow had already started.


I'll have to check the BWB when I get a chance to make sure.


I do remember Lanfear declaring that she had found a source of power (the True Power, I believe, though I'm not sure) men and women could tap into, and this was BEFORE the Bore. How was Lanfear able to feel whatever that power was (if it was not the True Power?)

And I actually view the True Power as simply the essence of the Dark One, if that makes sense.


I do remember Lanfear declaring that she had found a source of power (the True Power, I believe, though I'm not sure) men and women could tap into, and this was BEFORE the Bore. How was Lanfear able to feel whatever that power was (if it was not the True Power?)

And I actually view the True Power as simply the essence of the Dark One, if that makes sense.


How could she feel it if the True Power can only be sensed if you are holding it?


i dont think the TP can be sensed at all. take rand's introduction to moridin at SL, for instance. moridin drew on the TP to weave balefire and rand felt nothing, before, during or after. there is only the inevitable symptoms of the saa to even let you know a person has access to the TP.

BWB gives graendal as the (speculative) second to go over to the darkside. the first could have been either ishmael or aginor, but there is nothing definitive. all the forsaken are given a notice for being "amoung the first" to swear allegiance to the DO, according to the BWB. lanfear was given to be amoung the last to swear, ironically.


I assume she found the dark one / true power in the same way scientists keep finding all these things that we actually can't see like dark matter and all that, except with crazy Ter'angreal rather than scientific equiptment.


I do remember Lanfear declaring that she had found a source of power (the True Power, I believe, though I'm not sure) men and women could tap into, and this was BEFORE the Bore. How was Lanfear able to feel whatever that power was (if it was not the True Power?)

And I actually view the True Power as simply the essence of the Dark One, if that makes sense.


How could she feel it if the True Power can only be sensed if you are holding it?


I honestly have no idea. Lanfear claimed to have found a new source of power (this is from memory, so the wording is probably not accurate) that didn't distinguish men from women. Any could use it. Given that the Dark One is not a physical entity--as far as I can see--it's possible she felt him, but this would lead to the idea that the Dark One can be 'channelled'? At least from Lanfear's point of view. She didn't know it was the Dark One, just a new source of power. Thus why I said she felt the True Power (since it can be channelled, and is directly from the Dark One). Of course this doesn't answer the question of how she was able to feel it in the first place. Maybe the Dark One concentrated, focused himself on a specific point, and Lanfear stumbled on it. Idle speculation anyway.




If I remember correctly, the bore was made at the place where the "wall" of the Dark One's prison was the thinnest. Lanfear probably felt the DO -or TP- because of this. It is possible that the prison's wall was getting smaller with time (and the DO's grinding), or she stumbled across the place by chance. Other places of the prison may be too big to punch through, so they concentrate on the bore, which is protected by the seals at the moment, so they want the seals broken to be able to widen the bore enough, ultimately breaking the prison entirely.


Nice forum by the way


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