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Really? WTF?

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My husband was so mad about last winter. It was his first winter ever (the boy only ever lived in Trinidad and always went on vacation in the summer months)so he was really looking forward to seeing snow, having snowfights and maybe even building a snowman. He was woefully disappointed: it snowed twice (more life flurried) and the snow was gone within half an hour.


As for me, I was glad that I didn't have to walk through the slush that's there after snowfall.


You know what's funny here in Seattle I swear we don't even notice Global Warming *laughs* In science class we have had debates on what effect it is having on our state. Nothing really has changed here. It was a mild summer which is normal for us, its cold here now, also normal. LOL So if you like you can all have our weather and i'll take the warm stuff *G*


Here I go, pissing people off probably... but I have to say it.


If you deny global climate change, you are ignorant.  Plain and simple.  It is NOT some "cycle" that occurs naturally on the earth.  There is not a single respected scientist NOR a single peer reviewed paper that refutes global climate change.  And please notice that it is climate change, not warming.  Not every place will warm up.  Some will cool down, considerably.  But it IS here, and it IS undeniable.


All that being said, it's still pretty warm here.  (Here being North Carolina in the southern US)  Still no rain.  Our rivers and lakes are drying up.  It's actually very, very scary and alarming.


I agree with you totally, Karana.  Not only from reading every bit of REPUTABLE scientific data I can lay my hands on, but also from personal experience.


There was a piece of iceberg sited off the South African coast a few weeks ago.  For the first time in our recorded History, which started in 1652. And trust me - I worked in the archives where all of the history is stored - there is no mention, EVER, of such a thing. I saw snow for the first time in my home town when I was thirty. No local had ever heard of such a thing happening. No it's not even newsworthy any more if there's a snowfall in winter.  Actually, it snowed in South Africa in September this year (that's spring time !).


Granted, nature does go through cycles, but all the carbon emmissions created by industry and general lifestyle is exacerbating and speeding it up.  Nature adapts to slow change through evolution, but the poles melting within a decade is a whole different kettle of extinct life.


nods that is the pic i got too...the cycles is normal, but they dont normaly happen as fast as they now seem to be.


And raena, being from northern norway recognises those winter memories, though by report its much the same there now (studying in the south)


Danya...we had summer very much so for once in northern norway, should just have imigrated like the rest of the people from south. Working nightsifts and sleeping in campingwagon at day, i was none to pleased with the heat disturbing my sleep actualy.


I miss Ontario winter...just does not snow as much as it used too.  90F(30C) in the summer I can deal with, but I like my -30F (-30C) weather in the winter months too. 


Seriously Andrew? I lived in Ontario for 4 years and I recall one year, it went down to -27. I stayed home from classes (university) that day because I didn't think I could handle walking to and from the bus stop, then trekking across campus for classes. -5 is okay. -10, -15 I can handle. Nothing colder, thank you.

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I feel like a wuss, but we finally turned on the furnace this morning.  It was 63 degrees in my house and I couldn't make breakfast because I couldn't find my slippers and the kitchen floor was too cold to stand on.


We got a weird setback right now, and apparently it's going to continue over the weekend. Normally, in november it's supposed to be around 4-6 degrees. Not been that cold yet, but under 10 a lot lately.

But today, 15! Ten degrees warmer than it is supposed to be. I heard my neighbours pondering if it was worth the effort to fire up the barbeque just because they can.


Stupid weather, the summer rained away, and so the sunshine comes now instead.


We are still wearing shorts for goodness sake. I would love to break out my sweaters. It is so hard to get into the Halloween mood with temps. so warm. We should have a daytime high of 87 F today with an overnight low of 62 F.


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