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Tributes to Robert Jordan

Guest RJordan

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The Wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass

leaving the memories that become legend, legend

fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when

the age that gave it birth comes again.


The wind called "Robert Jordan" rose above

Atlantic Ocean. The wind was not the begining.

There are neither beginings nor endings to the

turning of the Wheel Of Time.

But it was a beginning.


And what a begining it was one I will not forget

my whole life. First and fore most I thank you for

enriching my life Lord Dragon. As every one

must wake from the dream one day to the new



Hindu's believes you come to life in the

world of your own weaving. I do wish you wake up

in the world of your own making where life is as

you envisioned it in WOT.


Farewell o dragon untill the pattern weaves you

back to our life again.

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Great men gather in the morning mist.

Authors gather in the day.

Soldiers stand guard in the night.

The Greatest Men depart from our midst.


They come to see the sun’s golden fire.

In pursuit of passion they never tire.

Through life’s ambition their souls find light.

Time, however, moves toward night.


They craft words of fear and hope.

For the perfect phrase they grope.

They deliver jests on whim.

Then too soon, their light goes dim.


They protect the weak and never pause.

Freedom is their greatest cause.

Honor is their soul’s desire.

In war or peace, Death, snuffs their fire.


They are always sorely missed.

I feel the tug and can’t resist.

I struggle to stop tears of sorrow.

Remembering, they would focus on the morrow.


Godspeed, Robert Jordan. You were all of the above and in my mind you are among the greatest of men. I will cherish your stories forever. Fifteen years have passed since I first picked up Eye. I have read every word of the series at least half a dozen times. His passing "struck me like a physical blow" I now know what that means. To me, Robert Jordan, will always be a Memory of Light. 

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I've enjoyed fantasy adventure for many years, and have thoroughly been engrossed in the Wheel Of Time series since day 1. I dont usually post on blogs, because honestly, I'm not really into the blog scene. But with the truly unfortunate passing of a man I feel has been THE premier name in the genre, I just felt compelled to put in my two cents worth. It saddens my heart that the world has lost someone who has given so much to so many- someone with such an inspiring gift- and I know this has been said plenty of times before, but it is a devastating loss to all fantasy adventure fans.

I'm no philosopher, and dont have an extravagant way with words, but my sincerest condolences go out to all of RJ's fans and followers,but more importantly to his wife and son, his close friends and family, and to those who have worked so closely with him over the years. To Will, I can honestly relate to his heartache, as I lost my father in 1988, and my mother passed on Sept. 3, 5 weeks after my grandmother and a mere 13 days before RJ. To Harriet, Dear Lady, my heart weeps for your loss, for your loss is truly the greatest of all. But we must all remember that while he is no longer with us in this life, he has awakened from the dream, and as Harriet has said in her blog post, he is no longer in pain.

I have complete faith that Harriet and TOR will find someone to complete book 12 in a manner that would make RJ proud.

In closing, I hope all of RJ's family, friends, and fans will find water and shade. Take care and may the Light shine on you all.

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As the weeks have gone by I found myself thinking about lord jason's trip.  And there is one thing I keep thinking:


There was no way I would have been able to not read, just a little, of RJ's MoL.


So I need to know, lord jason, did you peak, just a little?

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I love the poem, we all will miss his works.  I am thankful for the imaginations that he has created within me by his tales, forever will I hold them dear.  My condolences to RJs family and all RJs fellow readers, he was able to touch so many of us in so many ways; truly a gift from heaven.

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Guest nephitess

Ok I got Spinny and Twinnie's Packages...LOL...I rymed...:P


Thanks again ladies...and Twin, thanks for the little surprse you sent...it will help!

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Guest nephitess

just counted them up...i have 150. most are very big..actually twice the size i asked for. (that is not a complaint, i love them and really appreciate the work we have all done) so i think this will do!! thank you all!!!


If there are more packages comeing i'll let you all kow when i get them!!

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Being new and searching for answers as to finding out when the next book may be published, I am shocked to find that one of the greatest creative writers I know has passed away.

A Void has been created that no one will ever fill.

In memorium, Robert Jordan - you will be missed always.  May you shelter forever in the palm of the Creator.


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Ugh! I feel like part of me has been torn out to never return again. I found out late, but wanted to check up on the blog and read today the news you guys have known for a short while now.


I can't explain in words how I'm feeling right now. I know I have never met the man, but I feel I have known who he was on the inside, through his beautiful work in the WoT. This was 'the' only book/series I have ever read that when I first picked it up in high school, I could not put it down. I actually read the first 4 books in two weeks...during finals.  ::) Then I said to myself I had to stop, so reluctantly I put it down.


I picked them up again and some of them in audio form the start of this year, 07. I finished 5-11 in little over a month. I was so hooked, I re-read 1-4. I can't describe what I know most of you can relate with me on - it's that feeling of really creating a connection with the characters and their journey. And to look further out, it just shows the beautiful mind and spirit of RJ. I realized something today while reading some of the blog posts and responses..


When my best friend died about three years ago when I was 18, and he was 19, I learned that I had to treasure each day as if it was the last - but live on and plan for a bright future.


When I heard of RJ's death, I realized that he created something that will always live on as long as we have an outlet to tell his story - via book, audio/video. Not only has he touched so many lives, he will still even after his death. He left a legacy that will live on as the wheel continues to turn.


Learning from him another lesson, I hope I can too one day leave a Legacy like he has - even if its just influencing the lives of family and friends. Two big parts of life I have learned are the memories we create and keep, and the legacy we leave behind.



I know this is sort of OT to this thread, but I didnt want to create a new thread - and did want to resurrect this one as I am a musician.


I was wondering whats happening with the tribute album? I know that with all the time RJ put into his books, I should tribute some of mine back to him. I'm no pro, but I'm trying and at least want to put forth the effort in giving back some of what I know to this great man and what he has given me.


If you guys are still working on the album, I would love to contribute. If it's dead in the water, no problem. I know I would still like to write something and will post it here in this thread once its done. I don't know how long it will take, could be months due to a new job and my schedule - but I will do this, I feel like I have to.


One song that really sets the mood and I always listened to when reading the Wheel of Time is "The Bard's Song" by Blind Guardian. RJ was definitely a bard, and told us one of the greatest stories ever to be told.


Also, I know since I'm late, I missed alot. If there are still any gatherings to remember RJ in SoCal, I'll defnitely attend. It's hard when I learned of this and told a few people, to see their reaction - because they never have even heard his name. It seems like something and someone that moved you so much, and to have it end, and have no one understand or relate to with is definitely a shock and hard to take in. Thats why I finally signed up on these boards to post this. I know at least you guys can relate to what I'm feeling now.








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