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Next week will consist of;

Fantastic 4/Silver Surfer

I am Legend


We're finishing out the Office

and maybe 1408


Silver Surfer.... I am just glad you have some other good movies on that list *g*


I agree, that movie blew, hard. ;)

I'm getting the movie Namesake later today, It looked really interesting.. saw it on the 'trailers' on the movie Once. :P

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Well, I ended up making another pass in Netflix "New Releases" and added another couple dozen titles. My list is now 277. If I don't add any more, and keep a good, quick average turnover of 3 DVDs a week, I'll get through the list in a bit under two years.

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Well, I ended up making another pass in Netflix "New Releases" and added another couple dozen titles. My list is now 277. If I don't add any more, and keep a good, quick average turnover of 3 DVDs a week, I'll get through the list in a bit under two years.


LOL, I only have like 20 things on my list, over half are on a VERY LONG WAIT time (VERY ANNOYING since those have been on there for... 3 months!)

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Jelly I gave Torchwood a really good chance... the first 3-4 episodes... before I finally gave up on it. 


If Netflix would deliver when they say they would I would be doing about 3-4 a month.  But the last few times it has been several days after their expected arrival date.  So the turn around is usually 5 days which is crazy! 

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Jelly I gave Torchwood a really good chance... the first 3-4 episodes... before I finally gave up on it. 


If Netflix would deliver when they say they would I would be doing about 3-4 a month.  But the last few times it has been several days after their expected arrival date.  So the turn around is usually 5 days which is crazy! 


On movies that aren't new releases, I can ussually recieve the movie, within 2 days after them recieving my previous movie.

Meaning, if I send in a movie on Wednesday, they will recieve, and ship out my next movie on Thursday, and recieve and watch it Friday Night.

I can recieve a maximum potential of 6 movies a week, if I don't have a list full of extremely long waits... If they are all 'available now' I get a maximum of 6. If they are long waits, and I have nothing I want to see thats available now, then I'm lookin at a 3 to 0 movies per week.... I've been in a bit of a dry spell lately, as like I said, I only have 20 movies on my list, and half of them are on a very long waiting list.... I added about 10 movies recently (half I know are really, really bad) but they were avialable... go figure... ;).

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Sunshine.... one of those little talked about movies of 2007 with a pretty good cast.  It has that woman from Memoirs of a Geisha and CDHD, ummm.... that girl from the Rage in Placcid Lake and starred that guy from 28 Days Later.  Yep, I don't know their names but I had fun placing their faces.  It was also directed by the guy that did Trainspotting and 28 Days Later. 


Did I like it?  Yes.... I wish Netflix had half stars.  I hate deciding between 3 or 4 stars all the time.  I am pretty stingy with my stars, so I would give it 3 stars. 


My Rankings:


1 Star - Sucked... hated it Norbit style

2 Stars - It had a redeemable quality, but Ghost Rider still sucked

3 Stars - I enjoyed it.  I might recommend it.  Most of my movies fall here.

4 Stars - This movie will be recommended.  I liked it a lot but probably never need to see it again.  Juno, TWBB, Michael Clayton, Rage in Placcid Lake

5 Stars - Must Own.  Will watch over and over again.  Shawshank, Once, NCFOM, Godfather, etc. 


So anyway... it is a Sci Fi thriller.  It pulled in Yveva as she wasn't really interested in a movie.  By the end, she had dropped the computer and was watching it with me. 


Hey what is up with the Netflix friend feature?  Does anyone use it?

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I've had that movie on my netflix queue forever. and I've YET to get it... its on my 'very long waiting list'.

<-- is sad.


Btw, I first saw previews of it, on the movie, The Fountain, which I believe had the same director. ;)

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No no... the fountain was by Antonof... or something... *goes to look*...Darren Aronofsky .  I was close. 


Funny... Sunshine was on my now list.  Actually almost everything on my list is now and I have very few things on a wait list.

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No no... the fountain was by Antonof... or something... *goes to look*...Darren Aronofsky .  I was close. 


Funny... Sunshine was on my now list.  Actually almost everything on my list is now and I have very few things on a wait list.


How long ago did you put it on your list? I've had that movie on there for MONTHS, at least since october...



I just realized, why my waiting lists suck...


I have it set up, to automatically put the Bluray Version of the movie, on my list, and right now, I have 15 movies that are all BD. Apparently netflix only has like, 1 copy of them, between like, 1000 people. ;)

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Oh that makes sense.  Yeah I watch it on a regular DVD.


Saddly, I have to watch the movies on my queue on BD, as they are supposed to be grahpically awesome movies...


Though, I don't know if I want to see Saw IV in HD. ;)

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so i fuiger it costs about te same ammount for me to rent a movie as to buy it previwed so i have about 400 movies on my shelf.  that said i just got a cuple of new ones.


larry the cable guy helth inspector.  ok it wasent quit as bad as i thought it would be, relly,,, ok maby it was, but oh well for 5 bucks im not going to complain to much. i would give it 2 stars by empys scale


v for vendetta.  loved it. remember remember the fivth of november.  i loved how you never see V's face.  i also thought it a verry good comentary not ony on where our country may be going but a messege of hope that even if i gos there that all it takes is a few brave people to save the rest of us. iwould give it three and a halve stars


hitchhikers guid to the galexy.  my mom recumended it, so i shouldent have been to surprised to fall asleep in it. from wat i saw it was kinda intresting, but i probly wont even go back and watch it to see what i missed.


still to watch, end of the spear, ive head a lot of good things about thismovie, just need time to pu tit in and watch it.



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With end of the spear, my father in law was somehow connected to the family who went down there.  I think it was through school or some religious group.


Hitchikers' guide was pretty darn good IMO, but I just was glad to actually see some of DA's sight gags. 


I found V for vendetta to be 2 parts 1984 and one part Star Wars.  It made for great popcorn munching, but was a bit over stated.


All this geek talk has put me in the mood for a two day marathon, I'm thinking either LotR or Star Wars.


Oh and we just saw Stardust.  A++  Whimsical, dramatic, funny at the right times, and wtf is up Robert De Niro.  I'll never be able to keep a straight face with Taxi Driver again.

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Did anyone see Little Miss Sunshine? Watched it again last night and it always puts a smile to my face. Hehe.  ;)


I tried to watch I am Legend. Just not good with scary movies, and I had doubts about it when I went in. I think I lasted pretty long before having to go. Maybe someday I'll be able to watch it all the way through.


:-\ ...and yes I am Legend was scary to me - saddens me too. I thought the movie had a really good story.

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The more I hear about Little Miss Sunshine, the less interested I get in seeing it.

But then, I am usually not a big fan of feelgood-flicks.


I don't think feelgood is really the best way to describe it.  :-X To me its more like, "Hah thats life." I'll shush anyways.

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