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Manhattan, really, really good! Full of excellent Woddy Allen dialogue and stellar acting. Cinematography is beautiful in black and white and overall a very interesting and amusing movie. 9/10!


Taking Chance. A movie about Kevin Bacon transporting the body of a fallen marine to his family. Sure, it might've been moving and emotional for someone with any sort of real tie to this, but to me, it was a long and dready movie of Kevin Bacon saluting a box accompanied by sad music. No hard feelings towards fallen soldiers or anything, but this film just had a too specific audience in mind, and I didn't fit it. 5,5/10

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Watched Kung Fu Panda again.  Funny movie with plenty of stars.  Very entertaining too.  3.8/5


Let the Right One In  2/5.  I actually wasn't a big fan of this movie, despite everyone else giving it rave reviews.  It was really creepy and weird, I felt that Oskar was a bad actor, he was just so awkward!  The vampire girl was weird too.  The part where she was dressing and and Oskar was watching was really creepy, gross, and I wonder how they managed to get that part in.  I was disappointed. 

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I'm watching Miami Vice. I have no idea what's going on (well, in the larger scheme of things. Right now Colin Farrell's character (I don't even know his name) is screwing some suit-wearing business woman), but Colin Farrell is pretty, so I'm ok with that.

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Just watched Underworld: Rise of the Lycans


I just love the first two Underworlds, and I was a little hesitant because I'd heard less than great things about this new one.  I have to say though, this movie was great!  It was so freaking good, I'm glad Michael Sheen and the Lycans finally got to tell their part of the story.  Viktor is a douchebag of epic proportions. 


I give it a 4/5

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The Machine Girl.

(Think Grind House, the one with the charmed gal with the machine gun leg, evil dead, and some other shit.)

This movie, is by far, the stupidiest, funniest, slapstick, gorefest I have ever seen. I nearly shut it off 5 minutes in from the terrible acting. But I said 'hey, It can't get worse right?' I was so utterly wrong. But, the shere hilarity of this movie kept me there. There were so many things in this that were just so wrong and stupid that they were funny!

I give this a Proud, ZERO out of FIVE STARS!



Empy, Watch this movie, all the way through. After you have finished it, pop in Shoot 'Em Up and tell me thats a bad movie! :P

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Watching Monster Island.  Kinda fits along the same lines as your movie Sin.  Let's pu it this way....the biggest names in it are Adam West and Carmen Electra.  I might have given it better points if it had any gore or nudity, but it had neither.  The acting was blatantly lame, but I think that was the point.  The effects were equally lame(They even used a toy car for a lovers lane scene).  ><


I think this is an MTV production.  Which would explain a lot. 

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Watching Lleyton Hewitt get rocked by Nadal. I was hoping Hewitt would upset, but Nadal is too good.  it's a shame that the only person who can challenge him anymore is spending all his time drinking and womanizing.  SAFIN, come back to us!!

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Just watched 7 Pounds. I give it, 4/5. The only complaints I have are.

1) The description of the movie kinda ruined the guys plans, which would have made it 10x better, not knowing until they revealed it. (Its kinda a late reveal in the movie to reveal so early in the description, but they obviously give hints through out.

2) IS Will Smith going the same route as Leonardo De'caprio?

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I just watched: "Flash of Genuis" with Greg Kinnear, or however you spell it. Lol


It's a pretty good movie about this mans 12 year battle with Ford for stealing his idea. I really liked it...and recommend it.  ;D


It's good.  And his wife (who i believe plays Lorelei on Gilmore Girls) is very attractive

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