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[GAME] Nintendo Wii Gamers


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Fellow Wii Players, I'm un-original and so have copied Seg's Idea. I figured we could list wii numbers and games etc.


My Wii number is; No Longer Valid.


Current titles are;

  Super Swing Golf

  Harry Potter: OotP

  Mario Party 8

  Mario Strikers Charged

  Zelda: Twilight Princess

  Soon to include Metroid and Smash Bros. Brawl


In keeping with Seanchan themes I have Mii's of such TV Icons as The Doctor, Dwight from the Office, Dr. Zoidberg, and a few others.

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My library consists of;



Mario Party 8

Strikers Charged


Rayman Raving Rabids

Wii Sports (Duh)

Wii Play

Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz

Eledees (Elebits)


Soon to include;

Metroid + SSB; Brawl.


I have 81 Mii's. >.>


Shall find out my number tomorrow.

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I assume we're not counting compatible gamecube games (well duh).


I own


Wii Sports

Red Steel

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Madden 2007

Madden 2008

Metroid Prime Corruption (my favorite Wii game so far)

Resident Evil 4 Wii (my second favorite Wii game so far)

Spongebob Squarpants (my 9 year old's)




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Okay, so I know officially own that Wii.  Except that the Zelda and Lego games have been reacquired by the actual owners. 


Any game suggestions? 


Well, Twilight Princess remains the best Wii game to date (sad to say).  The only game that comes close in terms of graphics, gameplay, replayability, would be Super Mario Galaxy.


I'd say the must owns are:

Metroid Prime Corruption

Super Mario Galaxy

Medal Of Honor: Heroes but only if you have the Zapper

Mario Cart Wii

Super Smash Brothers Wii


The cross-platform games worth having on the Wii:

Indiana Jones Lego

Star Wars Lego the Complete Saga

Rock Band (yes, it's better than Guitar Hero III - better songs plus the drums are a blast)


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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Well we have a Wii, and it's online, but I have no idea what my code is, or how to get it, or how to pass it on...we keep trying to register our wii online but it keeps messing up for some reason. I don't know what's up with it.


Our Games:


Wii Fit

Super Smash Bros.

Zelda Twilight Princess


I have a few Mii's, I'm working right now on Napoleon and Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. :D

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I'll have to look into the online aspect.  And I want Rock Band so bad.  But, my wife says it would take up too much room.  :P



I have beaten Lego Star Wars, and Twilight Princess, but I was borrowing those.  I have Lego Indiana Jones on PS2. 


I will have a look into the others.  I have House of the Dead 2/3 but no zapper.  :-\

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It's actually true - which gets me because the Wii was the first new generation console to go on-line.  It's like owning an Apple computer!


I think it might have something to do with the Wii lack of disc space.  Hopefully Nintendo will offer some kind of external drive in the future - with the implementation of Wiiware and new legacy games being offered weekly I need more space!


They are releasing an expansion pack in July that will include most of the songs offered on-line for PS3 and 360 users - $29 is the suggested price, which is actually cheaper than downloading the song packs individually on the PS3 or 360.


I see that <b>Guitar Hero IV</b> is including a microphone and drum kit.  I definitely don't have enough room for two drum sets!



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Yep, and alot of the issues raised by the RB instruments.....Strum Bar unreliability, Drum pedals breaking, Drum pads double hitting/ghost hitting/missing hits.....are all supposed to be fixed for GHIV.  Of course that is pretty easy to do when you copy a new product.  ::)

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Our Wii is online, but it's downstairs so I'd need to get the code later.


Games Owned:



Godfather: Blackhand Edition

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Lego Indiana Jones Original

Lego Star Wars Complete Saga

Mario Kart Wii

Mario Party 8

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

No More Heroes

Resident Evil 4

Sims 2: Castaway

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros.

Wii Fit

Wii Sports

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Okay, I guess I'll have to get the paper work on mine.  I was given the Wii without any of it's books or packaging, so I have no idea how o get it online ready. 


I now have...

Mario Galaxy

House of the Dead 2/3

(That Bubble game?)

Guitar Hero Aerosmith

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