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Hello, and a test


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Hey, just wondering how many people really pay attention to new people starting threads to say hello.  :)  So, hi there, I'm new here, and if you want to be counted among the cool, friendly, happy-go-lucky WoT readers on my personal (and brand-spankin' new [ooo--shiney!]) list of interesting people to carouse with on these here BBS's, then say hi back!  :D


Aaron Bang


To answer your question, its not necessary to create your own newbie thread, and some people don't. However, we do like it, as it gives us a chance to know you, and for some people, recruit you to their orgs (never a bad thing).


And how many people will say hi to you? You might be suprised.


Oh, and a quick question about the orgs, by that do you mean the "Aiel" and "Asha'man" and "Band of the Red Hand" sites below, or are these larger structures that operate independantly of the forums?





Hello Banger0812! How shall we call you, by the full handle or may we shorten it? For example, I'm Loreina, but people usually shorten it to Lorei. Or We can call you Aaron?  :)


Well, my real name's Aaron Bang, so I really reply to just about everything... Bang, Banger, Aaron, 'Hey, you... yeah, the big guy wearing the Gov't Mule shirt', stuff like that.  Oh, yeah, the guys at my work sometimes call me Big A, too, but I'm not big-overweight, just big in an American Viking in Seattle kinda way. 


Bangeroo  ;D


Sorry for the delay Aaron, my daughter called me from Hawaii.

Gov't Mule?

Is that Mule as in the Roman sense, e.g. a soldier? I have a friend whose hubby's a soldier and they were out your way somewhere. I forget where, they're not there now.




Well, Faelene, the Brotherless make their way as they may, but perhaps fate might find me at the Aiel org, we'll have to see.  Thanks for the oosquai, though!  May you always find shade and water!  :)


Bangeroosquai  :o


Hey bang/Banger.Aaron, hows things, glad you made your own thread, you get your own personal wishes from the people that sit watching these boards ready to pounce... ;D


Orgs are the social side of DM (RP is the other side), all the orgs are part of DM and have hidden boards once you join them (there should be a thread in that org for signing in).


So I'll introduce you to my favs...


The Wolfkin, bunch of fun loveing wolfies, with TQ and Chilli (hands Aaron some), cheerleaders and pirates and out theme is nature.


The Band of the Red Hand is for battlebrew (hands some to Aaron), brawls fun games and music and travel are the themes.


The White Tower...well this describes it's self and you can be a warder or an Aes Sedai, and if you do please drop by the red Ajah we'll give you a warm welcome (and we are nothing like that books so don;t look at me like that please ;) )


Wherever you go please have fun...*snugglebites*




Welcome to Dragonmount!


Basically Orgs are a group of people who have fun together.  ;) Most Orgs have some kind of theme, for example the theme of the Aiel Org is current events and books, but we're so much more than that! Come visit us! We have the best oosquai and the hottest sweat tents.  ;D 


Tayla, your non mention of the Seanchan org cuts me deep.  *wipes away tear* 


*runs away from Tayla, flailing his arms around*


Ummm Seanchan... check us out....


*has meeting to attend that he is late for now*


The Seanchan here at DM provide us with reviews and discussions about the latest in Movies, TV, and games.

Empy is the Boss. *nods*


The Children of Light here are into comedy of all sorts. The bus should be about ready to make another tour, very soon. We aren't really an org, more of a discussion group. If for any reason you can't find us, it'll be because we've been balefired (again).


Aaron, I should warn you that these boards are PG-13, in case you didn't know. We often get young viewers browsing through, and the filters may not always work when they should.  ;)




Oh, and a quick question about the orgs, by that do you mean the "Aiel" and "Asha'man" and "Band of the Red Hand" sites below, or are these larger structures that operate independantly of the forums?





Good question. Firstly, you will notice that most have two boards - one is for the ORGs (the social side), and the other is for the RP (Role Playing) side of DM.


All ORGs are part of DM, each with their own internal rank structure either based on the books or not, and usually have a focus. Due to size and restrictions in the past here at DM, some ORGs have off board sites, and thus can operate independantly of DM. However, slowly over this year, most of this will change with things gradually being brought back to DM - but it is going to be a bumpy ride. I hope that has answered your question.


Feel free to visit the Band of the Red Hand ORG, DM's very own music and travel ORG. We have loads of fun, ranging from brawling to gambling, having duels to having a good laugh and much much more!


Whatever you end up doinghere at DM, just have fun!  :)


hey and welcome, well as everyone has been on bout the org, and i like being different, i'll talk bout  'non' orgie bits like fiddlesticks which is  dragonmounts resident crazy house..and then the other bits like the game board and debates and discussion..though watch it there..you need to make sure to wear your bullet proof vest some say, and as an added bonus, you dont even have to join them, just pop in..or not, when ever you like


anywho, whatever thou dost doeth in fred's last words "be happy, i say be happy"


Hi guys, and thanks for all the info and warmest welcomes from all!  Tayla, my pug gives me snugglebites, and they're the best, so I definitely appreciated the gesture from you!  :)  Everyone else--thanks again for the drinks and advice! *burP!* Ahem, sorry... 


Anyways, sorry I am a bit late in my replies--my other nerdy past-time, painting miniatures, kept me up late and away from the boards last night... well, ok, that happens basically nightly, but i DO check up on 'site while paint/ink is drying, epoxy is setting, etc., etc.. so I'm not TOTALLY gone.  So, I really do appreciate all the guidance and info in here from all you folks.  Another quick question: are there other orgs that haven't been mentioned in the 'non-RPG' side of DM?  Also, when you say things like, "The Children are mostly comedy in here.", does that mean that all they talk about is comedy, or do orgs have socials and/or local/regional gatherings, too?  To me, that would be both scary and rad at the same time!  heh heh! 




hmm yes i have decided what i shall call you (sorry, i kinda have names for everyone): ab fab *nods* tis done ..oh yea.the reason for my post ..so what kinda minatures ya into?..i used to be into the LotR's ones..though havent looked at them for a while..i mean to go back to painting them sometime


Hi Back!


Wow am I late or what??? Welcome to DM.  *hands him a Tequila and a bowl of Chilli*


Come and check out the Wolfkin Org for loads of fun, tequila, chilli, and cheerleaders with tear-away outfits (bow-chika-wou-wou)  ;)


Hope to see you there!


Obviously a representative has already spoken to you about the benefits of joining the internationally renowned Fiddlesticks. So I have very little to say... in fact all I can basically give you is a hello and stuff, which is all lame. So instead have this blender *hands over blender* It has ten different speeds!


*sees the tear in Empy's eye and breaks down with guilt*


The Seanchan vist them they are wonderful...*sobs*...they are the in crowd...light have mercy on me


Will that do  ;)


Hey there Banger!  ;D


As Corki said, the Band is the Music and travel Org and we all have a great time there..or if you choose to join the White Tower Org then you simply must pop by the Green Ajah...we love newbies be they on the warder path or Aes Sedai path..and it's not gender restrictive either...we have girl warders and male Aes Sedai :)


Another quick question: are there other orgs that haven't been mentioned in the 'non-RPG' side of DM?  Also, when you say things like, "The Children are mostly comedy in here.", does that mean that all they talk about is comedy, or do orgs have socials and/or local/regional gatherings, too?

As far as I know, there aren't any org-specific gatherings, although members who are in the same areas do sometimes choose to meet up with each other. There was a big Euromeet in London just last month that was written up in one of the DM announcements.


Also, while most orgs do have a theme, the theme is not the only thing discussed. Mostly the best way to choose an org (or discussion group), if you want to join any of them, is to stop by their boards, read around a bit, and see where you feel most comfortable. Each org has its own atmosphere, and each suits different people in different ways. I'm currently a member of the Seanchan family and the Children of the Light, but I was also in the Band for about a year and had some great times there as well.


So, erm, yeah. Join the Seanchan, we're the cool kids.  ;D  ;)


Thanks for all the tips and drinks, guys, it's all been very helpful! :) 

Oh, to answer the above question about the mini's, I used to work for Games Workshop, so I mostly do Citadel miniatures--Warhammer 40K mostly, but also some LotR and Warhammer Fantasy Battle as well.  I'm a local Tournament champion for the Seattle area, and have a few nice awards to go with my efforts thus far, so I'm pretty proud fo that.  All my friends, especially the RPGers, say that I am 'nerd-sexy', so I guess that's good, too. 




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