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Welcome Falco, Esteban, Kivam, and Karana!


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Welcome to the Seanchan! You are officially members of the org, and so you should feel more than free to join or start threads in the public and private boards. Some easy places to start are the various Simpsons threads that around for our Simpsons theme week, and the Favorite Actor stickied thread, where you vote for your favorite of two actors until we whittle it down to a winner!


Now, our unofficial newbie sack is still full of the last set of newbs, so you will have to forgo the joy that is burlap, but I'm sure the next poster will have a lovely idea of what other things we can do to torture, errr, welcome you.  8)

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Yeah, we're really bad about that. If anyone has suggestions for biddings to make newbs do for us, let me know.  :P


Ooh! ACTUALLY, my bidding for the newbs is for them to come up with at least one NEW bidding each that we can use on future newbs. Funny, embarrassing, serious, whatever, we'll take it and run with it.  ;D


That solves that problem...  8)

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*blinks*  You do know I am not in any way, shape, or form a newbie, right?


And Seggie, last I recall, YEARS ago, you were my Warder in the RP.  Who was the minion then, huh?!  Suck it, Trebek.


yeah for like a week and then your Warder returned and you dropped me like a bad habit.  :'(


and I've never bonded again!  IT is YOUR fault for my broken heart.

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Limericks are overrated

Can't be more plainly stated

That you'd even make the request

Is hard to digest

Your good taste has long since faded


Of all the orgs on mount Dragon

The Seanchan is most off the wagon

Entertainment I guess

is taken in best

by movie-goers who are brown-baggin


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