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What Personality Are You?

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I'm a Gwampy.


No longer brilliant.


Getting lazier every day.


Spam spreader.


Smart Alex.


Loveable as a puppy, just don't pet my nose.


Full of it.


Not really ready for retirement yet...unless...could I afford the internet?  Then I could spam DM all day long!  Maybe I could catch up to Loki Redfern's 11,000 posts!  Naaaa...too much like work.  ;D


So far, I seem to be one of a kind...not many like old Gramps on DM.


Thanks for the use of your posting area.  Feels strange to be posting in a strange place.  Kinda like visiting a foreign country.  Or at least Canada.  Maybe Mexico?  :-\


I'm a Counselor Idealists. If you want to read the long discription it is under Lor's. Hey, Lor we match. Might explain why I mentor youth and work with youth so well.


I'm ESFJ The Guardian.


<quote>Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.


All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the same from others.


ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be contained. They by nature "wear their hearts on their sleeves," often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen.


Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, 'mothering' drive. This sometimes results in swift, immediate action taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however, the prodigal is wrested from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner!


An ESFJ at odds with self is a remarkable sight. When a decision must be made, especially one involving the risk of conflict (abhorrent to ESFJs), there ensues an in-house wrestling match between the aforementioned black-and-white Values and the Nemesis of Discord. The contender pits self against self, once firmly deciding with the Right, then switching to Prudence to forestall hostilities, countered by unswerving Values, ad exhaustium, winner take all.


As caretakers, ESFJs sense danger all around--germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws. The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant' would be more precise. And thus they serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in fields such as medical care and elementary education.




Pahahahaha! The second to last paragraph about an ESFJ being at odds with herself is Classic!  It actually very accurately describes some of the rationalization matches I've had with myself in the mirror of my bathroom when I had a Really Big Problem.  It's at least a little bit reassuring that there are others out there who probably do the same thing.


Gwampy, go take the personality test. Inquiring minds want to know!  ;D




Introverted  --  89%


Intuitive  --  75%


Thinking  --  25%


Judging  --  33%



Stayed up all night studying and still couldn't pass the dadgum test!  >:(


lmao, for 1% of the population there are a hella lot of INTJ's on this site!


Guess kath is right about his being the internet and that screwing he results


ok so the options are:








talks a lot/ quiet (this is around people you might not know well)

Sensing/intuitive (as I under stand it= people person/book person)

Feeling/thinking (humanitarian/more willing to use people)

doesn't plan things ahead of time/plans things ahead of time



basically on the internet you have people who might be more quiet to strangers, people who might be more the solitary type, less in need of dealing with people, people who tend to plan their actions ahead of time.


Inspired by the Red Ajah's discussion of sun signs this week, I present the Meyers-Briggs Personality Sorter.




According to this test, I am INTJ, or Mastermind.


Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it is the contingency planning or entailment organizing role that reaches the highest development in Masterminds. Entailing or contingency planning is not an informative activity, rather it is a directive one in which the planner tells others what to do and in what order to do it. As the organizing capabilities the Masterminds increase so does their inclination to take charge of whatever is going on.


It is in their abilities that Masterminds differ from the other Rationals, while in most of their attitudes they are just like the others. However there is one attitude that sets them apart from other Rationals: they tend to be much more self-confident than the rest, having, for obscure reasons, developed a very strong will. They are rather rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population. Being very judicious, decisions come naturally to them; indeed, they can hardly rest until they have things settled, decided, and set. They are the people who are able to formulate coherent and comprehensive contingency plans, hence contingency organizers or "entailers."


Masterminds will adopt ideas only if they are useful, which is to say if they work efficiently toward accomplishing the Mastermind's well-defined goals. Natural leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once in charge, however, Masterminds are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible for refining their strategies for goal-directed action. In a sense, Masterminds approach reality as they would a giant chess board, always seeking strategies that have a high payoff, and always devising contingency plans in case of error or adversity. To the Mastermind, organizational structure and operational procedures are never arbitrary, never set in concrete, but are quite malleable and can be changed, improved, streamlined. In their drive for efficient action, Masterminds are the most open-minded of all the types. No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained-if it is useful. Masterminds are natural brainstormers, always open to new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them. They are also alert to the consequences of applying new ideas or positions. Theories which cannot be made to work are quickly discarded by the Masterminds. On the other hand, Masterminds can be quite ruthless in implementing effective ideas, seldom counting personal cost in terms of time and energy.


I'll also score out as a Field Marshal pretty frequently, which is ENTJ.  The difference is how outspoken I'm feeling today. Field Marshals  tend to be pushier than Masterminds and less patient.



I didn't read this before.  Sounds like INTJ has at least some of my personality from my younger more aggressive days.  I've mellowed ALOT since then, but I do remember a lot of the above stuff.  Just took me a while to see what was really important.

talks a lot/ quiet (this is around people you might not know well)

Sensing/intuitive (as I under stand it= people person/book person)

Feeling/thinking (humanitarian/more willing to use people)

doesn't plan things ahead of time/plans things ahead of time

Not quite. Here is a summary of what I found here: http://www.myersbriggs.org/my%2Dmbti%2Dpersonality%2Dtype/mbti%2Dbasics/


E/I: prefer to be with and work with other people/prefer to be and work alone

S/N: prefer to focus on basic information/prefer to interpret and add meaning

F/T: prefer emotional, compassionate decisions/prefer logical, consistent decisions

P/J: prefer to leave things open to respond to new info/prefer to have things decided


It gives a lot more info at that site, though :)


Sounds like INTJ has at least some of my personality from my younger more aggressive days.

Where did you get aggressive out of that description? I got INTJ and I'm not an aggressive person. (Unless you mean "aggressive" in the sense of having a drive to get things done, rather than in a violent sense?)


heh, I r violent^^


i just have a *VERY* good sense o self-control literally beat into me^^


edit- and before people start viewing some horrible childhood for myself i usually deserved it. namely I was as a kid *VERY* violent/outspoken and would not hesitate to fight.


This included my older cousins (the youngest of which is 4 years older) and my parents :P


So like I said, usually my fault XD


Wow... Just wow, this got me down perfectly. After reading both of the descriptions it just fits, everything is true.  :o



# slightly expressed extrovert

# distinctively expressed intuitive personality

# slightly expressed thinking personality

# moderately expressed perceiving personality


ENTP - Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving


"Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best. The professor who juggles half a dozen ideas for research papers and grant proposals in his mind while giving a highly entertaining lecture on an abstruse subject is a classic example of the type. So is the stand-up comedian whose lampoons are not only funny, but incisively accurate.


ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their often-impressive skills. They tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate. They sometimes confuse, even inadvertently hurt, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport.


ENTPs are as innovative and ingenious at problem-solving as they are at verbal gymnastics; on occasion, however, they manage to outsmart themselves. This can take the form of getting found out at "sharp practice"--ENTPs have been known to cut corners without regard to the rules if it's expedient -- or simply in the collapse of an over-ambitious juggling act. Both at work and at home, ENTPs are very fond of "toys"--physical or intellectual, the more sophisticated the better. They tend to tire of these quickly, however, and move on to new ones.


ENTPs are basically optimists, but in spite of this (perhaps because of it?), they tend to become extremely petulant about small setbacks and inconveniences. (Major setbacks they tend to regard as challenges, and tackle with determin- ation.) ENTPs have little patience with those they consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. However, they do tend to be extremely genial, if not charming, when not being harassed by life in general.


In terms of their relationships with others, ENTPs are capable of bonding very closely and, initially, suddenly, with their loved ones. Some appear to be deceptively offhand with their nearest and dearest; others are so demonstrative that they succeed in shocking co-workers who've only seen their professional side. ENTPs are also good at acquiring friends who are as clever and entertaining as they are. Aside from those two areas, ENTPs tend to be oblivious of the rest of humanity, except as an audience -- good, bad, or potential.



  • Moderator

Yeah, its sort of amazing how accurate this can be. The first time I took this, I was in high school. I was in a sort of weird, combo honors english/ economics/government class my senior year. The teachers used this to sort us into groups that we stuck with all year. It worked pretty well for about 90% of the groups.


They use this test and tests similar to it in the workplace. Understanding different styles of communication is very important.  Usually you take them as a group, then share your results with your co-workers. Its supposed to promote a better working environment, because now you understand each other better.


So far we have:


INTJ : 9

ISFJ : 6

INFJ : 4

ENTP : 3

ESFJ : 2

ENFJ : 1

ISTJ : 1

ENFP : 1


Veeerrrry Interesting!  :)



talks a lot/ quiet (this is around people you might not know well)

Sensing/intuitive (as I under stand it= people person/book person)

Feeling/thinking (humanitarian/more willing to use people)

doesn't plan things ahead of time/plans things ahead of time

Not quite. Here is a summary of what I found here: http://www.myersbriggs.org/my%2Dmbti%2Dpersonality%2Dtype/mbti%2Dbasics/


E/I: prefer to be with and work with other people/prefer to be and work alone

S/N: prefer to focus on basic information/prefer to interpret and add meaning

F/T: prefer emotional, compassionate decisions/prefer logical, consistent decisions

P/J: prefer to leave things open to respond to new info/prefer to have things decided


It gives a lot more info at that site, though :)


Sounds like INTJ has at least some of my personality from my younger more aggressive days.

Where did you get aggressive out of that description? I got INTJ and I'm not an aggressive person. (Unless you mean "aggressive" in the sense of having a drive to get things done, rather than in a violent sense?)


I used to hurry alot...I used to worry alot...


Maybe instead of aggressive, I should have said impulsive?


Anyway, "not mellow".  More intense?  More involved?  Less wise?


Gotta go...Aretha Franklin is on the radio.  ;D


Well I still got :




You are:

very expressed extravert


slightly expressed sensing personality


distinctively expressed feeling personality


slightly expressed judging personality



Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes.


All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the same from others.


ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be contained. They by nature "wear their hearts on their sleeves," often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen.


Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, 'mothering' drive. This sometimes results in swift, immediate action taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however, the prodigal is wrested from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner!


An ESFJ at odds with self is a remarkable sight. When a decision must be made, especially one involving the risk of conflict (abhorrent to ESFJs), there ensues an in-house wrestling match between the aforementioned black-and-white Values and the Nemesis of Discord. The contender pits self against self, once firmly deciding with the Right, then switching to Prudence to forestall hostilities, countered by unswerving Values, ad exhaustium, winner take all.


As caretakers, ESFJs sense danger all around--germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws. The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant' would be more precise. And thus they serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in fields such as medical care and elementary education.


Famous ESFJs:

U.S. Presidents:

William McKinley

William J. Clinton

Jack Benny

Desi Arnaz ("Ricky Ricardo")

Don Knotts ("Barney Fife")

John Connally (former Governor of Texas)

Terry Bradshaw, NFL quarterback

Sally Struthers (All in the Family)

Mary Tyler Moore

Dixie Carter (Designing Women)

Steve Spurrier, Heismann trophy winner, Univ. of Fla. football coach

Sally Field

Danny Glover, actor (Lethal Weapon movies, Predator 2 Margaret Butt

Nancy Kerrigan (U.S. olympic figureskater)

Elvis Stojko (Canadian olympic figureskater)



Fictional ESFJs:

Babbitt (Sinclair Lewis)

Hoss Cartwright (Bonanza)

Leonard "Bones" McCoy (Star Trek)

Monica (Friends)

Haleh (ER)

Donald Duck

Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh



I'm like Sam.


Sam is my daughter's dog.


He's part Malemute (sp?) and part Golden Retriever.


The vet says his belly is getting too big, too.


Anyway, most of the time Sammy is lay back.  He likes to watch what's going on and will get involved when the mood strikes him.  He is far from violent, but I would hate to be a prowler if he is near my grand son (he is very big and strong and has a good set of choppers...it would not be a pretty sight).  Every now and then Sam looks like he is smiling at what's going on.  Sam has the ability to take charge when he has to (if the other dog gets out of hand) but most of the time he is content to be alive and enjoy life.  Especially if someone has something to eat!


Yup.  That's my personality.  Sammy.  :)



My JuJu is the female version of Sammy. She's predominantly bulldog like her dad, but mom was an Australian sheepdog. She's a deep-chested barker and, at 88 pounds, a formidable obstacle to my front door.

She's also a lap baby.

Yeah, that's what I said. Momma's li'l darlin'.




Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving 


ENFPs are friendly folks. Most are really enjoyable people. Some of the most soft-hearted people are ENFPs.


ENFPs have what some call a "silly switch." They can be intellectual, serious, all business for a while, but whenever they get the chance, they flip that switch and become CAPTAIN WILDCHILD, the scourge of the swimming pool, ticklers par excellence. Som etimes they may even appear intoxicated when the "switch" is flipped.


One study has shown that ENFPs are significantly overrepresented in psychodrama. Most have a natural propensity for role-playing and acting.


ENFPs like to tell funny stories, especially about their friends. This penchant may be why many are attracted to journalism. I kid one of my ENFP friends that if I want the sixth fleet to know something, I'll just tell him.


ENFPs are global learners. Close enough is satisfactory to the ENFP, which may unnerve more precise thinking types, especially with such things as piano practice ("three quarter notes or four ... what's the difference?") Amazingly, some ENFPs are adept at exacting disciplines such as mathematics.


Friends are what life is about to ENFPs, moreso even than the other NFs. They hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals. ENFPs are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone , especially on a regular basis.


One ENFP colleague, a social worker, had such tremendous interpersonal skills that she put her interviewers at ease during her own job interview. She had the ability to make strangers feel like old friends.


ENFPs sometimes can be blindsided by their secondary Feeling function. Hasty decisions based on deeply felt values may boil over with unpredictable results. More than one ENFP has abruptly quit a job in such a moment.

I used to hurry alot...I used to worry alot...


Maybe instead of aggressive, I should have said impulsive?


Anyway, "not mellow".  More intense?  More involved?  Less wise?

"Involved" fits, I think, but "impulsive" seems the complete opposite of the description Kath posted. I read it again, though, and it does use the word "aggressively," so I bet that's where you got it. It's in the sense of aggressively pursuing something, rather than in a violent sense. I don't think that necessarily means that you're a hurrier or a worrier though. I'm not a hurrier at all, and I don't think I worry more than the average person. *shrug*


As for the "less wise" part, well, everyone is less wise when they're younger, so that isn't restricted to any one personality type.


I used to hurry alot...I used to worry alot...


Maybe instead of aggressive, I should have said impulsive?


Anyway, "not mellow".  More intense?  More involved?  Less wise?

"Involved" fits, I think, but "impulsive" seems the complete opposite of the description Kath posted. I read it again, though, and it does use the word "aggressively," so I bet that's where you got it. It's in the sense of aggressively pursuing something, rather than in a violent sense. I don't think that necessarily means that you're a hurrier or a worrier though. I'm not a hurrier at all, and I don't think I worry more than the average person. *shrug*


As for the "less wise" part, well, everyone is less wise when they're younger, so that isn't restricted to any one personality type.


I still possess the influence of my younger years (you should see how careful I am about correcting typing errors and how I fret over spelling).  But, the "wiser" part of me has come to realize over the years that I spent far too much of my younger life trying to impress and please people who did not appreciate it but took me for granted.  When you always work seven days a week, the overtime becomes normal.  I became normal instead of special.  So, now, I'm trying to learn to think more of my own pleasures in life.  I still catch myself falling back into my old habits, but maybe by the time I decide to retire I'll be able to relax and enjoy it instead of worrying about what isn't getting done and where I'll get the money to do whatever with.


INFP (looks like I'm a first! ;) )

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving


very expressed introvert


distinctively expressed intuitive personality


slightly expressed feeling personality


moderately expressed perceiving personality



Healer Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in striving for their ends, and investigative and attentive in their interpersonal relations. Healer present a seemingly tranquil, and noticiably pleasant face to the world, and though to all appearances they might seem reserved, and even shy, on the inside they are anything but reserved, having a capacity for caring not always found in other types. They care deeply-indeed, passionately-about a few special persons or a favorite cause, and their fervent aim is to bring peace and integrity to their loved ones and the world.


Healers have a profound sense of idealism derived from a strong personal morality, and they conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place. Indeed, to understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith, like Sir Galahad or Joan of Arc. Healers are found in only 1 percent of the general population, although, at times, their idealism leaves them feeling even more isolated from the rest of humanity.


Healers seek unity in their lives, unity of body and mind, emotions and intellect, perhaps because they are likely to have a sense of inner division threaded through their lives, which comes from their often unhappy childhood. Healers live a fantasy-filled childhood, which, unfortunately, is discouraged or even punished by many parents. In a practical-minded family, required by their parents to be sociable and industrious in concrete ways, and also given down-to-earth siblings who conform to these parental expectations, Healers come to see themselves as ugly ducklings. Other types usually shrug off parental expectations that do not fit them, but not the Healers. Wishing to please their parents and siblings, but not knowing quite how to do it, they try to hide their differences, believing they are bad to be so fanciful, so unlike their more solid brothers and sisters. They wonder, some of them for the rest of their lives, whether they are OK. They are quite OK, just different from the rest of their family-swans reared in a family of ducks. Even so, to realize and really believe this is not easy for them. Deeply committed to the positive and the good, yet taught to believe there is evil in them, Healers can come to develop a certain fascination with the problem of good and evil, sacred and profane. Healers are drawn toward purity, but can become engrossed with the profane, continuously on the lookout for the wickedness that lurks within them. Then, when Healers believe thay have yielded to an impure temptation, they may be given to acts of self-sacrifice in atonement. Others seldom detect this inner turmoil, however, for the struggle between good and evil is within the Healer, who does not feel compelled to make the issue public.


Famous INFPs:



Mary, mother of Jesus

St. John, the beloved disciple

St. Luke; physician, disciple, author

William Shakespeare, bard of Avon

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Evangeline)

A. A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh)

Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House on the Prairie)

Helen Keller, deaf and blind author

Carl Rogers, reflective psychologist, counselor

Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers' Neighborhood)

Dick Clark (American Bandstand)

Donna Reed, actor (It's a Wonderful Life)

Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis

Neil Diamond, vocalist

Tom Brokaw, news anchor

James Herriot (All Creatures Great and Small)

Annie Dillard (Pilgrim at Tinker Creek)

James Taylor, vocalist

Julia Roberts, actor (Conspiracy Theory, Pretty Woman)

Scott Bakula (Quantum Leap)

Terri Gross (PBS's "Fresh Air")

Amy Tan (author of The Joy-Luck Club, The Kitchen God's Wife)

John F. Kennedy, Jr.

Lisa Kudrow ("Phoebe" of Friends)

Fred Savage ("The Wonder Years")



Fictional INFPs:

Anne (Anne of Green Gables)

Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)

Deanna Troi (Star Trek - The Next Generation)

Wesley Crusher (Star Trek - The Next Generation)

Doctor Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)

Bastian (The Neverending Story)

E.T.: the ExtraTerrestrial

Doug Funny, Doug cartoons

Tommy, Rug Rats cartoons

Rocko, Rocko's Modern Life cartoons




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