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Hi, my name is Kostadin, it's strange i now. That is becose I am a bulgarian.

Im here becose i want to test my english and ofcourse becose i am Wot fan. I am 13. My hobbies are sitting on compueter and read books. Specialy fantasy books.

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*saunters with two bottles of tequila and two bowls of chilli*  Welcome, mate! *hands Petri a bottle of Tequila and a bowl of Chilli*  I hope you enjoy yourself around here.  Be sure to drop by and pay us a visit at the wolfkin, we are a crazy bunch and we have a really good time at the stedding.  Oh, and we love visitors.  Just stop in the Wolfkin Org and post a new thread saying that you are new and I promise you, you will recieve a welcome like no other.  ;)


So I hope to see you around, mate!  Have any questions about the workings of DM, just ask!  *clinks TQ bottles with Petri*  Cheers!!!  :D

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I think one of our reds is Bulgarian, so welcome to DM Petri,


Just pop along and have a look at the Orgs and if you are interested just add yourself to the sign up thread or start your own thread.


As Dos said the Wolfies are fun adn have TQ and Chilli, The Band is great for Brews, brawls and banders..And if you are brave enough...pop by the White tower and introduce yourself to the Red Ajah there, we'll take good care of you ;)

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Bulgaria??  Can you introduce me to Viktor Krum??  ;D


I think Mystica of the Reds and the Band is from Bulgaria, but I may be mistaken. Welcome to DM!!


If you're interested in sharing some of your favorite Bulgarian tv or movies, please stop by the Seanchan Org, and start a thread! Most of our discussions are about American or UK subjects, but we'd love to hear from DM members in other countries about the entertainment they like!

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But I think Morrigan is from Bulgaria - so why not join the Band and find a fellow Bulgarian?? ;) Other reasons include music and travel (that is our ORG focus), Brew (as mentioned by Talya), brawls, and much much more!


Have lots of fun with whatever you end up doing at DM.  :)

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Welcome back to Dragonmount Kostadin.


Please consider visiting the Aiel Org. Even if you don’t plan on joining at least come by for some oosquai and be treated to Aiel hospitality.

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May be some of you can wait, becose first I must look and understand what are these "organisations".

An ORG is a smaller community of DM typically based around a theme, for example, the Band of the Red Hand focuses on music and travel, while the Seanchan is your entertainment ORG. Most ORGs have a rank structure, which you advance up by doing stuff to gain points etc. Also, each ORG tries to replicate a group from the books as best as they can. To sum ORGs up, they are a place to be social and get to know people from DM.



Edit: I forgot to ask what I must do when I join in 'ORG???

It depends on the ORG. Most ORGs will have a sign up thread to say you are joining...then, each ORG will have a different way to help you find your feet.


I hope I have answered your questions. Just ask more if you have them and I, or someone else, will answer to the best of our ability.  :)



And a top tip from the ORG Leader of the Band of the Red Hand - start with a couple ORGs, but not too many as it can become too much. I also suggest checking the Band of the Red Hand out first, followed by the Seanchan.

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