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Ok seems I'm all caught up.


D1 Town Passes from leans:





Day 1 Free Pass


Sooh (cause it's a promise from many games I tunneled and or got her mislynched as T/T tragedy so I always give her till Day 2.  She hasn't really pinged me ATP tho fwiw.


Null to Could be either






Don or Dan sorry can't remember the name lol but I can barely remember any posts from this slot.


New players tend to be Null Day 1 for me but


I can't make sense of Heavy since they claim. To be new.  I've listed numerous times why and nothing's changed for me ATP.


I forgot I had already invited Turin and voted Heavy tho they shaded me for not doing so....lol.


I'm keeping my vote here ATP.


Like won't oppose WTSL:  Willing To See Lunched and not oppose too much.


Cairos and Gru and maybe Andy but I wanna try and see if ISO still works here and go thru these 3 especially.


Heavy obv my choice to hang today.

  On 3/3/2025 at 3:27 PM, Zander? said:

Ok seems I'm all caught up.


D1 Town Passes from leans:





Day 1 Free Pass


Sooh (cause it's a promise from many games I tunneled and or got her mislynched as T/T tragedy so I always give her till Day 2.  She hasn't really pinged me ATP tho fwiw.


Null to Could be either






Don or Dan sorry can't remember the name lol but I can barely remember any posts from this slot.


New players tend to be Null Day 1 for me but


I can't make sense of Heavy since they claim. To be new.  I've listed numerous times why and nothing's changed for me ATP.


I forgot I had already invited Turin and voted Heavy tho they shaded me for not doing so....lol.


I'm keeping my vote here ATP.


Like won't oppose WTSL:  Willing To See Lunched and not oppose too much.


Cairos and Gru and maybe Andy but I wanna try and see if ISO still works here and go thru these 3 especially.


Heavy obv my choice to hang today.



I forgot about Mills ...I'm not sure what I make of the face I forgot he was playing lol.


So to make clearer were definitely not lynching Dice Turin Sooh today (lolme if that's the Wolfteam lolololol.


I'm obv not gonna be mislynched today.


So that leaves 6 players.





Don or Dan (sorry I forgot how I was gonna abbreviate your name lol)




This is today's lunch menu.


So I'd like EVERYONE to give me a 3 person willing to lunch today list from these 6 players and in order with reasons.  


If we're wrong today and it's a mislynch and I'm the NK choice tonight there always 99% min at least 1 Wolf in Turin/Dice/Sooh so please keep this mind if I'm not here tomorrow.




I gotta bail for a couple hours and run some errands.  Will be back.  Everyone please give me that 3 player willing to lunch today list from the 6 possible lunches today with reasons.

  On 3/3/2025 at 2:28 PM, Zander? said:



Please because you both know in dumb just quickly explain EOD setup and in how many hours DL is please because I struggle with the new site formats and playing from my phone....I love you guys! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


This is a hammer game so once the required number to lynch happens day is officially over (we may have to wait for scene cause Ithi is working currently). If the number required( 6 today) is not reached by deadline, which is 10pm UK time (5pm eastern, 2pm pacific), then the is NO LYNCH and.it goes directly to night phase.

  On 3/3/2025 at 2:33 PM, Zander? said:


Remember my promise to not put a hard read on you till Day2 will forever be in effect Soohray !!!!!!


I'm not like locked in on them being W/W ATP I'm just saying if I'm gone and one of then flips Wolf and the other is Lock Clear then look hard at the other.


Should that say NOT LOCK CLEAR?cause this doesn't make sense. 


What would you say about Dice if I'm killed and flip town?


Holy cow. I feel like such a dope. I finally got into DM on my work computer and I missed SO MUCH. I truly hate using my phone for DM. I missed so many hello posts and how you doings and pics and interactions. No wonder my first instinct on Heavy sounded dumb. Every other person and their mom was saying I'm Townie Towniest. Mayor of Townington. Ugh ....I am trying to do a full read through from the start now before the EOD. So glad I can use my work computer!!!!






TURIN - 1  (Andy)

CAIROS - 4 (Dice, Turin, Sooh, Gudrean)

HEAVY - 2 (Millon, Zander)

ZANDER - 1 (Heavy)

ANDY - 1 (Cairos)


NOT VOTING - Donchadh


6 to Lynch - Hammer Game


End of Day 1 Timer




Votes in Bold Red. You must Unvote before changing your vote.


it means one person has 4 votes.  You need 6 votes to Lynch. So in Mafia games this would be classed a L-2


If a person gets 5 votes you would be at L-1


Cos in a Hammer Game, which this is, as soon as there are enough votes, the Lynch will happen, even if the Day timer has not run out.

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:29 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Mainly, was the manner of her vote on me. She joked about with other people and kinda just slid the vote on with minimal reasoning.  Plus, to use a Zanderism,  she was 2nd on a bad train.

There hasn't been much solve coming out of her until the one post mentioned a bit ago. 


Since people are asking about "the thing". It was activity based. Earlier in the game she was pretty silent here but was quite active elsewhere on DM. I know because I was in those threads too while posting here. I have found that it is common for new wolves to be unsure of what to do and lurk early until they have had a chance to contact their teammates and/or get a better feel for the game. I have since decided to disregard that as I'm thinking that it is just as likely to happen as a townie given her posting about not wanting  to "throw dirt" I think was her term. 


I think it's ok to reveal that I was silent here at the beginning because I was asking Ithi questions about how the game is played LOL You guys launched right into it and I was still trying to makes sense of what I was supposed to do. 


When the first player voted, I figured it was time to vote (I did not know then that we can unvote and that it would take DOZENS of pages per day). I went with what I information I had at the time, and I stand by my impression that this remark was suspicious. But now, I see that people go into MUCH deeper reasoning... hence the post where I explain my reasoning. Now, I take the time to observe before commenting. Also, I just figured out the multi-quoting thing, yays!!


  On 3/3/2025 at 3:09 PM, Zander? said:


Man this Cairo's wagon building is starting to feel a little too much LHF fruit Scum push.  Especially with no real counter wagon unless the Wagons have changed and I'm not up to date.


This sounds like a wolf team that got what they wanted and now tries to pretend it wasn't their doing so they don't look like they were leading it all along... 


  On 3/3/2025 at 3:07 PM, Zander? said:


Turin is now locked D1 Villa for me


Yeah, and that tracks with what I'd expect if these experienced players work in cahoots. 




TURIN - 1  (Andy)

CAIROS - 3 (Dice, Sooh, Gudrean)

HEAVY - 2 (Millon, Zander)

ZANDER - 1 (Heavy)

ANDY - 1 (Cairos)


NOT VOTING - Donchadh, Turin


6 to Lynch - Hammer Game


End of Day 1 Timer




Votes in Bold Red. You must Unvote before changing your vote.


That's reasonable Andy. I don't  think I'm likely to be lynched today. Are you saying you're only interested in lynching from me, Dice and Zander?


Could you give your list.of players you trust most to least? Maybe with a sentence about how you feel?

  Reveal hidden contents



I'm gonna try to do a re-read while at the dentist and it might affect my vote. Will try to get back on when I get home.

  On 3/3/2025 at 4:58 PM, Turin Turambar said:

That's reasonable Andy. I don't  think I'm likely to be lynched today. Are you saying you're only interested in lynching from me, Dice and Zander?


Could you give your list.of players you trust most to least? Maybe with a sentence about how you feel?

  Reveal hidden contents



Well, this introduces something else: who is likely to be voted out and how that should or shouldn't influence a vote beyond existing reasons / or lack thereof... OK, I need to think about that a bit.


Experienced players, how does that factor into your vote?


We should always lynch here. Even if it's wrong, it'll give us info about the people willing to vote and not, and for what reasons they voted or didn't. 


I have to put kids to bed, and I'll try to be at least current later. Probably not going back to analyze, so my thoughts on Andy I'll get back to tomorrow unless she says something else that pings me one way or another. 


But yes, let's aim to get a hammer down at least 5 mins before deadline please.


I'm not sure what you're asking here Andy. Sooh is correct though. We absolutely need to get a lynch. We get more info if we can get a reasonable competing train to form. 


I think you are voting me. I don't think I'm a viable train but you never know. Maybe mafia will think it worth it to try.

  On 3/3/2025 at 2:51 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

This is sus. You aren't making an argument against me but still casting shade. 100% wolf behaviour. If I die note this well. 


I will literally fall over laughing if it is Heavy and Zander making this all up in wolf chat. And not be mad at all.

  Reveal hidden contents



Technical question for everyone.  I'm old so I really don't know. I play on my phone using the DM app. Even when I open DM thru chrome I only get the mobile version.  It is difficult to post and keep my place while reading. Can you have 2 text windows open at once? How? 

  On 3/3/2025 at 10:10 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I'm talking about Turin and Dice being so suspicious of Zander's memes in the first ten minutes of the game. I get we don't have a lot to go at that point, but shoildnt we be reserving judgement until we see a pattern? 


That said Zander did choose those memes and subjects deliberately so... 



I was what?


  On 3/3/2025 at 10:15 AM, Sooh said:

Can you quote where Dice has been suspicious of Z? I didn't get that impression that he was, so I was wondering if this was a you-thing reading into it, or if I truly missed something here.



Sooh beat me to my response


  On 3/3/2025 at 11:01 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I cannot see the original post that made me think Dice was overreacting (allegedly) to Zander. Here though we can see him not denying his suspicion but rationalising it 


So tricky. You are all sus. 


I think Mills is flying a bit under the radar. He seemed a bit too keen to latch onto "towniest of townies", a bit too keen to back up a Turin vote, a little bit too quiet (though real life obviously way more important, even for a wolf). And Donchadh also backed up Turin vote without adding to the vote themselves. 


Not sure about Cairos. Some red flags, but some based on other people's behaviour other than  his own. 


And everyone wants to believe Sooh. That reasonable voice, gentle humour, the way she intelligently sees there is nothing sus about the way I'm playing - or she knows for certain I'm town therefore can easily back me up for town brownie points. 


Until people start to reacting to who dies, who gets lynched, etc, this is all a big nothing burger imo. 



headdesk. I already TOLD you, Zander doing memes isnt a red flag for me. im used to it. Its just Zander. Be glad he hasnt gone all in on the music clips.



  On 3/3/2025 at 2:18 PM, Zander? said:


Beating Cavs is an Infantryman's 4th favorite thing to do in order behind..


1.  Winning

2. Women 

3. Wine

4. Whooping Calvary's butts 





Pity you dont get any of those except number 3....which makes you think your capable of the others....



  On 3/3/2025 at 2:23 PM, Zander? said:




You know I've never ever ever randed Wolf in over 100 games of Mafia only Villa and Minority Villa.....lolololol



oh really??  Points to his own face and arms where the bus tyre marks can still be seen...




  On 3/3/2025 at 3:09 PM, Zander? said:


Man this Cairo's wagon building is starting to feel a little too much LHF fruit Scum push.  Especially with no real counter wagon unless the Wagons have changed and I'm not up to date.



It sat at 2 votes until less then 12 hrs before DL


  On 3/3/2025 at 3:14 PM, Andy MacLeod said:

24??? 24 PAGES?? Ouch, I may never sleep again if that's what I have to catch up on when I wake up 😱



Welcome to my world. Waking up to a MINIMUM of 20 page catch ups is what im used to. even if Zanders not in the game



  On 3/3/2025 at 3:19 PM, Zander? said:


I don't hate your response hear.  It's not changing a read on you either way but I don't hate it.  My point still stands irt Cairo's and his Wagon.  I mean we could have a Wolf pelt but I don't like meh trains on D1 that build quick and early with no Counter Wagon much more often it's a Villa flip than a Wolf flip.



Your point is invalid. see above


  On 3/3/2025 at 3:37 PM, Zander? said:


I forgot about Mills ...I'm not sure what I make of the face I forgot he was playing lol.


So to make clearer were definitely not lynching Dice Turin Sooh today (lolme if that's the Wolfteam lolololol.


I'm obv not gonna be mislynched today.


So that leaves 6 players.





Don or Dan (sorry I forgot how I was gonna abbreviate your name lol)




This is today's lunch menu.


So I'd like EVERYONE to give me a 3 person willing to lunch today list from these 6 players and in order with reasons.  


If we're wrong today and it's a mislynch and I'm the NK choice tonight there always 99% min at least 1 Wolf in Turin/Dice/Sooh so please keep this mind if I'm not here tomorrow.





1 Cairos

2 cairos

3 cairos



and i wont be around for last minute consolidation voting




  On 3/3/2025 at 5:15 PM, Andy MacLeod said:

Well, this introduces something else: who is likely to be voted out and how that should or shouldn't influence a vote beyond existing reasons / or lack thereof... OK, I need to think about that a bit.


Experienced players, how does that factor into your vote?




not sure im getting this.  Do you mean how do we factor in the possible next things after someones lynched?


So. Turin. What's I'd your read on the fact that Turin has been pushing Cairos since the Zander lock clear meme, and immediately after I point out that if Cairos flips town, Turin will be pretty deeply incriminated, he unvotes and starts sounding out a different "train", is that the right term? 


Could you as an experienced wolf, sorry, player, talk us through these machinations? 

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