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On 9/23/2023 at 2:07 PM, Meskell said:

None of the second half of your post is possible with the adam. The suldam decides when the damane embraces the source, decides exactly what happens once the source is embraced and decides once the damane is to pull away from the source. 

There is no possibility of self rescue, resistance or causing accidents. The domination is whole and complete at all times. 


On 9/23/2023 at 2:13 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I think that underestimates the sul'dam and the a'dam. They are not naive, and have broken hundreds of marath'damane so I think they would ask such questions as, you would never try to hurt yourself, or you would always obey, or such. And you cannot lie. I think in the books there was mention of not being able to cut fruit if you thought about hurting yourself with the knife. So that would mean that you could not think of hurting yourself with the power or you would be prevented from touching the source as long as you thought of it as a way hurting yourself, even potentially. It does not let you pretend to obey, Egwene was not refusing to pour the water - she couldn't until she had convinced herself that she would never ever even consider hitting Renna with it. You must obey completely, not pretend to do so, as I understood it at least. Just like if they gave you a new name, you could not internally still call yourself by your old one, you had to convince yourself that it was your name, that you wanted it to be your name, that you would always want it to be your name, because through the a'dam they can read your feelings at least if not your thoughts, and if they tell you to be happy about your new name you have to be, or they will know, and punish you without end until you really are happy.


Edit: like what they said, with fewer words and better. 

well, episode 8 proves me right.

2 hours ago, king of nowhere said:


well, episode 8 proves me right.

Episode 8 spoilers.



No, no it doesn't, as long as Egwene thought of that a'dam as something to hurt Renna with she could not have touched it. And even if you say, collaring someone is not hurting them per se, that is exactly how she used it, so would have been forbidden. Plus I guess they use the idea that the two a'dam cancel each other out or something, or how could she do what she did with the Power? To get this self-freedom, they broke their own rules, and introduced new ones. Cheating is wrong, it most certainly does not make you right. The whole point of an a'dam is that there are no loopholes. Pretending there is one, undermines the horror and helplessness of the damane. Episode 8 proves I was right, there is no way to get out of it without totally contradicting your own lore. So there, nana nana na na. (And I have my thumbs in my ears and am wiggling my flingers as I say this. Oh yes, I went there.)


10 minutes ago, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Episode 8 spoilers.


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No, no it doesn't, as long as Egwene thought of that a'dam as something to hurt Renna with she could not have touched it. And even if you say, collaring someone is not hurting them per se, that is exactly how she used it, so would have been forbidden. Plus I guess they use the idea that the two a'dam cancel each other out or something, or how could she do what she did with the Power? To get this self-freedom, they broke their own rules, and introduced new ones. Cheating is wrong, it most certainly does not make you right. The whole point of an a'dam is that there are no loopholes. Pretending there is one, undermines the horror and helplessness of the damane. Episode 8 proves I was right, there is no way to get out of it without totally contradicting your own lore. So there, nana nana na na. (And I have my thumbs in my ears and am wiggling my flingers as I say this. Oh yes, I went there.)


no, i wasn't referring to that of that.

I'm talking of the "wait until they allow you to use the power in battle, and then cause some "accidental" friendly fire" before your suldam realizes it.


This is totally the wrong thread, dude.



That did not happen, the a'dam should prevent you from weaponising anything, including the One Power, including an a'dam. The show does not in anyway justify what Egwene does in collaring Renna, nor how she acts after collaring her. Makes good TV, her making good on her promise is brutal and also highlights how Renna was not trying to kill Egwene but mould her, whereas Egwene did not give a, well anything you care to mention. You were not right, and you are not right. The a'dam does not let you do stuff like that period. The pitcher shows you cannot touch anything you think of as a weapon against a sul'dam or yourself. I don't get why they changed it, she needed help anyway from the totally unrealistic trebuchets, when Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nynaeve and Elayne at least were within a stone's throw of her. Makes no sense to me.


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