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Slinky-slank mafia


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1 hour ago, Cory Caboose said:

The imagery of dice getting lynched as the result of a literal dice roll was more poetic in the end

Id be curious to your thoughts on me that game and how you think that compares to this one btw. I know I was playing as an alt basically but am probably still obvious for anyone who knows me well enough


irt Voodoo - Also a big fan. He was a great newbie Fireball and I felt pretty good getting him right. I get what you’re saying about the communication switch but I think the difference lies in how people are handling him this game (Darthe basically) versus how we did in Fireball. I don’t think the pressure to conform is the same because it wasn’t really there in the other game so much 

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Answering Clov’s question first because it’s a pretty good thought organizer for me since there was a lot to chew on and I just wanna thought dump for a bit…


Group 1 - Save Z? Toss up between him and Darthe. I would eliminate Leelou over these two regardless here despite my earlier statements because after a day basking in the lazy river I think I was too generous for tone and ~presence during the fluffier parts of the game and should probably keep her lower

Group 2 - Save Voodoo maybe? Could also go Dice here. His Leelou/Hallia read is pretty dicey and I like it. Part of me thinks SD would be the type to lean into the jester style as scum which might make them a slightly better elim than Verb who is otherwise a blind one (but would be awesome for the memes)


Group 3 - I’ll echo Dice here and save Tripped to see what happens N1 with the other two. That leaves Hally who I am sorta spooked to really say at this point. The interactions with Dice don’t really give me T/T vibes and I think historically they tend to clash so I am definitely more wary. 

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5 hours ago, dicetosser1 said:


I can see what Zanders saying here. If he wasnt new id say he is too firm on his read. It is correct but still im not lock clear. 


Im kinda figuring its a combo of two things. Newness and having the same reads on the same people.



Already made it clear I think Leelou.


Never with me or darthe.  Everyone else is a possibility



This what you talking about @Darthe?


Basically he seems certain im Town, which I am, but its not like Ive done anything to make anyone snap their fingers and go "Dice is definetly Town" 


Im leaning town but am wary that i am getting set up.  If I AM getting setup I think that points to an oldie here.


That what you were after? if something else quote it and i will answer


3 hours ago, TrippedOnReality said:

Cory, did the last game you played with voodoo only had one mafia?  I thought i saw that mentioned earlier.


I was the mafia that game

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Darthe - Great D1 so far but I sense he’s gotten to the point where he just needs a flip to progress. I think the way he has navigated the game goes beyond being right or wrong in his reads before any flips.

dicetosser1 - Dice coming in with against the grain reads tends to get my attention. He hasn’t voted Hallia yet but I do expect that’s where he wants to go. Burying his vote is not outside his wolf range but the lead up matters. I also liked his answer to Tripped’s question where he said Darthe would never be aligned with Hally. I have a pretty good idea why he answered that way which I take as a good sign.

Cory Caboose - shook the game up as one would expect. I want to say his suspicion is genuine because despite all the mention of Spirited Away I have wolfed against Cory numerous other times and lost so he has probably seen the most of my scum range out of anyone. pinging loose/lazy play makes sense with that one (and only) time I was lynched as scum D1. All that’s to say is the basis of the read is there. It stings a little because it’s shades of “you’re better than this” but I get it. How are you seeing Hallia/Dice currently? 

Clovdyx - same territory as Darthe. I don’t have anything really unique to say here. 

VooDooNut - has a mix of the same attitude from his first game with signs of growth you might expect in the second. I think the interactions with Darthe were largely beneficial and his last bigger post where he says he’s outclassed read genuine to me.

Leelou - Good tone in fluffy stage of game which made me throw out an early town read but like Tripped noted they are trending down a bit and light in content now that the water is deeper. The SD sus I could see either way

Verbal32 - nothing really to say until he joins in. Will probably be pissed there is 35+ pages to read lol

Hallia - it’s like a flip switched and I’m struggling not to scum read most of her posts now. I’ve seen this a similar scenario between dice and Hally play out and she flipped mafia. Something that gives me pause is I don’t think she’s said much about me at all which I think she’d try to do more as scum, but maybe it’s because Darthe has already occupied that space 😉 

TrippedOnReality - Tripped is really good. She seems to sense the dynamic between Hally/Dice brewing and I like how she interjected immediately to question both. I liked her leelou observation. I also thought her takeaway from the SD randgate talk was reasonable 

SinisterDeath - Who moderates the moderators? I wouldn’t go out as far onto the limb as Clov and declare SD unlynchable because I do think he is at least entertained by the idea of being a trolly wolf based on some of the stuff he said. He was only alive D1 in Fireball but his play did have similar elements of memey votes and open speculation that can seem ~random. TWTBAW/LHF territory. 

Zander? - Has sort of slipped behind others but not in a bad way per se. There are a lot of chiefs itt so I don’t fault him for not being front and center. Would really appreciate your insight on Hally since you noted how you/Dice have it opposite and you want to lunch him

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Right now I’d vote between Leelou/Hallia. In some capacity the majority of players itt have expressed some concern about them individually or otherwise and I think that’s ~compelling and offers a lot of info. I’m sort of leap of faith reading Dice here as I’m aware he’s a counter wagon but the game goes nowhere without flips and I don’t want his yet

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Official* Vote Count**


Clov - Leelou

SinisterDeath - SinisterDeath

Dice - Zander, Darthe, Hallia

Leelou - Clov, Cory

Hallia - AJ, Dice


Not voting: Verbal, Tripped, VooDoo 



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*Unless I screw it up. 


** I am somewhat of a covidzombie, honestly not sure if/how much I'll be able to be around between now and DL.


Sooh has mentioned she should be able to get back to thread about an hour prior to DL. 


Gglglglglgl! ❤️❤️ 


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9 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

With VooDoo, he jumped on my hunch Dice is a Villager pretty fast. If Dice is a Wolf, VooDoo could have used my non-sus of Dice as a spring board to bandwagon on Dice not being wolf.

As for Hal, aside from LeeLuo, Clov is just pure speculation.


Take your vote off yourself pls

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3 hours ago, whiskey delta said:

Darthe - Great D1 so far but I sense he’s gotten to the point where he just needs a flip to progress. I think the way he has navigated the game goes beyond being right or wrong in his reads before any flips.

dicetosser1 - Dice coming in with against the grain reads tends to get my attention. He hasn’t voted Hallia yet but I do expect that’s where he wants to go. Burying his vote is not outside his wolf range but the lead up matters. I also liked his answer to Tripped’s question where he said Darthe would never be aligned with Hally. I have a pretty good idea why he answered that way which I take as a good sign.

Cory Caboose - shook the game up as one would expect. I want to say his suspicion is genuine because despite all the mention of Spirited Away I have wolfed against Cory numerous other times and lost so he has probably seen the most of my scum range out of anyone. pinging loose/lazy play makes sense with that one (and only) time I was lynched as scum D1. All that’s to say is the basis of the read is there. It stings a little because it’s shades of “you’re better than this” but I get it. How are you seeing Hallia/Dice currently? 

Clovdyx - same territory as Darthe. I don’t have anything really unique to say here. 

VooDooNut - has a mix of the same attitude from his first game with signs of growth you might expect in the second. I think the interactions with Darthe were largely beneficial and his last bigger post where he says he’s outclassed read genuine to me.

Leelou - Good tone in fluffy stage of game which made me throw out an early town read but like Tripped noted they are trending down a bit and light in content now that the water is deeper. The SD sus I could see either way

Verbal32 - nothing really to say until he joins in. Will probably be pissed there is 35+ pages to read lol

Hallia - it’s like a flip switched and I’m struggling not to scum read most of her posts now. I’ve seen this a similar scenario between dice and Hally play out and she flipped mafia. Something that gives me pause is I don’t think she’s said much about me at all which I think she’d try to do more as scum, but maybe it’s because Darthe has already occupied that space 😉 

TrippedOnReality - Tripped is really good. She seems to sense the dynamic between Hally/Dice brewing and I like how she interjected immediately to question both. I liked her leelou observation. I also thought her takeaway from the SD randgate talk was reasonable 

SinisterDeath - Who moderates the moderators? I wouldn’t go out as far onto the limb as Clov and declare SD unlynchable because I do think he is at least entertained by the idea of being a trolly wolf based on some of the stuff he said. He was only alive D1 in Fireball but his play did have similar elements of memey votes and open speculation that can seem ~random. TWTBAW/LHF territory. 

Zander? - Has sort of slipped behind others but not in a bad way per se. There are a lot of chiefs itt so I don’t fault him for not being front and center. Would really appreciate your insight on Hally since you noted how you/Dice have it opposite and you want to lunch him


I think Hallia has been more Villagery then Dice fwiw.


Haven't seen any real Spicey Dicey posts....also him sussing Hallia without dropping a vore feels very unDicelike to me.


I feel there's very likely min a Wolf between them and Lee

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Just now, Zander? said:


I think Hallia has been more Villagery then Dice fwiw.


Haven't seen any real Spicey Dicey posts....also him sussing Hallia without dropping a vore feels very unDicelike to me.


I feel there's very likely min a Wolf between them and Lee


That said if Dice is villa then my Hallia read gets wrecked.

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