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Slinky-slank mafia


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I sincerely don’t think anyones playing a bad wolf game here, my reads are almost entirely me having enough experience to stay true to the thoughts that stick out.  These three players I keep coming back to are the ones that, in most games, aren’t townie enough to be your top reads but they’re good enough you’d lynch others ahead of them.  And then make an excuse to do it again tomorrow.  Oh they did that 1 thing right, can’t forget that.  Etc.  sometimes you gotta push through those nagging thoughts and get to your result to know if you’re crazy or not.

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18 minutes ago, Darthe said:

Okay these two sinister posts are better than I thought.  To me the game is really clearing up.  I think lynch clov/hally/sinister and if the game isn’t over it’s one of leelou/verb so cop those two.


vote clov

7 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

The important facet here is that if Verb claIms a vig shot on Zander then it means Cory successfully blocked a scum kill on Darthe (barring an exact Darthe/Verbal team that takes this bit and runs home with it) but I also kinda doubt there’s many roles in this game. Generally speaking a person would not be informed they were protected or saved. Only the wolves know who they shot at and only the doc knows who they protected without any claims coming out.

IMO, the only implication that there is a doc or a vig, comes from Darthe & Cory's interaction. If they were both wolves, that interaction is to their benefit...  as a lot of us have cleared them as Villager/Doc.

I'm running these scenarios in my head.
A) Doc Cory saves Villager Darthe from wolf. Vig kills Zander.
B) Doc saves Villager Darthe from Vig, Wolf kills Zander.
C) Doc Cory saves Wolf Darth, Wolf Darth Kills Zander.
D) Wolf Cory claims to save Wolf Darthe, Wolves kill Zander.
E) Wolf Cory claims to save Villager Darthe. Doc saved someone else, Vig kills Zander. Wolf trying to find real doc.

No one's came out as a counter-Doc to refute Cory yet.
Obviously if there was a Doc that's not Cory, they'd want to hide it so they don't get NK'd, but I'd half expect some sly poking at Cory being a wolf. If doc can save each night, Cory's good every night if we don't lynch him.

So IMO, this basically clears Cory as a doc for me. I don't think an experienced wolf would fake doc with a bunch of other experienced players around that are better at reading them.

Darthe IMO, is more likely a villager then wolf.

I don't know where Hallia really stands, as I don't know if Hallia ever really replied to my post where I said that I'll vote for whoever Hallia and Darthe agree on. 

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16 hours ago, Leelou said:

Do you want to see Verbal go off on a rant? If so remind me after the game 🙂 lol


If you mention Resident Evil, I'll lose my shit.



12 hours ago, whiskey delta said:

I’m gonna try to reread Zander I think


unless Verb is gonna claim that shot I want to see if I can figure out why he got blasted 


More to come on that



11 hours ago, Hallia said:

It's fine with me lol

I'll make my own circle with blackjack and hookers





17 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

@Verbal32 since I see you online, any idea why DM doesn't show me online?


No idea, I was doing a catchup read from yesterday evening.

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Ok, caught up.


And yes, I shot Zander.  Roleclaim:  town vigilante


Honestly, I thought he had a good chance at being scum.  Didn't like our back & forth and really thought he was going to flip scum and I'd do a little dance.


What do we know?  That the Doc (assuming that's Cory because no cc as of yet) blocked the scum NK, or the scum didn't shoot after seeing me post about vigging Zander D1.  I would imagine that's less likely, as scum would want dead bodies, so I'm going with Doc blocking the NK.


I usually holster N1 as a vig unless I feel confident, which is why I fired.  lolme

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42 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:

Ok, caught up.


And yes, I shot Zander.  Roleclaim:  town vigilante


Honestly, I thought he had a good chance at being scum.  Didn't like our back & forth and really thought he was going to flip scum and I'd do a little dance.


What do we know?  That the Doc (assuming that's Cory because no cc as of yet) blocked the scum NK, or the scum didn't shoot after seeing me post about vigging Zander D1.  I would imagine that's less likely, as scum would want dead bodies, so I'm going with Doc blocking the NK.


I usually holster N1 as a vig unless I feel confident, which is why I fired.  lolme

vote verb

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Just now, Verbal32 said:

Though I'd prefer the Cop just view me tonight instead.


...seeing as if I can get confirmed, the longer the game goes on the more of a threat I become to scum....who would need to shoot me, allowing Cop/Doc free reign to do their thing.

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16 hours ago, TrippedOnReality said:

This is what I had for notes last night anti-teams.  These are entirely independent of any reads I had on anyone and based entirely on interactions with each other:














dead anti-teams:



I'm not going to explain all of them, but I'm going to explain the question mark ones and if anyone has any questions or disagrees with the others, lmk and we can talk through it.


I was most unsure about SD/Chris because I hate making anti-pairs on anything Chris says.  I absolutely think he could have made that post defending SD as either alignment, and probably would make that post as either alignment.  I still don't think he would let his newbie teammate be that clueless about how the game of mafia works.


voodoo/hallia is another one I had trouble with because I could see in a world where hallia thinks she's going to get yeeted, she tells newbie voodoo to vote there for town cred, and if she doesn't get yeeted, they look a lot less like teammates.  I do not think voodoo would probably vote there without hallia specifically telling him and I have no idea how hallia feels about bussing/being bussed.  So if someone could enlighten me on that, that'd be great.


hallia/leelou was odd to me because everyone thought they were teamed, but leelou dropped their first actual read on hallia as a light town read.  the number of times i've seen a teammate town read their teammate out of the gate, even a light town read, is not a ton.


AJ/leelou I took Chris's read to heart on AJ here where he thought it was super unlikely that AJ just throws out a townread on a teammate super early the way he did.


Cory/hallia was largely vote based.  Cory had no reason to move his vote to hallia, especially when a couple of people still need to place votes, and then let zander to decide where to vote.  It just seems unnecessarily risky when you have a perfectly viable misyeet in dice.




Yeah, I think most of this shakes out @TrippedOnReality


I’m similarly apprehensive about anti-teams involving Chris because he’s pretty conscious as a wolf about interacting with teammates in ways designed to fool townies. I do think a wolf flip would look good for Leelou but wouldn’t move my needle personally for Verb or SD.


Aj/Hallia are definitely not teamed. One nice thing about the d1 wagons is that Hallia has fewer and fewer mafia teams she could be in that make sense. 


Don’t have any pairings to add atm

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23 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:

Any strong inclinations on a vote today Verb?


My POE right now contains SD, Clov, AJ, and Tripped, with a complete 'I have no clue' on Voodoo.


I'm likely not voting outside of that bucket unless something drastic happens, in the next 24 hours.

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So here's the thing.  I was 100% sure that you'd be locktown if you claimed vanilla and said that the vig was made up last night.  Not doing that means you're leaning into the vig shot, but that's troublesome because Zander was the clearest villager in this game and you either didn't read or you're lying.  You had a whole night to do anything you wanted to catch up, and I can't imagine a player as good as you making no evolution in your reads with 24 hours of completely free time.  Ergo, more likely you're a wolf and killed Zander than a townie who lost his mind.  I've zero interest in watching you get copped, if you couldn't put in the effort to read, seems like a good way for a wolf to last an extra day and then out a PR and waste a cop shot all in one.

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41 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:


Yeah, I think most of this shakes out @TrippedOnReality


I’m similarly apprehensive about anti-teams involving Chris because he’s pretty conscious as a wolf about interacting with teammates in ways designed to fool townies. I do think a wolf flip would look good for Leelou but wouldn’t move my needle personally for Verb or SD.


Aj/Hallia are definitely not teamed. One nice thing about the d1 wagons is that Hallia has fewer and fewer mafia teams she could be in that make sense. 


Don’t have any pairings to add atm

Do you think there's a high chance of at least two wolves in clov/hally/verb/sinister?

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38 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


My POE right now contains SD, Clov, AJ, and Tripped, with a complete 'I have no clue' on Voodoo.


I'm likely not voting outside of that bucket unless something drastic happens, in the next 24 hours.

Between SD and clov where do you want to go and why?

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31 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


My POE right now contains SD, Clov, AJ, and Tripped, with a complete 'I have no clue' on Voodoo.


I'm likely not voting outside of that bucket unless something drastic happens, in the next 24 hours.

Can you talk me through your PoE and who you have town reads on outside of cory/darthe and why?  Also, is your PoE ordered?


Anyone who has played with verbal know if this is how they would normally handle vig/claim?  If true, I'm pretty annoyed about shooting outside of counterwagons, but I have no idea if town!verbal is more likely to go for the hero shot or not.

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Just now, TrippedOnReality said:

Can you talk me through your PoE and who you have town reads on outside of cory/darthe and why?  Also, is your PoE ordered?


Anyone who has played with verbal know if this is how they would normally handle vig/claim?  If true, I'm pretty annoyed about shooting outside of counterwagons, but I have no idea if town!verbal is more likely to go for the hero shot or not.

He 100% will go for a hero shot. 


Verb, what exactly made you think Zander was scum to shoot at him? 

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