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Episode 5+ Predictions


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I didn't see one of these yet so why not 
I personally have some predictions about what is to come in episodes 5-8 and am curious what other people have and gives a chance for people to state their predictions for posterity

here is my complete list ... this is imported from a post I made on redit so things that read "Stuff" or "Thing" are being kept intentionally vague but I expect our DM Crowd to be able to fill in those gaps without much effort
these predictions were assembled from IMDB Casting Credits, Episode Blurbs, what we have left, Episode Names and what "Makes sense to me" in going from plot point to plot point 

Blood Calls Blood -
Perrin and Egwane are captured by Whitecloaks led by Valda, and are rescued by Nyneave, Lan and Moraine
Rand and Mat Meet Loial
they are going to skip over Caemlyn

The Flame of Tar Valon -
Mat and Rand go to Basil Gils Tavern in Tar Valon (yes you read that right)
Rand and Logain Lock Eyes in Tar Valon
Moraine and the Sisters face the Amirlyn Seat over the Genteling of Logain
Moraine either flees the tower or is hushed out the door by Suian
Moraine partially heals Mat at Basil Gils Tavern but cannot fully heal him do to Logain consequences
the Crew head to the waygate outside Tar Valon (and MAYBE enter it at the end of the episode)

The Dark Along the Ways-
Travel the Ways and avoid Machin-Shin
exit the Ways near Faldara
Meet Min and Padan Fain
begin massing for the Battle of Tarwins Gap
Crew heads for the EotW

The Eye of the World
Battle for Tarwins gap
EotW Stuff with the 3 guys
DR is revealed to be .....
Aei Sedi Arrive at the gap from the tower
Fain steals the dagger and other thing


Try to format it so that each episode has its own prediction headers

Edited by Wraith235
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Wait a second .. 

Perrin and Egwene run into a familiar face. Mat and Rand see strange ones. Moiraine and Lan mourn their loss.

Lan mourning the loss of Stepin dying because Kerene is gone? Same with Moiraine mourning Kerene.  Perrin and Egwene gathering back with Moiraine and Lan .. but Mat and Rand, not sure who the strange faces could be. Not really a prediction because some of it is based on the books but I wonder if I'm on track with the Lan/Moiraine mourning because the show of emotion from Lan in the trailers was something I had wondered about and could not clue in given that Nynaeve was in the background behind Moiraine (indicating present time vs past flashback). 

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I predict:


Episode 5:

They stumble upon Tear on their way to Tar Valon.  They over take the stone and Mat pulls the Holy Shotgun from the chamber room.

Mat and Rand fight about sharing Tylin's room in the stone.

Perrin and Egwene show up with Aram.  Perrin is secretly in love with Aram, but Aram only has eyes for the local Lady Elayne Trakand. 

The sea folk show up with a special bowl of the rains and try to drown Thom for singing off key.

Ba'Alzamon shows up and tries to seduce Nyn, but then Perrin kills him with the special Hammer he found after killing Valda.





Edited by JJLXL
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Egwene and Perrin are captured by the WC. They are rescued by some combination of Egwene channeling, wolves, and Aram sneaking into the camp.


The Aes Sedai won't leave Nynaeve alone, and we find out she can't channel whenever she wants. I feel they need to establish this right away or everyone will constantly wonder why she doesn't use her superpowers all the time.


Moiraine may sense there's something between Nynaeve and Lan.


There's a funeral for everyone who died during the little battle including Kerene.


Rand and Mat make it to Tar Valon and stay in Basel Gill's inn where they meet at least 1 of the strange faces; Loial.

Edited by Deadsy
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Since meeting the loyal family of Andor is dropped, the only thing left for Rand and Mat on their separate journey would be meeting Loial and seeing Logain, which I believe will both happen in Tar Valon. So I guess they'll arrive there in Episode 5, and probably meet Loial, maybe some more moments for Mat's sickness. Not sure if they'll see Logain in Episode 5 or 6.


Perrin and Egwene will be captured by WC in episode 5. From a previous teaser/trailer showing the reunion of Egwene and Nynaeve in where I believe is the White Tower, I don't think Nynaeve will be there to save them. Moiraine and Lan may decide to leave the AS party to search for the four, but I don't think that's going to happen. So Perrin and Egwene will have to escape on their own, with some channelling, wolves, and the help of Tinkers. I also think we are going to get our first Perrin Goldeneye moment in Episode 5.


I hope the show give some time for Nynaeve to be sick due to her first outburst channelling in Episode 5, and explain about blocks and stuff. The showoff at the end of Episode 4 looks great, but it may give show viewers a biased impression that Nynaeve can "rage" over anything.


Generally agree with your prediction on episode 6 and on. I heard that the DR will be revealed at the end of Episode 7, so that's probably when Rand obviously channels  for the first time. I'm still wondering how does that rule out the other candidates. Maybe we'll see the confrontation between Siuan, Moiraine, Verrin and Rand in book 2 be adapted at the end of Episode 7. And we'll probably see the flashback of Tam's fever dream.

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13 hours ago, Indil said:

Since meeting the loyal family of Andor is dropped, the only thing left for Rand and Mat on their separate journey would be meeting Loial and seeing Logain, which I believe will both happen in Tar Valon. So I guess they'll arrive there in Episode 5, and probably meet Loial, maybe some more moments for Mat's sickness. Not sure if they'll see Logain in Episode 5 or 6.


Perrin and Egwene will be captured by WC in episode 5. From a previous teaser/trailer showing the reunion of Egwene and Nynaeve in where I believe is the White Tower, I don't think Nynaeve will be there to save them. Moiraine and Lan may decide to leave the AS party to search for the four, but I don't think that's going to happen. So Perrin and Egwene will have to escape on their own, with some channelling, wolves, and the help of Tinkers. I also think we are going to get our first Perrin Goldeneye moment in Episode 5.


I hope the show give some time for Nynaeve to be sick due to her first outburst channelling in Episode 5, and explain about blocks and stuff. The showoff at the end of Episode 4 looks great, but it may give show viewers a biased impression that Nynaeve can "rage" over anything.


Generally agree with your prediction on episode 6 and on. I heard that the DR will be revealed at the end of Episode 7, so that's probably when Rand obviously channels  for the first time. I'm still wondering how does that rule out the other candidates. Maybe we'll see the confrontation between Siuan, Moiraine, Verrin and Rand in book 2 be adapted at the end of Episode 7. And we'll probably see the flashback of Tam's fever dream.


Nynaeve won't get sick. She had already channeled in the books and likely has in the show version as well. She just didn't know what it was.

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This is all in fun.  Not being hyper critical.  Just guesses based on what I have seen.


Ep 5    Nyn stabs someone.

Ep 6    Nyn stabs someone.

Ep 7    Nyn stabs someone.

Ep 8    Season Finally so we need some real meat for final.  Nyn stabs someone.                              Nyn heals them.     Nyn stabs em again.


Edited by Guire
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Episode 5 predictions:


Another tel'aran'rhiod scene or 2


Episode 5 hope:


We see that massive flock of ravens trying to hunt for Perrin & Egwene


Episode 5 expectation:


Like others, I expect we'll have at least one character party make it to Tar Valon.




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NOt sure where  Perrin and Egwene run into a familiar face. Mat and Rand see strange ones. Moiraine and Lan mourn their loss. came from but I'm betting on this being



Padan Fain with the Whitecloaks, pitching the Two Rivers as home to dark friends


the strange faces are probably Loial and maybe other Ogier. Or that's the Logain arrival in TV as another strange one

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3 hours ago, Guire said:

This is all in fun.  Not being hyper critical.  Just guesses based on what I have seen.


Ep 5    Nyn stabs someone.

Ep 6    Nyn stabs someone.

Ep 7    Nyn stabs someone.

Ep 8    Season Finally so we need some real meat for final.  Nyn stabs someone.                              Nyn heals them.     Nyn stabs em again.


C'mon, beter predictions time:

Ep 5 Nyn stabs Moiraine to be left alone

Ep 6 Nyn stabs Lan for choosing Moiraine

Ep 7 Nyn stabs 



for making a pass at her


Ep 8 Nyn stabs the Dragon Reborn while trying to heal them

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16 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

Ep 8 Nyn stabs the Dragon Reborn while trying to heal them

Correction: she stabs the DR in order to heal them!


I'm trying to figure out what the E5 "prologue" scene will be. I nailed the E3 and E4 ones but have no clue what they'll give us this time. Anyone have an idea?

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3 minutes ago, themann1086 said:

Correction: she stabs the DR in order to heal them!


I'm trying to figure out what the E5 "prologue" scene will be. I nailed the E3 and E4 ones but have no clue what they'll give us this time. Anyone have an idea?

We have just been misunderstanding the shows intentions.  With the idea that visual medium must show not tell Nyn is just aggressively delving people and Trollocs for illness.  You can't fix what you can't see.


 It appears Water Narg that you have an tumor on your pancreas.  Let me just open you up a bit to get a look at that.  Oh no.  My revolutionary under water surgical technique needs more work.  Alas the patient has died under the knife.  

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42 minutes ago, Guire said:

We have just been misunderstanding the shows intentions.  With the idea that visual medium must show not tell Nyn is just aggressively delving people and Trollocs for illness.  You can't fix what you can't see.


 It appears Water Narg that you have an tumor on your pancreas.  Let me just open you up a bit to get a look at that.  Oh no.  My revolutionary under water surgical technique needs more work.  Alas the patient has died under the knife.  


OMG still roflmao several min later.   And now I want to see a tv show that basically merges Nynaeve with a dash of Hannibal Lector, Dr. House and Dr. Nick. ?


Anyways to stay on topic I will add another prediction



I predict we'll see Bela again in Episode 5


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3 hours ago, Jaysen Gore said:

NOt sure where  Perrin and Egwene run into a familiar face. Mat and Rand see strange ones. Moiraine and Lan mourn their loss. came from but I'm betting on this being


episode blurbs exist for everything but 8 (last I looked)
not sure if Links are permitted so in case they arent just kill the link 
but hewre is the IMDB Link for the blurbs

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Episode 5 will likely be very Perrin centric

We will get Perrin and Egwene meeting the whitecloaks. Perrin going ballistic over the death of Hopper AND/OR some of the Tuathan.Perrin killing two Whitecloaks and getting arrested by the questioner.


Morainne and the Aes sedai grieve their Loss.Nyneave comes to terms with her powers. Aes sedai insist that Morainne,Lan and Nyaneave must come to Tar valon to explain what happened.


Rand and Matt grieve Thom and arrive in Tar Valon.They meet Loial


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On 11/27/2021 at 2:16 PM, Wraith235 said:

I didn't see one of these yet so why not 
I personally have some predictions about what is to come in episodes 5-8 and am curious what other people have and gives a chance for people to state their predictions for posterity

here is my complete list ... this is imported from a post I made on redit so things that read "Stuff" or "Thing" are being kept intentionally vague but I expect our DM Crowd to be able to fill in those gaps without much effort
these predictions were assembled from IMDB Casting Credits, Episode Blurbs, what we have left, Episode Names and what "Makes sense to me" in going from plot point to plot point 

Blood Calls Blood -
Perrin and Egwane are captured by Whitecloaks led by Valda, and are rescued by Nyneave, Lan and Moraine
Rand and Mat Meet Loial
they are going to skip over Caemlyn

The Flame of Tar Valon -
Mat and Rand go to Basil Gils Tavern in Tar Valon (yes you read that right)
Rand and Logain Lock Eyes in Tar Valon
Moraine and the Sisters face the Amirlyn Seat over the Genteling of Logain
Moraine either flees the tower or is hushed out the door by Suian
Moraine partially heals Mat at Basil Gils Tavern but cannot fully heal him do to Logain consequences
the Crew head to the waygate outside Tar Valon (and MAYBE enter it at the end of the episode)

The Dark Along the Ways-
Travel the Ways and avoid Machin-Shin
exit the Ways near Faldara
Meet Min and Padan Fain
begin massing for the Battle of Tarwins Gap
Crew heads for the EotW

The Eye of the World
Battle for Tarwins gap
EotW Stuff with the 3 guys
DR is revealed to be .....
Aei Sedi Arrive at the gap from the tower
Fain steals the dagger and other thing


Try to format it so that each episode has its own prediction headers

Is Episode 8 revealed to be calles Eye of the world?I have seen many say so?

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I really don't know how they are going to be able to write Episode 8 in any way even close to the books.

If it is The Eye of the World, then I shudder to think what they have in store given that Nynaeve is already a power so great that Logain would stand in awe.  If she is there at the EOTW, then all she needs to do is wipe the floor with the Foresaken as soon as she becomes upset - audience is not going to get it if she can't do her Incredible Hulk act again.  No need for Rand or any of the others to worry.  Sit back, relax, wait for Nynaeve to get angry and have her hair stand on end as she obliterates all foes. #badass #girlpower #hearmeroar


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3 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:
4 hours ago, LordyLord said:

Is Episode 8 revealed to be calles Eye of the world?I have seen many say so?

Yes it is.




It certainly makes sense that Ep. 8 will be "The Eye of the World"... (I think it will be titled as such) but it isn't verified by the link you provided.

Something that I love about all of this... it's clear from the title of Ep. 7 that logically we're getting 1 book per show season, and NOT getting multiple books crammed into each show season... at least for this season.  This makes me very happy.  

I'm not saying that they haven't included any parts of tGH, tDR, or New Spring since they clearly have.   I am hoping that the trim a LOT of the fat from the middle books, such as the bowl of the winds and the Andorran succession plot lines... among a few others.

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