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The Show ROCKS!!!!!


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OK i will try this again, some people hate this show, and they believe they have reasons to... well I believe we have reasons to love this show so here are mine:

1: seriously the dreams!!! 

2:  the existence of a WOT series!!!  WOOOHOOOO!!!! 

3:Once i found them... the extra animated shorts rock!!!!


go on tell me more!!!

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1. The Trolloc prosthetics.


2. Tam, Lan, and Thom (I want more of all of them but I will likely have to wait for Tam.)


3. Nynaeve tracking Lan and then Lan tying Nynaeve to a tree + the look on her face after he did. 

4. The one power fight in Emond’s Field. Moiraine was wrecking fools, but also the attention to detail on Lan preemptively reacting to what Moiraine was about to do. 

5. The periodic quips from Mat… Rand: “we can’t leave them!” Mat: “ I think we can!” 


6. The lantern scene. Probably the best exposition so far. It made it mystical and had a good setting for it. 

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Oh yeah, that look on Nyn's face was spot on ? Her whole body language as far as it could 'speak' while she was tied up. The notion that a gag was needed, because she was obviously not shutting up ? I thought it was fun. 


I liked Thom's introduction. I was weary because I read a little spoiler about Thom that I didn't like but it turned out it was nothing like the spoiler after all. And the man can sing. Looking forward to more songs.

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oh, by the way, i also liked how they portrayed trollocs fighting, better than in the books.

in the books, for all their large size, trollocs are very ineffective. they are, at best, equivalent to conscript soldiers.

in the show, their size is used to full advantage. when tam is fighting one, it is clear he's the best swordsman, and he cuts the trolloc several times. but the beast is large enough to take those wounds, and it can use its greater strength to overpower tam.

several characters are also shown stabbing trollocs without dropping them, among them laila and nynaeve (the first time when she's huddling with egwene, not the time in the pool)


and i find that a realistic rendition of how those things would behave.

now i'm looking forward to seeing a myrdraal in action

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The weaves - actually like the representation (barring any arguments on who can/should see it..I wanna see it) A very close representation of the movie in my head


The Trollocs - once again, another very close representation of the movie that played in my head while I read


The Warder/Aes Sedai Battle Dance - wonderful choreography that did, indeed, illustrate the teamwork and seamless strikes and counterstrikes between One Power and blade


P. S.  Super excited to meet Loial and the Ogier.  

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I thought the Whitecloaks where cool - genuine mix of psychotic (Valda) and genuine (Bornhald)

I thought Padain Fain was really good and well cast

Shadar Logoth was pretty creepy (for the brief scene it was in)

Matts actor captured the character pretty well for me (none of the others did and he’s leaving next season so…☹️)

Some of the Trollocs looked kind of cool


I guess some of the scenery was quite pretty?

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3 hours ago, Kudzu said:

The Emonds Field Quartet singing of Manetheren. Was a beautiful song and beautifully performed. The harmonies, Perrin's bass, loved it. 

What I really loved about that was that Rand didn't sing, he just tapped his leg. "The old blood runs deep in some of you" ? 

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The clever casting Rand looks different to the rest of Emonds field and then the brilliant shooting of the Aiel hair switching then to Rand, the moment doesn't make it obvious but it starts to make those links. 


Using real wolves not CGI

I think it is good to have a positive thread to try and find something good I will say I don't think Nyn tracked Lan, I imagine even I could follow the destruction created by a trolloc horde and that would get me pretty much to where Lan and Morraine are, then the 2 of them exited the same way they came in on horseback, so if the Trolloc trail leads me to the ruined gate, and then I see the 2 of them riding out on horseback it makes my life a little easier :). 

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5 minutes ago, Sir_Charrid said:

Using real wolves not CGI


I couldnt help but look online for the wolves and I found an article on what wolves were used. Of course they are 'half' wolves and European but they all have such distinct personalities, I noticed this only in the pictures where they were standing still. I will pay extra attention to the wolves in the rewatching. I bet I will recognise them as their individual selves soon enough ?

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6 hours ago, Starganderfish said:

I thought the Whitecloaks where cool - genuine mix of psychotic (Valda) and genuine (Bornhald)

I thought Padain Fain was really good and well cast

Shadar Logoth was pretty creepy (for the brief scene it was in)

Matts actor captured the character pretty well for me (none of the others did and he’s leaving next season so…☹️)

Some of the Trollocs looked kind of cool


I guess some of the scenery was quite pretty?

I still see no sign of the supposed armor the White Cloaks are wearing under their linens.


Very few of the trollocs looked cool because they only made a few to look good on camera.  The rest are blurred to cover for the awfulness - I think.

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2 hours ago, Daenelia said:


I couldnt help but look online for the wolves and I found an article on what wolves were used. Of course they are 'half' wolves and European but they all have such distinct personalities, I noticed this only in the pictures where they were standing still. I will pay extra attention to the wolves in the rewatching. I bet I will recognise them as their individual selves soon enough ?

Looking forward to see how Perrin communicates with them

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I was pretty underwhelmed on first viewing, but second viewing held up better and I actually agree with a lot of this. The Moiraine/Lan fight choreography and chemistry was well done (I didn't like the CGI and it ruined the first viewing for me). Mat and Rand's banter is the best part of the show so far, but that fact is mitigated knowing Barney Harris was recast, so I hope that holds in the future. Padan Fain is as perfectly cast as I've ever seen. Whoever that guy is captures friendly looking gigantic smile guy who is a tremendously creepy psychopath underneath as well as any actor I could imagine. From what people who have seen the full six episode preview have said, Sophie Okonedo really steals the show when she shows up, so I'm looking forward to that, too.


Trollocs are hit and miss. The costumes and practical effects were very well done, but the CGI was still pretty jarring. Their movements are very jerky and would have made more sense to save that for the Fade, which is supposed to look unnatural when moving and phase in and out of reality. They probably should have just stuck to Trollocs running like humans if they couldn't make the animalistic movement convincing. They did look a bit too uniform to me, though. I didn't see any beaks. I wonder if that's a cost saving measure to be able to just costume a few stuntpeople and then digitally duplicate them to make a crowd.

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6 minutes ago, AdamA said:

I didn't see any beaks. I wonder if that's a cost saving measure to be able to just costume a few stuntpeople and then digitally duplicate them to make a crowd

Moiraine throws a fireball at one trollloc that has a beak.


I'm not sure what scene this different trolloc is in but it looks gorgeous.





Edited by DaddyFinn
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I was underwhelmed on the first viewing. Second time around I enjoyed a lot more and picked up a few things that I missed


1. The shadow moving across the doorway in Shadar Logoth. Holy shit that was creepy

2. Padan Fain's whistling

3. The stone dog on the fallen Aiel. I couldn't make it at first

4. Mat saying "I don't even know who Manetheren is" ?


I want to watch the first three again even though I've complained a lot. There must be something wrong with me ? Really looking forward to Episode 4!

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