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WoT Premier - Read At Your Own Risk!


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This thread exists for users who were lucky enough enough to go to the Premiere on November 15th, a place to discuss what they saw. 


This thread has two very simple rules.

#1. Until November 19th, make sure to put show spoilers in spoiler code. You can do this by highlighting text, and pressing this button. image.png 
We won't require this on the other show-threads when they unlock on the 19th. This is to help protect people from accidental spoilers.


Spoilers look like this.


#2. Outside of spoilers, feel free to talk about what you thought about the show. Whether you liked or disliked it, that's up to you, just be respectful.
Let's keep the arguments to a minimum please.



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Hot take: Those who want a verbatim adaptation will hate it. 


Me however, I genuinely enjoyed it. Pacing was good they avoid overly long slow parts. 


The one power scene in the two rivers blew my freaking mind. 


Some changes I didn’t care for but thankfully UNDERSTAND why. Others I actually liked. 


genuine claps, gasps, and cheers from the audience. 


It may not be the books. But I am proud to say it is:


The Wheel of Time. 

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Spoiler-free thoughts on the actual episodes.

  • Everything looks great
  • The music and sound work in general is excellent
  • The actors were fantastic

That is all. I’m all in, even things I didn’t like worked in the larger context. Can’t wait to rewatch Thursday night!

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You know, this isnt the series I pictured over all the years wishing I had a series. 


But it left me wanting more. In a good way. 


Ill be dying between episodes. I honestly have not felt this way about a series since… light help me … Star Trek: The Next Generation. 


I want them out noooooooowwwwwwwwww. 


Which is maybe the biggest compliment I can give them :3

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7 minutes ago, TheMountain said:

I'm still not convinced we're gonna get Saidar and Saidin, regardless of the name of the animated short. That's the main spectre hanging in the back of my mind despite thoroughly enjoying the screening.



Haven't seen it, and maybe we won't, but if they're mentioning it later on it may be when we start to get Logain action (assuming that hasn't happened yet).

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They also may be poisoned against its existence. All we know is through the twisted view of the Aes Sedai. 



It is a woman’s power. 


By the way they… 


genuinely made Whitecloaks terrifying. Blood (literally) and ashes  


Edited by CaddySedai
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But really….


It exists!


It actually exists!


Bloody hell The Wheel of Time is an actual show. 


Im still trembling, it has moved to another medium. And changes and all still has me gripping my seat. 







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By the way. Lol this next bit is all spoiler but



Who else was all “why the hell are those rocks so tall and square.. are we just ripping off Avatar with… OMG those are buildings!!!! Second Age! Second Age!”


Or was that just me. lol

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Just now, TheMountain said:

I can confirm one thing for certain though: Lan's entrance is still just as cheesy LOL.


OH. And did anyone else notice the weird edit where "Cenn" should have been???


Yeah. There are some glaring omissions. Like a distinct lack of gleeman. 


Fain tho - on the nose. Such a great portrayal. Felt so shady, so fake nice. And that shrug and turn. Oh wow. For those new to the series it is sure to cause discussion lol. 

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Also I love how Shadar Logoth looks. Decayed majesty. And I knew they were doing the rolling shadow versus the tendrils (presumably to avoid confusion with the Power)


And initially I wasn't sold on it. 


Till it ate a horse.




Just Wow.


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6 hours ago, CaddySedai said:
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Also I love how Shadar Logoth looks. Decayed majesty. And I knew they were doing the rolling shadow versus the tendrils (presumably to avoid confusion with the Power)


And initially I wasn't sold on it. 


Till it ate a horse.




Just Wow.



Shadar Logoth within the first 2 episodes?

Did it feel rushed?


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