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Question for yall about the books


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8 hours ago, Pembie said:

I’m kind of getting tired of more characters getting added now we have these wilders idea sedi 

Over 2700 named characters in the books - it will only get worse.


The Belgariad has a lot less characters.  Maybe you'll like it more.

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On 11/10/2021 at 7:32 AM, DojoToad said:

Started reading Stormlight, but it didn't grab me.  May go back to it at some point...

Highly recommend.  Sanderson has an amazing and intoxicating ability when it comes to world building.  If you are a fan, Stormlight Archives won't disappoint

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Pacing. Nowadays people want a much more quick paced read than what The Wheel of Time is, even the series as a whole can suffer from slow pacing. Personally I wasn’t wholly invested when I read the first book either, it was really the second that got me hooked. Though rereading the first book has my opinion changing and I love it much more than when I first read it.


When I first read The Eye of the World I hated how slow it felt, but rereading it I appreciate the slow pace and how well fleshed out RJ took with everything. Can’t forget about the Prologue either, which was the most confusing read ever at first, but on the reread was an absolute masterpiece.

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On 9/20/2021 at 11:43 PM, Rhettles said:

It was in a discussion or article that included publishers notes that I read back in the '90's.  I no longer have the details sadly.

Sorry to dredge this up, but is this perhaps what you were thinking of?


Interview: Jan, 1991

Starlog Interview (Verbatim)

William B. Thompson

A sort of slenderized Burl Ives, with the same intelligent, probing eyes, ebullient manner, and faintly mischievous grin, Jordan, now in his 40s, is exploring the realm of fantasy after successful sojourns along a number of literary paths.

Judging by the review and the sales—his pen seems as formidable as a highwayman's blade, or a sorcerer's talisman.

Jordan, who also writes under the pseudonyms "Reagan O'Neal" and "Jackson O'Reilly," recently completed the second in a planned six-book fantasy series for Tor Books collectively entitled "The Wheel of Time." The first installment, The Eye of the World, was four years in the writing. It was released in February 1990 to broad acclaim, ascending the bestseller list. Volume two, The Great Hunt, was published this fall, with the third book tentatively scheduled for December 1991.

Robert Jordan

"Actually, I prefer not to use the term 'series' because it sounds so open-ended, like the writer will continue to produce books in the same creative surroundings indefinitely," says Jordan, a life-long resident of Charleston, South Carolina. "Each book is designed to stand alone. The Great Hunt is a sequel, yes, but I've put a good deal of effort into it to ensure that whoever picks it up first will not feel left out or cheated."

Interview: Jan, 1991

Starlog Interview (Verbatim)

William B. Thompson

Jordan never intended that "The Wheel of Time" be a series. It started out as one book, with a concrete beginning and end.

Robert Jordan

"But it's hard to find space for an 18-inch thick book on your shelf. I took the outline to the publisher, saying what I had here was more like four or five or six books. What can I tell you? I signed a six-book contract."


https://www.theoryland.com/intvsresults.php?kwt='rj on writing'

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15 hours ago, Pembie said:

But I thought this forum was for questions that we don’t understand but fair enough lol 

If you want mild "spoilers" then



Yes, Maighdin(=Morgase), Lini, Tallanvor,  Basel Gill, the old secretary and the couple whose names I don't remember join Perrin's group after they have escaped the Whitecloaks. Perrin doesn't know who they are, he just remembers Gill and maybe the couple. 

Enjoy the read. I wish I could experience all that again for the first time. ?

Edited by DaddyFinn
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On 4/8/2021 at 10:41 AM, Cole635896 said:

Hi everyone, I'm about halfway through the series and loving it. But I tried recommending the books to one of my friends and they couldn't get through the first book (for good reason!). I realized that the first book has much more elevated diction than the following novels in the series. Does anyone know why or have any ideas? Did it have something to do with editors or publishers?



Really,  they can't get through the book because of the elevated diction???? Really? 


These people must not read much. Never, ever suggest they read anything by neal Stephenson or Steven Erickson.  I'm about 100 pages into EotW and this is a cake walk. It almost reminds my of YA fantasy...... but still fun to read and very, very straightforward. 

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On 4/12/2021 at 10:16 AM, DojoToad said:

Never had any problem getting into the first book, but everyone is different.  If they don't like the first, they probably won't like the rest...

I know for me when I picked the series up, I didn't get the full whole book. I was young, i.e middle school, and got into the series by reading the second half of the first book, back when they were published in parts, and tried to go back to Eye of the World and couldn't. But i also had read up to Lord of Chaos by then and the leap from that advanced character development back to the beginning was a drag. 

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1 hour ago, Pembie said:

 I don’t quite understand what exactly wh or what nae'blis

It is a rank in Dark Ones forces. Highest rank after Dark One itself.

There are "Forsaken" who are top of the Dark One's forces. One of the Forsaken is chosen to be nae'blis to command the others. I dont know where are you in the books so i could not say who is current nae'blis. But for example it was Ishamael in the Age of Legends.

Edited by qlorin
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9 hours ago, qlorin said:

It is a rank in Dark Ones forces. Highest rank after Dark One itself.

There are "Forsaken" who are top of the Dark One's forces. One of the Forsaken is chosen to be nae'blis to command the others. I dont know where are you in the books so i could not say who is current nae'blis. But for example it was Ishamael in the Age of Legends.

I’m on path of daggers so Nae blis has just been mentioned thanks for the help 

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