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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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  On 9/16/2017 at 10:53 AM, Clovdyx said:

I might guess Iron town for really dumb reasons, too, but I don't want to be wrong :unsure:

Soooooo....... what changed?

  On 9/16/2017 at 11:55 AM, Leyrann said:

Is this normal behaviour for SK?


I think I've played with him in all his games here, and so far, he has a pretty broad spectrum, so it is hard to pin down "normal" for him, and I assume that's by design. However, two games ago, LZM name claimed irt the flavor of the game, and SK counterclaimed that, and then later, rescinded his counterclaim, and that was kind of weirdly similar. 

  On 9/16/2017 at 1:13 PM, Sooh said:


  On 9/15/2017 at 11:49 PM, Gentled Ben said:


You keep trying to get rid of me I see :tongue:



Btw. N0 Clov:



Haha Just a friendly poke at you. 


  On 9/16/2017 at 1:19 PM, Sooh said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 11:31 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:

somebody quick! I need more votes!

Is he signalling to his team that he is a traitor?




I think he's either trying to be too scummy to be scum, and thus, sneak on by as scum, or just shake things up and see if he can get some early info to help with his reads later on. I think I will have to see him play some more this game before I can read more into the stunt.


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:30 PM, BFG said:

Also a heads up that I have a 3.15am pick up tomorrow and then have the day in Paris :p I now have free mobile data over there so won't be completely absent, but I won't be around much :)

If you spend the day playing mafia instead of touring Paris, I will lynch you.


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:43 PM, Dar'Jen Ab Owain said:

Sooh, I like your approach.


By the way, hope we get to play together longer this time.


I think I'll stick to trying to determine who is town and who is scum. That seems complicated enough under the circumstances.


I am going to do the same thing, especially since not everyone claiming to be a cop might actually be a cop. The whole thing is just muddy, but at the same time, I understand sharing their reads, because there is the chance that they can sort out sanity and maybe confirm a town or two, but I'm guessing it would take a lot of analysis, and I'm not a cop, so it doesn't even apply to me, so I'm just going to hunt scum and find town, too,

  On 9/16/2017 at 2:48 PM, BFG said:


Nothing in the post you quoted stands out to me :unsure:


I assumed it was that he voted for me off of my hardclaim as scum, then reversed it based off one cop read that could have come from anyone: a mafia covering for me, an insane cop who's wrong, or a real cop. If he was still joking with the unvote, I don't think it would stand out to her, but since he said it ended the derpy part of the game, then it means he's basing a serious vote (or unvote, actually) on a potentially wrong read. I see it as NAI or whatever the acronym is, especially since it's still early, and no one probably has a strong feel towards anyone quite yet, although I am starting to get a town read from Sooh.


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:57 PM, Ironeyes said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 1:19 PM, Sooh said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 11:31 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:

somebody quick! I need more votes!

Is he signalling to his team that he is a traitor?



More likely a VT trying to draw the kill by fake signaling traitor. It doesn't feel genuine


Yeah, I would expect the traitor to breadcrumb. not drop a whole loaf and shout about it. I think he's just stirring the pot, but he could be acting outrageous in order to make people think that he couldn't possibly be that flamboyant of a wolf. I'll wait and see.

  On 9/16/2017 at 3:51 PM, BFG said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 10:53 AM, Clovdyx said:

I might guess Iron town for really dumb reasons, too, but I don't want to be wrong :unsure:

Soooooo....... what changed?


  On 9/16/2017 at 3:56 PM, Clovdyx said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 3:51 PM, BFG said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 10:53 AM, Clovdyx said:

I might guess Iron town for really dumb reasons, too, but I don't want to be wrong :unsure:

Soooooo....... what changed?



So what made you guess he was town earlier, when now you think he's possible scum when I think all he posted inbetween was that he was camping?

  On 9/16/2017 at 3:58 PM, Gentled Ben said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 3:56 PM, BFG said:

Also :wub:

Yes! It's nice to play together again. You're always fun. :smile:


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:38 PM, Sooh said:

I'm on the fence myself in terms of how much the peeks, real or fake, will be worth this game with both an insane cop and two framers around. I think for actual game purposes it more muddles than clarifies things, and I don't want to spend too much time looking at peeks. I'm just going to pretend it's an all vanilla game and lynch scummy looking people :tongue:


This is very much the same for me. However, I do want to advocate everyone, cop or not, sharing results (though cops should obviously share what they've got) because once some people start dropping we might get information from it with some analysis, maybe clear a town or, if we're really lucky, find a scum (though we'll always have to take the framer into account).


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:42 PM, BFG said:

It's the last that I wanted, thanks :)

the game isn't complicated <3 the most important thing to understand is that our cops results are unreliable, but not worthless.


If cops can figure out sanity then in general town results (mafia results if the cops insane) will be more reliable than mafia results.



Note that this is because a town can appear scum to the cop because of a framer (if you don't know what a framer does, it targets a player, and if a cop views that player, he gets a guilty result instead of an innocent result), while a scum can not appear town because of a framer. So if you have a dead cop and a dead target that he viewed, you may be able to deduce wheter or not he was sane (again, gotta keep the possibility of framing in mind) and then you'll be able to clear town players or maybe find scum.


I hope that makes sense. Either way, if you're not certain, just ignore all the results. All non-cops will be messing with them, and don't be surprised if people give results completely contradictionary to their reads. That also happens to real cops occasionally, so it's a good way to blend in, meaning the mafia doesn't know who the cops are either.

  On 9/16/2017 at 2:01 PM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 1:52 PM, Dar'Jen Ab Owain said:

So real quick question about the NO and then name, thing. What is the NO stand for and what is the significance of the name? I'm still really confused over that point.

it is basically someone saying they have a report on said person. A mafia would definitely do it to fit in. I do not recommend it...


night zero (n0) report - Dar'Jen inno. If I am the cop and die the person I named will be looked at. And it helps the actual/real cops hide amongst vanilla losers.


Was this an example or a report?

  On 9/16/2017 at 4:56 PM, cory caboose said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 4:04 PM, BFG said:

Cory :(

No frowns. Its in the game rules

Then come and talk to me :p


This is what I've compiled as far as results given so far.


N0 Results
1. Nolder - Ben is Innocent
2. BFG
3. Ironeyes - Clov is Innocent
4. Dar'Jen Ab Owain
5. LedZepMan - Leyrann is Innocent
6. Niniel - Refusing to give result for now
7. Leyrann
8. cory caboose - Nolder is Innocent
9. Clovdyx
10. Shitsure Kamimashita 
11. Sooh - Clov is Guilty
12. Gentled Ben
13. dicetosser1 
  On 9/16/2017 at 5:00 PM, BFG said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 4:56 PM, cory caboose said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 4:04 PM, BFG said:

Cory :(

No frowns. Its in the game rules
Then come and talk to me :p

I am currently on the road :P


But will be home soonish


While I would like to see more results given we should probably discuss the contradiction between Sooh and Ironeyes.

So what are the possibilities?


1) IE/Sooh are both villager.

2) IE is Villager, Sooh is Sane Cop. Vis Versa

3) IE is Villager, Sooh is Insane Cop. Vis Versa

4) IE is Sane Cop, Sooh is Insane Cop. Vis Versa

5) IE is Sane Cop, Sooh is Insane Cop and Clov was Framed. Vis Versa

6) IE is Villager, Sooh is Lying Scum. Vis Versa

7) IE is Sane Cop, Sooh is Lying Scum. Vis Versa

8) IE is Insane Cop, Sooh is Lying Scum. Vis Versa


And...I think that's it? Maybe? My mind is starting to melt so someone else will have to finish that list if there are more possibilities I'm missing.

Although I think 16 options is plenty to mull over jfc...


I wouldn't even think about the peeks at all. Play the game like a vanilla.


Will only be important upon seer flips really, and even then only a certain amount of information will even be useful.


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