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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Amedum to my last post.  After a little research the name was Gina...


However I decided not to go against popular beleif of clones to the three Nikki's being tripplets.


We never saw a picture of Jessica.  What I couldn't explain was how they got powers.  The show did that for us.



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So what did people think of this weeks installment?


A good Sylar with a son?

Peter with the hunger?

Fast Girl and Parkman together?

Peter turning out to be the villian in the future?

Mohinder going all darkman on us?


Obviously Sylar found some way to control the hunger in the future.  I am not sure why he didn't share this with past Peter. I still don't understand why Hiro just didn't teleport out.  I really doubt the Haitian was hanging around that long.

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A good Sylar with a son?

Who's yo momma? Mrs. Petrelli?!


Peter with the hunger?

Bet you he lasts 20 minutes in the next episode before eating someones brains.


Fast Girl and Parkman together?

Wow, for the first time in history, the lady is the fast one... IN BED.

"was that just really lame?"


Peter turning out to be the villian in the future?

To bad they didn't say exactly what he was doing... I guess we can only speculate it has to do with blowing up manufacturers of that special stuff.


Btw, its funny that Clairs the only one who seems to know how to take down a 'hero', with a bullet to there special place.


Mohinder going all darkman on us?

Great, now he goes even more emo on us! :P


Seriously though, why haven't they made a new darkman movie?


Obviously Sylar found some way to control the hunger in the future.

Something peter lacks? Will Power?

That or Sylar was holding out so he could feast on his childs powers... You know like waiting 20 years for a fine wine?


I still don't understand why Hiro just didn't teleport out.

He did, it just wouldn't work there. They have something in that building, that prevents powers from working, It might just be, because of the hatians proximity...

Its like, how did those section 5 cells hold those prisoners? Notice they only escaped after the electricity was blown? Perhaps they have figured out how to replicate the Hatians ability?


I couldn't believe a good sylar, until they introduced the concept of his son.

Now the fun part is.

IS peter going to kill the past sylar? (or try?)

Are they going to work together?


And what is hiro's plans for The Kensia? Perhaps he's Clairs Grand-Daddy! :P

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I would like to point out that the fire villian whose body Peter takes over used his power in Level 5. 


Peter took over the body of Jesse Murphy. Knox killed The German(Magneto), Noah took down Flint(pyro guy) and Sylar took down The Knox(fear).

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Right but the point is that people can use their abilities in Level 5(and presumably Level 2) at will unless sedated or otherwise inhibited, hence the need to keep Sylar on a perma-roophie(or whatever was in the tube up his nose).  The Haitian did happen to be right out side Hiro's cell though, which is why when they finally made some kind  of progress with escaping he was right there looking at them with the "what do you think you're doing?" look.  Not as good as magnum, but still cool.

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I am trying to decide if I like this season or not.  You are going to look at me and think... "What is Empy smoking".  I certainly like how the show is moving forward each week.  I felt it was a little slow in building the story in the past.  But now I think it is moving to fast.  Each week has a reveal and I feel like they are not developing the characters well enough.  It is still a good show mind you and I am highly entertained. 



So what is Saresh?  Some kind of spider... man.. heh... 


I should have seen Mr. Parkman behind the images.  Honestly I had kind of forgotten about his character but should have knew he wouldn't up and disappear.


Why don't I remember the back story of Mr. Petreli?

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Because it's only ever been touched upon, and never delved into.  We know he and Linderman were tight, and that he was politically powerful,  but I had thought Angela said he was dead(season 1).


I tend to agree with you, there are plenty of twists, and turns and "WTF?!?" moments but after such a long hiatus I'm not especially invested in anyone, and so I find myself watching not because I care, but because it's the best thing on Monday nights, after Big Bang.  Hiro is really annoying the absolute snot out of me so far this season and what the hell was stabbing Ando all about.  I just want someone to Mohinder down at this point his angsty brand of evil is pure schlock. 


Also as an aside, I think "Noah" Sylar's future "son" is really Noah Bennet that someone age regressed or something, and Sylar is proving how good he has become by taking care of him. 

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Also as an aside, I think "Noah" Sylar's future "son" is really Noah Bennet that someone age regressed or something, and Sylar is proving how good he has become by taking care of him. 


Now that would be quite interesting.  I think it's really Sylar's child though, because the concern he showed looked more 'fatherly' than 'failed protector'.  The real question is, if it's his own son, who the hell is Mommy?



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Also as an aside, I think "Noah" Sylar's future "son" is really Noah Bennet that someone age regressed or something, and Sylar is proving how good he has become by taking care of him. 


Now that would be quite interesting.  I think it's really Sylar's child though, because the concern he showed looked more 'fatherly' than 'failed protector'.  The real question is, if it's his own son, who the hell is Mommy?


You know, Tenshin might just be onto something here.

How many years into the future did they say Peter traveled?

Couldn't have been more than what, 3 years?

How old was the kid? 5-8?

Did anyone catch what his childs name actually was?

(if his kids name was noah, perhaps that could just be a sign as to how close him and noah 'became' after noah loves trying to kill him. ;) )

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I work with kids and he looked to me to be about 5 years old, I'm sure it was planned for that


the kids name is in fact Noah


Do you recall if they mentioned exactly how far into the future he went?

It couldn't have been 5-6 years (remember 9/12ths of a year the child is in the mother, so if the kid is infact 5 years old, the 'relation' may as well have happened 6 years ago from the future...


If the child noah is not infact Noah, but named after noah, and it was only 2 years into the future and not 5-6 years... Perhaps Sylars hunger extended beyond brains? ;)

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... Why couldn't it have been more than 6 years?? I mean, besides the fact that you just don't like the idea of it. ;)


I'm liking this season better than last, for sure, but not as much as the first. I have no idea what's going on with half the characters, since I think a little too much is going on. Like, wtf with Parkman? And I don't care at all about Maya and Mohinder. They better bring his relevance into the overall story more, because he's just not interesting as a slimy, scaly bad guy on his own. Maya they can kill off already, she's worthless except as a pretty face, and I'm not the demographic they're trying to cater to there.


But I did enjoy the shot of Peter and his lovely bare arms. *g*

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... Why couldn't it have been more than 6 years?? I mean, besides the fact that you just don't like the idea of it. ;)


I'm liking this season better than last, for sure, but not as much as the first. I have no idea what's going on with half the characters, since I think a little too much is going on. Like, wtf with Parkman? And I don't care at all about Maya and Mohinder. They better bring his relevance into the overall story more, because he's just not interesting as a slimy, scaly bad guy on his own. Maya they can kill off already, she's worthless except as a pretty face, and I'm not the demographic they're trying to cater to there.


But I did enjoy the shot of Peter and his lovely bare arms. *g*


It could have been more than 6 years. but if it were say, 2 years than the math behind Sylar and his child don't add up, and adds credence to Noah(Sylars child), actually being Noah (clairs fake daddy).


If it were more than 6 years the likelyhood of the above is far less likely, and leans more towards sylar and noah becoming close friends, enough so that he names his child after him. (or at least possibly killing noah and feeling sorry about it to the point he honors him by naming his child after him.)


The time shift was 'too' short of an interval for it to be a major timeshift, not enough 'aging'.

Its possible Nathan is already old enough to become president, as he 'was' the president in the 'future', and if there timeline is anywhere near our own, that either means 2008, or 2012 he was elected, so that would only put it at least to 4 years if he gets elected in 2012, but by then it apears he had already been elected for a few years, so that probably puts him at about half way through his first term...

So figureing at least 2-6 years based on a 2 years into first term, being elected either in 08' or 12'.

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Also as an aside, I think "Noah" Sylar's future "son" is really Noah Bennet that someone age regressed or something, and Sylar is proving how good he has become by taking care of him. 


Now that would be quite interesting.  I think it's really Sylar's child though, because the concern he showed looked more 'fatherly' than 'failed protector'.  The real question is, if it's his own son, who the hell is Mommy?


You know, Tenshin might just be onto something here.

How many years into the future did they say Peter traveled?

Couldn't have been more than what, 3 years?

How old was the kid? 5-8?

Did anyone catch what his childs name actually was?

(if his kids name was noah, perhaps that could just be a sign as to how close him and noah 'became' after noah loves trying to kill him. ;) )



The future sequence tales place 4 years in the future according to the little captions.  Noah looked to me to be 5 or 6.  He also had dishwater blond hair as opposed to the dark brown of the Petrelli trio(sylar included). 


Also Nathan in the most recent time-line is no longer on the fast track to be president.  Aside from Peter having screwed up his career by shooting him, his powers were still a secret in the previous (presidential) time-line(hence the commotion when he started flying).

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Also as an aside, I think "Noah" Sylar's future "son" is really Noah Bennet that someone age regressed or something, and Sylar is proving how good he has become by taking care of him. 


Now that would be quite interesting.  I think it's really Sylar's child though, because the concern he showed looked more 'fatherly' than 'failed protector'.  The real question is, if it's his own son, who the hell is Mommy?


You know, Tenshin might just be onto something here.

How many years into the future did they say Peter traveled?

Couldn't have been more than what, 3 years?

How old was the kid? 5-8?

Did anyone catch what his childs name actually was?

(if his kids name was noah, perhaps that could just be a sign as to how close him and noah 'became' after noah loves trying to kill him. ;) )



The future sequence tales place 4 years in the future according to the little captions.  Noah looked to me to be 5 or 6.  He also had dishwater blond hair as opposed to the dark brown of the Petrelli trio(sylar included). 


Also Nathan in the most recent time-line is no longer on the fast track to be president.  Aside from Peter having screwed up his career by shooting him, his powers were still a secret in the previous (presidential) time-line(hence the commotion when he started flying).


Alright than, if we know it takes place 4 years into the future, that kid might be 'too' old to be his kid... I mean at most if the kid would have to be concieved within '9 months' of this seasons 'year', to be about 3.25 years old? He looks a bit to old for 3.25 years old... Unless of course this took place closer to say, 4 years 10 months? than the kid would still be around 4 years old but he still looks to old to me...

So tenshins theory gains some grounds here ;)


as for the whole time thing.


The problem with that tenshin is, if he 'were' offtrack from becoming president, when Peter went into the future, events had ALREADY changed, he should not have been able to go to 'that' future! It should have been a different future! (though since he traveled with future peter to future peters present, it may circumvent the whole issue of different branching time line thing)

But didn't peter go back to the present, than back into the future again? (Might be wrong here).

Either way, Parkmans 'vision' of the future, in the present, of the already changing future, was still the same as the future peter saw... So its hard to say whether or not the future is changing at all... Specially with with the advant that Parkmans father is manipulating nathan, so him becoming president isn't totally off track.

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Still think it would be funny if Sylar turns out to be Noah's father and Noah in the future somehow is brought into the past and raised to become HRG.


Then Sylar could tell Noah that he's his father^^




And that would be the moment that my television travels at a high velocity through my window.


Note:  I'm kidding, because I wouldn't put it past them to do that.  And I like my TV.

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