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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Well, just watched the episodes on NBC.

(QUICK FYI, NBC has stated that they are going to be AIRING various new Episodes "they didn't specify which shows" online, a day before they air on TV. So Heroes might be a very good possibility, or it could be the other new shows coming out, I don't know, but its still possibly awesome)


All I have to say is


The only thing that intrigued me throughout the entire 2 hours, was finally finding out 'exactly' what slyers orignal power was. And here we all thought he was a canible.. Though him having a bloodstash, and saving a few brains for leftovers, kinda lead us in that direction.


Also, WTF doesn't Hiro just go back 5 seconds and grab the thign that was stolen from him? I mean.. REALLY Hiro? REALLY? 5 seconds could so incredibly screw time up, when your going to do it the 'long way', and 'fix' the problem after it became a problem, instead of 'fixing the problem' before it 'became a problem'? Wheres the Hiro I know and love! Bad Hiro Bad!


Also, is it just me, or did the doctor guy become 10x more annoying this season then last? I didn't 'hate' him like some of the rest of you all did, but damn...

(Btw, didn't those guys who 'mugged mohander?' take off with his syringe? Aka, the 'catalyst' for the break of new 'heroes/villians'?)

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Who else is tired of Claire?  She is getting all whiney.  How lame was the "I can't breath" fake out? 


Sylar arc is AWESOME!  I mean, he is really unstoppable.  Wouldn't the Haitian be his weakness though?


Future Peter meeting Present Peter.... paradox?



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Yea, Claires been whiney though... 'oooh I can't die! wah wah!' Suck it up blonde!


Sylar arc is probably the most interesting arc so far...


As for Sylars weakness, its quite simple. Lodge a lead pipe into that special part of his brain, in which clair was 'dead' until someone pulled said lead pipe out of her.

Can't bury sylar alive, he's got to many other powers...

Give a lil haitian, and a .22 pistol, and it might just get the job done. ;)

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Noah + Chainsaw + Haitian + Sylar = Dead Sylar


I think he could figure it out if he knew the extent of Claire's injuries when the football player assaulter her.  I don't think it'll happen though since Mrs. Petrelli 1) is grooming Sylar and 2) saw Sylar alive and well vs the Angsty Four.


I think it's a bit weak, but I think Sylar may begin his trek into anti-hero territory.

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Ok...Dale and i were talking about Niki/Tracy last night, and I'm a bit on the pissed side with her whole story line.  First off, she is one of my absolute favorite characters on the entire show.  But it made me quite angry that they never laid out her power/talent/story in the first two seasons.


Secondly, does it seem like they've decided that she is Niki/Jessica's twin sister that was supposed to have died, but apparently didn't, and is gifted in different ways than Niki/Jessica?  Will she have multiple personalities as well, or just the one?



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I was all about the triplet theory until Zimmerman said he created her which indicates she is a clone.  My question is... if she is clone with the same genetic makeup of Nikki, shouldn't her powers be the same?  Well unless they cloned her, and then injected both clones with the 'formula' which gave her latent powers.  That would explain why they had different powers.


And so far, everything indicates Tracy is a unique individual... right down to her birth certificate. 


If Tracey and Nikki are clones... who/where is the original? 

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Sylar is officially the best character on the show. I loved him diving into that FBI impersonation.


Right now Claire is treating Sylar's attack on her exactly like a rape. He got in her head in more than the obvious way. Wonder how it's going to go down when she finds out he's her uncle.


Though that has me wondering - isn't he about the same age as Peter and Nathan? Wouldn't somebody have noticed? So, considering how brutal and manipulative Angela has already proved herself to be, can we really believe on her thinly-explained say-so alone that Sylar is her son? Or is she just telling him whatever will make him controllable, and consequently useful?

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1) I thought that Tracy was Jessica with a memory wipe courtesy of someone like the Haitian.  Now I think she's more of a Boys From Brazil creation/clone of someone who had a power, and that it's proof that environmental influence has a big say so in your power.  Either that or the very small differences in the genetics between clones has an effect.  Or that mitochondrial RNA has an effect.


2)  What if the Dreamwalker can share his powers opposite to the way Peter and Sylar collects them?


3) I can see Sylar being one of the Petrelli boys.  Angela is twisted enough to do something like that.  Then again she could be messing with him.  Really though, his whole change of heart thing is annoyingly artificial.  He goes from being completely predatory, and completely murderous, to doing Angela's bidding and appearing to struggle with the "hunger".  It seems a bit contrived.

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1) I thought that Tracy was Jessica with a memory wipe courtesy of someone like the Haitian.  Now I think she's more of a Boys From Brazil creation/clone of someone who had a power, and that it's proof that environmental influence has a big say so in your power.  Either that or the very small differences in the genetics between clones has an effect.  Or that mitochondrial RNA has an effect.


Notice what Mohinder stated about people being unique? I can see, simply 'WHERE' you lived, changing a person enough, to give them a different set of powers.


I mean, consider this.

Niki - sleeps with anyone, super strong.

Tracy - Ice Queen... Freezes people. (though, they basically said that tracy sleeps with anyone to get higher up in the food chain, so its not that much of a difference, but still, Ice queen! :P )


2)  What if the Dreamwalker can share his powers opposite to the way Peter and Sylar collects them?


I think you all are missing the obvious.

Parkman is psychic, he can read minds.

Perhaps, what we are seeing, is not so much a new or latent power, but a combination of the drugs, music, and being close to the dreamwalker, is escentially allowing Parkman, to see what he saw. That or the drugs, like the environmental differences, allows the user to 'gain' said powers temporarilly.

The introduction of the Dreamwalker, basically shows us though, that duplicate powers are possible.



3) I can see Sylar being one of the Petrelli boys.  Angela is twisted enough to do something like that.  Then again she could be messing with him.  Really though, his whole change of heart thing is annoyingly artificial.  He goes from being completely predatory, and completely murderous, to doing Angela's bidding and appearing to struggle with the "hunger".  It seems a bit contrived.


I believe she is messing with him, because she knows how powerful he really is. She isn't his mother, and since we still don't know what her 'power' is, I'm sure it has to deal with manipulation.


But I don't believe sylar is actually 'under her spell', so to speak.


Look at it through Sylars eyes, He can't die, he can gain all the powers he wants, and of course, he's escentially under there protection now, and gets 'free meals'. No more having to deal with the headache of having to deal with more people, cops, ect. He's simply playing it out until the deal goes south.


Also, if you saw the brief preview for next weeks episode, it basically hints that The ol' bat basically has the powers of maniuplation... I mean, slyar.. Baking? For Peter?! Yea, She's definately got some power that twists people... And if it finally gets to sylar.. I dunno. I don't see him 'fixing' his mess either. If anything I see him 'eating' his mess.


Btw, I thought they said that the body Peter was in was a guy who could 'destroy the world'? And he just yells really loud? Or am I missing something here?

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I don't know that Sylar's "change of heart" is all that artificial. First off, his personality has never been particularly stable. Second, remember at the end of season one, he got freaked out about where the path he was on seemed to be leading and tried to go back to being a normal person and went to his mother for approval. She got scared and hateful and ended up dying in the struggle that followed. Now he's got a surrogate mother who may or may not be his biological parent who accepts what he is and is supportive of him. I don't think he even cares if she's his real mother, so long as she plays that part for him. Sylar getting what he wants is more important than whether it's right. If Doing Good and playing nice with Bennet lets him keep what he's got, he'll do it. Until he sees something he wants more, like Jesse's power.

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