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Welcome back Lessa Nikia


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Rum please..flaming preferably *tries to look innocent*


I've been good. Working mostly and when I'm not doing that, I'm cross stitching lots. Just celebrated my one year wedding anniversary with my bonded _wolfbrother_. RL tends to cause issues sometimes but I think I'm finally at a place where I can be here more often 

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a Flaming rum it is then !!! ¨hands one to Lessa*

and .. belatedly... happy anniversary :biggrin:


We do have a couple of other archers returnees ! this is a good thing... a new regimental competition will start soon !!!

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there can never be enough chicken pluckers!


Welcome back girl! *Claps the Archer on the back and has her stumble in to Chaelca* Carefull now..... Dice is Spotfinetriggerhappy these days. :wink:

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Using poor banders to assault a superior officer may also be dangerous. ..


But a perfectly time honoured and legitimate way to go about things! And if it's not dangerous, how exactly is it fun?  :tongue:

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Rum please..flaming preferably *tries to look innocent*


I've been good. Working mostly and when I'm not doing that, I'm cross stitching lots. Just celebrated my one year wedding anniversary with my bonded _wolfbrother_. RL tends to cause issues sometimes but I think I'm finally at a place where I can be here more often

I heard rum... Could I get some of that too?

And great to see so many people returning...

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