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Modding mafia game at BT


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At present, the mafia queue is empty. Is anyone interested in hosting a game?


Rules to host

1. You must be a member of Black Tower and agree to all rules posted in Arena

2. Due to uncertain level of activity, try to make a smaller game that can run with 8-10 players. You may expand only if you can get more people to sign up.

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Please add modding requests to the queue, and I'll take a look at it when I get the chance to. 


There's first the official event game, right? We're not trying to do one before then?

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This might be my calling to finally join the BT. >_>

I can hear your command auditory hallucinations telling you to sign up.


There is nothing to lose here - it is a mellow place, and you post here anyway.


Please, so my voices can have some peace?

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