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  1. I think everyone is aware of that at this point. Though I find it curious how people wrap themselves in the mantle of “supporting RJ against the show” as if they have any idea of what RJ’s opinion of the show would have been.
  2. I didn't. You said: ...which lead to my comment that you seem genuinely upset by the fact that someone might have good things to say about the show. Which you then reinforce... So in your view, it is impossible for someone to genuinely enjoy the show. They have to search to find good things to say in order to bolster their own private desire to see the show completed. But, it is not impossible. I genuinely enjoy the show (although there were some moments of cringe in S1 that I wish hadn't been there). I especially enjoyed season 2 (which you haven't bothered to watch, but still want us to pay attention to your opinion), where the writing started to elevate to match the performances of the actors. Anyway, you're not interested in having a conversation about the series, just in bashing it. So I'll be on my way.
  3. Has viewership “tanked”? I don’t think that’s true. Season 2 was well received compared to season 1.
  4. I’m sorry you dislike it so much. Obviously, your feelings are not shared by everyone here.
  5. It certainly doesn’t have a place in the zeitgeist the way GoT did. At the same time, we are 6 months out from the end of season 2 and probably a year away from the start of season 3. It’s like the time between the NFL draft and the start of training camps. Just not much to talk about.
  6. But it's really hard to gauge any of that in the age of streaming. For example, "The Boys" isn't on that list. Are we pretending that's not a huge show for Amazon? What about "Mrs. Maisel"? How many of the minutes "Man in the High Castle" is getting right now are from people who were steered to it by the algorithm because they watched another show in the same genre and because there's nothing out there right this minute that is hitting that spot? My wife was one of those people who binged "Suits" randomly, years after it dropped. We still go back and rewatch our favorites too. I'm not trying to say WoT is some sort of mega hit. Clearly it isn't. But at the same time, it's hard to read much into things dropping on and off of the Nielsen list when they aren't running. It may pop back onto the list a few months from now.
  7. Are there any shows you actually like?
  8. This is absurd. You don't get to judge whether someone else is a fan.
  9. What leads you to that conclusion? Sanderson has been calling it like he saw it from day one. These statements don't particularly stand out as ominous in any way.
  10. This is interesting speculation... Why do you think that? [As an aside, I have to say one of the things they've done very right is the villains. They've been great.] This is spot on.
  11. Let’s not pretend that insults and gatekeeping are exclusive to one side or the other of this argument.
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