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Red Eagle to produce Aiel War mobile game

  • <p>Red Eagle Games and Jet Set Games are partnering up to produce a Kickstarter campaign. They intend to raise money for an Aiel-themed video game.</p>


Red Eagle games announced today that they are taking new forward steps to produce multiple video games based on The Wheel of Time. The first game, which they hope to release in January around the time A Memory of Light is published, will be a "tactical RPG" called First Banner of the Rising Sun. It will be designed for Apple iOS and Google Android devices.


Red Eagle intends to fund this first game by running a Kickstarter campaign. This campaign, which goes live today, is seeking to raise $450,000 from fans interested in supporting their cause to produce Wheel of Time video games. Supporters will receive different incentives depending on how much they donate, such as exclusive in-game items, or (for big donators), their name and likeness somewhere in the game itself.


To produce the game, Red Eagle has partnered with Jet Set Games, the creators of the popular Highborn mobile game on iOS and Android.


First Banner of the Rising Sun will take place during the early days of the Aiel War. The player will control characters not seen in the books, but get the chance to fight against the hoards of Aiel invaders.


In the coming years, Red Eagle Games intends to publish a series of other video games for all major platforms.

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^Exactly that. Although after, what, like 7(?) years of empty promises from REE, I really can't see anything coming from this anyway.

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Okay lets look at the progression of this. Back in 2008 Universal buy's the Movie rights to WoT with REE acting as the production company to actually make it. Then REE spins off REG to make video games based on the novels and movies. Red Eagle Games hasn't announced ANYTHING since mid 2009 When a distrubition deal with EA and a partnership with Obsidian was announced to make and produce the first Console WoT Game. Now in late 2012 Instead of a announcment of that console game or news on the progression of the movie we get news of a App Game...One they can't get private funding for and so are going to Kickstarter....Harriet really needs to get the rights away from these people.

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My girlfriend visited Obsidian studios for a college course and asked about the WoT games. They have absolutely no plans or anything for them, nothing is even close to begun, etc. because there's absolutely zero funding for the project whatsoever.

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I asked a Question about the Console game REG said it was making. The reply I got makes it clear that the Console project is dead.


"Golden Crane


Tuesday Aug 14, 12:34am EDT



Our strategy for development, much like the industry itself, has matured over that last several years and we will enter the market with social/mobile products. REG continues to enjoy a relationship with EA for worldwide distribution of retail package products. Obsidian remains a friend of REG but is not active in this product environment.

Hope you will agree that the arena we are entering is exciting and a great venue for the world of Robert Jordan."



REE/REG should let the rights revert. Their asking for $450k for a App Game. There are some Console games that don't have budgets that large. Their asking for the moon and their not going to get it. I'll admit I don't do mobile gaming. I use my phone for a Phone and nothing more. When I want to play a game I want a real game. Console or PC nothing else. I don't own a handheld system I don't want one. I don't play games when I am out and about. When I leave my house I do so with something in mind and it honestly never occurs to me to take time out of that to sit down and play a game. Besides Mobile games for all they can do can not stand up to the detail and complexity a Console or PC game can give. They are completely different experiences and given the depth of the source material their working from Mobile Gaming is not the arena they want to launch with. It doesn't have the capability to be as deep or as enthralling as it could be nor as entertaining. If this was done as a Console or PC game it could be much much better. A game like this with the combat style of say Assassin's Creed would work perfectly. Were not going to get that from REE/REG/

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What happened to a movie, or the MMO, or their deal with Obsidian? $450,000, I repeat, 450,000 frickin dollars for a phone app game? You have got to be kidding me. No doubt it will cost $20 to download and won’t work right, and won’t feel anything in the slightest WoTish. Seriosuly now folks, do not waste your money giving it to these jokers. Where can we sign a petition to get rid of Red Eagle and let someone else have a go?

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i don't use any mobile devices, so i am somewhat indifferent to this. while i hope for wot games to exist, it is very unlikely that i will ever get a chance to play this one, i don't even have a cheap cellphone, let alone a touch screen "smart" phone. i have an excellent computer and a high speed home internet connection. i think they are missing their market.

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I agree with above comments. 450k? Really? For development of the Ouya the target was only 900k! And with so little to show us: we have no idea what this game is going to be like. So we would be donating only because we love WoT, and our faith in the company developing the game. If REE ever had credit in the WoT community, the credit is now long gone.


This project seems so far-fetched, I almost believe they do it on purpose, so they can blame us for not succesfully developing or releasing WoT-based games...

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I'm willing to buy a video game, but I really dislike the trend of paying for in-game merchandise. A game isn't a shopping-spree!


So, I'll tell you what. I will invest 1000$ for, say, a 5% return in one year. If REG believes in this project, that should present no difficulty (I'm sure their profit margins are considerably larger). Barring that, I'll contribute whatever the final product will cost, minus 20% (but only for a fully-functioning stand-alone game, and that's 20% off whatever promotion price REG ends up offering anytime during the first year).

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If this was a computer/console game or even a board game, I think I would t hesitate to support REG but a mobile app?

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Sorry REE, but as much as I would like to play wheel of time games I have few reasons why you won't get any support money from me:


1. It's been who knows how many years of empty promises to make games/movies, but nothing has happened.


2. It's a mobile game. I don't play mobile games.


3. Basicaly you are asking us to pay pretty much whole game development. I mean 450k is alot of money to use on mobile game development.. and then you will start selling that game that we paid for you to get profit.. Sounds pretty greedy for me.


4. As far as I know REE has no real experience in game developement so they are using other companies to develope games. Which is good, but still I don't expect those games to be anything special in terms of quality.


5. Jordan was displeased with them and so their creditably in my eyes does not change before they have actually done something more than empty promises.


To be honest.. I would most likely donate to kickstarter.. if it was to get those rights away from REE.

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There is no question: we should NOT be donating our money to Red Eagle!


These guys play themselves off as "long-time fans" but what a lie! They bought the rights without having read the books and have since ruined every professional relationship they've formed along the way. They are bad business all around, and this Kickstarter is the ultimate insult.


Not only that, it's a crappy Kickstarter! And they want half a million! What a joke. Let's just hope it fails and that Harriet has the sense not to renew the rights to these guys.

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I'm starting get a little frustrated not only with REE and REG, but pretty much all product development related to WoT.


Item the First: I signed up for a comic book subscription back when Dabel Bros was in the picture. Dabel Bros posted at the time that WoT would be their flagship title. I paid $35 for it. I got 4 comics, then never heard from anyone again. Sent emails, made complaints, I was completely ignored. I don't even know who is producing the comic book now. I see absolutely zero promotion of the WoT comic in comic social circles or in book stores, and find that even many WoT fans don't even know it exists! I actually went to a physical comic store and asked, and was told "We used to carry some of that." How many years has it been since New Spring FIRST appeared as a comic, and we don't even yet have a complete set of graphic novels yet for EoTW. It's been YEARS now. EPIC EPIC fail.


Item the Second: The WoT trading card game died a fiery death. That could have been huge, but... nope. No marketing, no signage at any bookstore that I visited, and barely any mention of it at all that I could find. I only knew about it because I saw it in a comic store while on vacation YEARS ago. You cannot simply pass out flyers at Jordan-Con and expect that will be sufficient advertising. And if they could not afford more sufficient advertising, then they were not ready to release.


Item the Third: The WoT movie. I can understand that funding for a project like this could be tough, but there has been no communication at all except to say "We're working on it." No you're not. WHAT PART of it are you working on today? Anytime Red Eagle gets cornered, they dodge the question, and fail to provide any kind of cogent answer.


Item the Fourth: WoT video game. On the one hand, there actually has been one fairly good WoT video game, produced a few years by by Legend Entertainment. I thought it was well-done for the time, though not canon. It was fun to play, and the different factions were pretty well represented. The Children of the Light were a lot of fun to fight, especially the ones that keep shouting "CONFESS!!" as you try to fight them off. But you would think that WoT would lend itself to (at least) a HUGE RPG style game, on par with Dragon Age, Skyrim, or even Diablo 3. Something with 80+ hours of gameplay. BUT NOOOOO! Red Eagle bought the rights, and then sat on them so that NO ONE BUT THEM would be able to make any money on some crappy mobile app game? I remain thoroughly unimpressed, and underwhelmed.


I'm sure there's more that I'm missing. But the bottom line is that this franchise deserves a whole lot better treatment than it has received from third party promotions. Just off the top of my head, LOTR has made at least 5 video games already that were all pretty good, and successful. If REG, Obsidian, or ANYONE AT ALL, had been truly working full-time on a high end console (or better yet, PC) game for WoT, it would have been done by now, or at least have beta screen-shots and possibly a soft release-date. But REG won't even comment on it unless cornered, and even then their only answer is "We're working on it."


That answer no longer suffices. I move for a vote of no-confidence in Red Eagle's ability to produce anything worthy of this franchise's name.

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Just looked at the kickstarter page, 11 backers for a total of $382.00 ... 29 days left ... that leaves them a total of $449,618 to generate in the remaining time.


I don't see this happening ...

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@Metal Head The WoT comics were bought by Dynamite Comics. They are still being released monthly. Ask your local comic shop to get it in for you and they should. But as its being released as a monthly comic and each comic containing only about a chapter or 2 per issue it takes a while to publish the whole thing. I believe 2 collected trades are already out and available on Amazon which have I believe 6 issues apiece in them. The total comic run is expected at 34 or 35 issues. Issue #29 is released this month and has Rand's meeting with Elayne.

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  On 8/14/2012 at 5:15 PM, Crowl Rife said:

After I got screwed with the New Spring comics, they won't get any money from me.

Exactly what comes to mind whenever I hear Red Eagle...

And I see MetalHead had the same experience as well.

Come on, these guys have shown that they can't be taken seriously. This just sounds like another fiasko...

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I'm proud of people for their responses. Because this is a fan site, I assumed responses would be, "Oh boy, more WoT stuff for me to buy!" I'm glad that people are fed up with crappy offerings, delays, and broken promises. Given how protective Harriet seems to be of her husband's legacy and WoT in general (e.g., not allowing same-day digital release so the hard copy can more easily ascend bestseller lists), I'm surprised how seemingly cut-rate these ancillary products are.

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Everything has taken way too long to develop, there has been no clear direction, no projections or plans of any kind. Had someone else been on top of this, the series would rival Lotr and have movies by now. I wonder if Peter Jackson is free...

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This is ridiculous - this reeks of a scam as bad as anything you will see on craigslist! I had to check the date to make sure it wasn't April Fools or anything of the like. I think we as fans just need to accept that Robert Jordan was right to despise these people and just wait patiently for a real game to come out (even if it is fan produced).

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I have never donated to anything for REE. I've read a lot about them, and I truly believe REE to just be a scam artirst that found a niche to milk. We ALL want so much more from out beloved WoT that we get blinded by the things we see. We know it could be a great movie(s). The games COULD be phenomenal, but the game will not be an app AND be what WE want. If REE needs 450k donated to help on Kickstarter then they clearly are just sitting back and playing Modern Warfare 3 on us.


How has NOTHING been completed? How can you love WoT and not be able to 'Sell' it to someone else to develope. Put tEotW in their hands. Heck, I'd be more willing to buy copies of the books to give out to companies to read and inspire a movie or REAL game than I would be to shell out any money to REE for an app...

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