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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Sorry Laine, but that's how it felt. There were some comments directed at people. I answered the ones directed at me. A lot of it just felt like what it is. Catch up posting. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at with my input on your other stuff.

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  On 7/10/2015 at 11:51 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Sorry Laine, but that's how it felt. There were some comments directed at people. I answered the ones directed at me. A lot of it just felt like what it is. Catch up posting. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at with my input on your other stuff.

a different view point on my reads? Am I wrong? Right? Am I town/mafia? Did anything stick out to you that could use more pressure? Am I totally off track and needing immediate help? Just.. Thoughts. We can get a better read of each other and others that way.


Side note: ew conversation

  On 7/10/2015 at 11:50 AM, alannalynn said:

Eldrick I think the point being made is that your vote would be better used going toward someone who you believe is truly scummy rather than bouncing it around for little reason.


What's your WTL look like?


I don't have a strong reason to lynch anyone ATP. I have a bunch of nulls, but I don't have a case on anyone. Too much of the day was taken up by this vig claim stuff and waiting for players to respond.


I didn't have any issues with it. I'll go over it again after I wake up and see if I can be more helpful in this regard. I'm fading fast and I'm gonna go to bed.


I had you as null/scum lean because of your inactivity. Now that you're back and engaging, I'm feeling better about you.


...and i can barely keep my eyes open. I'm going to bed

  On 7/10/2015 at 11:49 AM, Zander said:

Im still not liking this John/Pral thing somethings rotten there imo


Im gonna re-read Hallia and with that Talya. I don't like the Lock Clear comment based on nothing atp.

Talya looks town, no? Are you thinking TMI or that Hally just has a really strong read? I'm town reading Hally though I should go back and make sure I'm ok with that later today.


I think there's a possibility of snow/pral being v/v, even with the awful execution on snows part. Secondly could be w/v, never w/w. Thoughts?

  On 7/10/2015 at 5:17 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:15 AM, Talya said:

I have to agree with you on Dice. His vote on Zander seemed a bit jokey but in another way not. He has lately been called town for the way he hones in on people and votes even if wrong. But there is a little thought there. This was the most stupid reason to vote for someone. So not seeing him the same.

I am right, aren't I? He just left it there and moved on.



I think this is what bothered me, he seems happy to leave it there, I'll need to ISO him to expand on that in my mind though


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:18 AM, seph said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:15 AM, Talya said:

I have to agree with you on Dice. His vote on Zander seemed a bit jokey but in another way not. He has lately been called town for the way he hones in on people and votes even if wrong. But there is a little thought there. This was the most stupid reason to vote for someone. So not seeing him the same.

I thought his vote was just a joke? Did he ever make any serious points against him?... now I gotta go re read tayla... gr



It sort of was, and yet if had a feel of not at the same time, I think that is what made me feel off about it.


Pral - his post where he says us to work it out. Been thinking about this, together with his claim, this makes sense. If he believes that he is a limited Vig and someone else claims, he believes that they maybe as well. so he wouldn't really question it.


@ Eld - JOAT is not the first thing that would come to mind at all...it can mean a number of things, an x shot a limited one (percentage of going through) etc. JOAT, is a powerful role, and I don't think he would have claimed Vig under those circumstances.


@ Alanna, To be honest I have seen a lot of his posts, some have registered as I either liked or didn't and some didn't register at all...I need to have a closer look.


I feel happier at Pral, leaning town now. This makes me feel a little better about Heart. I had her loosely linked with Js and then Pral, but it's a new day I'm not seeing it. I also want to view Zander. I had her linked to him...just on her comments about him, not that they are necessarily both wolf, but it may be useful later.


I like Alanna on those Loooooonnnngggg posts, lol. Feeling slightly towny for me after that.




I got more attention on the Heart/Zander link than the vote...but I may go back there after I have had chance to read more.


I'm off doing some Revising this afternoon, so will be back later and try and look closer at a number of people.

  On 7/10/2015 at 12:02 PM, alannalynn said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 11:49 AM, Zander said:

Im still not liking this John/Pral thing somethings rotten there imo


Im gonna re-read Hallia and with that Talya. I don't like the Lock Clear comment based on nothing atp.

Talya looks town, no? Are you thinking TMI or that Hally just has a really strong read? I'm town reading Hally though I should go back and make sure I'm ok with that later today.


I think there's a possibility of snow/pral being v/v, even with the awful execution on snows part. Secondly could be w/v, never w/w. Thoughts?



I agree with that, I don't think it is w/w

  On 7/7/2015 at 6:13 PM, John Snow said:

Hardclaiming vig. 


Shooting the lowest post count at the EoD. If you want to live, give me more than this 2 posts in 3 days that some people try to get away with. 



  On 7/9/2015 at 7:34 AM, John Snow said:

Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]


you see my problem here right?

  On 7/7/2015 at 6:50 PM, Talya said:

hello all, Not played with Razen before, nice to meet you, not sure about Jon Snow neither. LotD I know, but I haven't seen him play neither.



  On 7/7/2015 at 5:48 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 5:39 PM, Zander said:

and hello to all the new/old people i dont know!!!!


and please be aware you are playing with seph who is the GOAT hero of Star Wars and Heart who will be and UN CC'd Doc and lunched by some "stellar" town play!!!


welcome back/to DM Mafia!!!!

I just can't believe that thread was like 400+ pages long, haha.  That was literally the first thing I saw on the mafia board when I logged in for the first time yesterday.  I don't remember anything that was even half that when I left!




It was an epic, some great moments, which includes lynching the doc...(Heart) and other things, we did lynch 3 mafia in the first 3 days.


  On 7/7/2015 at 6:32 PM, John Snow said:



Feels like she's trying to egg on some TvT action. If we're CC'ing we'd be voting each other. 


Or you are both LLL :p


As we don't know the set up, if someone else claimed vig, why would you not question it? Unless you are both on the same team.



  On 7/7/2015 at 6:51 PM, Hallia said:

Ohhh, town Tal in the house!


John, are you mafia?



  On 7/7/2015 at 6:58 PM, Hallia said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 6:51 PM, Hallia said:

Ohhh, town Tal in the house!


John, are you mafia?

You can't ignore me, sir




  On 7/7/2015 at 7:06 PM, Talya said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 6:51 PM, Hallia said:

Ohhh, town Tal in the house!


John, are you mafia?


Hi town Hally...looking good already!


  On 7/7/2015 at 6:53 PM, John Snow said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 6:50 PM, Talya said:


  On 7/7/2015 at 6:32 PM, John Snow said:



Feels like she's trying to egg on some TvT action. If we're CC'ing we'd be voting each other. 


Or you are both LLL :p


As we don't know the set up, if someone else claimed vig, why would you not question it? Unless you are both on the same team.


Not if we were going to Kivam it :tongue:





So you are on the same team...please don't say Mason's...we have to lynch mason's otherwise Zander will flip


and don't play games >.>  apart from Mafia....




  On 7/8/2015 at 3:05 AM, Hallia said:

Really liking Talya for town as well.



  On 7/8/2015 at 3:14 AM, Hallia said:

1. dicetosser1 - No posts at all - null

2. NotBob - Haven't seen enough to give me a read one way or another - null

3. Aiel Heart - Not enough posts - null

4. alannalynn - Not enough posts - null

5. Pralaya - Hardclaim vig cc - Time will tell

7. lord of the dawn - Not enough posts - null

8. Eldrick - Not bad posts, seems towny enough

9. Zander - Not bad posts at all, stronger town read

10. Seph - Asking questions, seems engaged - towny

11. TinaHel - One post - null

12. Razen - Same as Seph, towny as well


14. John Snow - poor reactions, quick to vote initially, not improved since



this is every mention of Talya/Hallia to the point of Hallia claiming Talya lock clear....TALYA HAD ONLY 2 POSTS!!!!.  this pings me greatly.


Going to try to catch up quick, but I also need to pack and eat before work >.>


Also: not going to be around this weekend; going to go to my parents' house and then we're going to Cedar Point Saturday and Sunday. Will try to check in nights.


And will just respond as I go


  On 7/9/2015 at 5:55 PM, Talya said:




Ok so AT THE TIME we had two vig claims, John came out and said he wasn't a vig, and then people were looking at Pral as if he was scummy (please see the lines before what was bolded).

So if both of them are not the vig (one said he wasn't and the other was being looked at like he was scummy so he wouldn't be the vig either) the two options based on that would either be (1) no vig or (2) some third person was the vig. 

And that question was meant to be more incredulous. By no means should another vig (if there is one) step forward at this point. I was trying to figure out what people were getting at when they switched their attention/votes from John to Pral



^^ This one, she automatically assumes that Pral can't be a vig because people are funding him Scummy, Not sure  but I didn't like the last part in bold, the rest of her talk didn't sound like that. After this she goes to find out who had changed their votes. This doesn't read right to me at present.




Reading back through I'm more inclined to think there is a link between her and Zander, a few...comments on Zander feeling different, not wanting to putting him her scummy pile yet, This feels off/staged to me. I need to look at Zander a couple of things there I didn't like neither.


I did like her new posts, but when I look closely at them, she goes back to commentary n places rather than reads on people. Feels fency in a few places.




sorry, just please don't claim Doc, else I'll cry. <3

Once again, I was trying to figure out what THEY were assuming because based on THEIR scummy read of Pral from THEIR perspective he couldn't be the Vig. 

What did that leave us with? No vig or a third vig because John already said he wasn't

  On 7/9/2015 at 6:51 PM, Pralaya said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 3:18 PM, TinaHel said:

Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 




What did you think of his reaction?


Ok just sped skimmed the last few pages, need to go and do stuff now, will try to pop in tonight after I get to my parents' 


Vote Count


Zander (1/8): dicetosser1

John Snow (2/8): Zander, Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (2/8): Razen, NotBob

Lord of the dawn (3/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina



Not voting (5/14): Aiel Heart, alannalynn, Talya, Eldrick, and lord of the dawn


Countdown to end of day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1

  On 7/9/2015 at 7:33 PM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:08 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:00 PM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 2:12 PM, Hallia said:

Been reading since I woke up, don't have much time before I gotta finish getting ready for work, but I don't like this turnout, either.  Due to his play, John Snow pretty much outed Pral as a vig.  


Also, re: the 'are you town' thing - I have been known to do that from time to time.  Lie Detectors can be a thing, and while I am not one, if there is one I like making their lives easier.  It's fun to see who is quick to chime in with an "I am town" and who questions it. >=D


She likes the idea. She thinks it's fun to see who says they're town quickly and who questions it. But, she doesn't say it herself.






Do not like Eldrick taking heat for his vote then quickly moves along to another weak case.  Looks like he's tryIng to change the subject.


Unvote, Vote Eldrick


Really? My vote was for pressure. It got the desired effect and wasn't staying. I found something else weird and moved it to Hally.


It was not for changing the subject. I still responded to what the heat was for.



This applied pressure?  Weak sauce trying to fabricate cases.  Like my vote at this point.


Still reading...

  On 7/9/2015 at 7:40 PM, Eldrick4221 said:



First of all, I'm always spastic. I haven't learned to not be yet.


Secondly, what's up with the concept that me being mafia would 'rein me in'? It didn't in the W13 game, and I fooled Verb because of it.


Not sure what this post is in response to and what it tell us about this game.

  On 7/10/2015 at 4:53 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 2:31 AM, seph said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 6:52 PM, Pralaya said:

Anyway, [v]lord of the dawn[/v]


Based on my earlier reads. I don't think his reads are that organic when you look at it. The vote train on JS looks definitely scum driven.

Pral has your view on zander changed? Or is it just lord?



How do you not have any reads at the moment eldrick? Can't you give us something...


Has anyone played with dawn before? Even his reads list feels off.

I think I just personally hate when people joke with themselves in their own reads list. I remember snow did this in a game as scum, and I haven't got over it...


Sorry. I had a busy evening. Reads I have now, in no particular order (just what comes to mind)


I haven't seen anything particularily scummy.


I didn't like JS's play, but I'm accepting his explanation. Null for now.


I've liked Razen's play. Towny posts and easy to understand where he's coming from. Town read


Zander on the whole has been towny. I didn't like that he was pushing his "I am town because I have high post count", but I do think he's town. Town read


I didn't like that Dice's vote on Zander, because Zander typed in caps. It's a crappy reason to vote someone, and to my knowledge it's still there. Null to slight scum.


Laine isn't the strong towny presence I am expecting from her. I don't like that. She is apparently in another game, but that's no excuse. Also Null to slight scum.



I've liked Seph's game so far. Lots of towny posts and moving the thread along. Town read.


I don't have any issues with Heart. I like this playstyle over her typical teal deer style, but that's just me. She's been easy to understand what she means, and I've liked what she's been saying. Town read


I've been back and forth on Hally. Some stuff I like. Some stuff I don't. She's null for now, but slight town lean.


I haven't really noticed much from Lotad (Yes I'm calling you that too). I think he's mostly been going with the flow and agreeing with what's already being talked about. That's not a good look. Null here and watching him.


I haven't liked Pral's play at all. Leaving shortly after the vig claim. For like 2 days. Then only popping back in after JS explained what he was doing. And on top of that, his partial vig claim explanation reeks. I've given him some time to change my mind, but he hasn't. Scum read


I know I'm missing some people. i will have a full read list after I reread.



FTR...your scum reads are weak logic.


Dice:  cause he voted Zander for all CAPS...really?

Laine:  cause she doesn't meet your expectation on D1...seriously?

Pral:  cause JS admitted he lied and practically outed the Vig...who probably should not have countered in the first place...wow!


Still liking my vote at this point.


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