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Posts posted by Pandemonium

  1. 17 hours ago, Deadsy said:



    There's no evidence that the things you're concerned about it (e.g. choosing between saidar/saidin) have more than a 0.1% chance of happening.

    we don't know yet if the one power will even have a gender component.  are they going to have saidin or saidar or just a one power that can be universally channeled regardless of gender (which would be most non binary friendly)?  that isn't known yet as far I know.  if gender is taken out all kinds of wild things are possible, including differences in channeling based on gender preferences.  If the one power doesn't have a gender component then they probably won't be using the Lew Therin banner with the yin&yang.  



  2. 46 minutes ago, Deadsy said:



    You have no idea whether addressing these things is an agenda they have. Of course I'm not offended that they would address it. I think you have no idea that it's their agenda. There is source material directly in the books that addresses some of it. For example there are gay characters and it's not a big deal. But what you're focusing on is transgender. What you are suggesting with letting people choose saidar or saidin is a crazy huge leap. For one thing, they don't have modern medicine to change genders physically. That being the case, why would they have the ability to change between saidin and saidar? If that were the case all men would change to saidar so they don't go mad and it would f*** up the entire story.

    It really could get wild if they go in that direction that's why  I am somewhat concerned about it.  Halima was one thing, but this could get real crazy real fast if they going down that road

  3.  how will treat saidin and saidar.  are they going to play into the nonbinary argument that someone chooses what they channel, or is it inherently attached to the soul?  if someone identifies with a different gender in their soul then they channel a different power?  but if someone doesn't identify with a gender then what will they channel?  you know this stuff is in their agenda so it will be interesting to see how they approach it.  hopefully it just minor points passingly discussed rather than long soapbox monologues that derail RJs original work too far.  

  4. I think the thing that has kept my expectations tapered is the abundance of cliches in the ads.  Dark one and end of times, chosen one young hero, similar themes to Lord of the Rings, etc.  I will be more excited when I see the shows and what sets it apart from the rest of fantasy.  I know some of my friends saw the commercials and were thinking it looked a little generic as well.  Can't wait till they break out of the mold and let the show become it's own creation.  

  5. Honestly not sure what to expect.  I'm. keeping a 6 to7/10 in my mind so I'm not too disappointed.  


    The Czech outdoor setting and the towns and cities I have to say look 10/10 so far.  The trolloc costumes also 10/10


    Need to see more of the One power scenes before I make any conclusions.  Some of that might look a bit like a video game, but I guess that ok.  Hopefully it ends up looking unique and not like a mage in Diablo.


    Really love the songs and music themes I have heard so far as well.  


    Can't really comment on the characters or acting until I see the episodes so I'm setting the bar low.  


    Hopefully it looks better and builds better than Shadow and Bone which I didn't like so much


  6. 1 hour ago, Agitel said:


    I actually would not like this. Give me character moments, breathing room, and politics please!



    no battle will be interesting without proper setup and character development.  I actually dont like series which glance over the characters and don't build the rules of the magic systems.

       I'm sure lots of battles can be dropped but there are so many fights and battles that are seen as critical lore of wheel of time.  just including most of those will take alot of episode real estate.

  7. I think I read the books 4 or 5 times back in the day up to Knife of Dreams.  Started reading right when A crown of swords was released and would always reread the series before a new book came out.  The Sanderson books are the ones that would be hazy in my mind since I never reread them.  


    That said, I have read enough WOT in my life.  Alot of my lofty expectations for the series were a bit tempered by the last 5 or so books.  Some of the mystery of what would have been if RJ had finished the books will never be known.  that said I am so grateful that Sanderson finished the books so promptly.  


    I used to participate in the re read events on Tor.com and also glance at encyclopedia wot whenever I want to know something.  Now that I know the ending to the series though I just have no desire to go back and reread so many pages. 


    I am actually excited the TV show will change things up so I can have a new experience.

  8. The way the age is stacked, the dragon has to be male.  Not saying there couldn't be a female dragon in other ages.  but needs someone to:

    1.  learn the ways of saidin

    2.  learn enough about saidin to figure out a way to cleanse the taint

    3.  unify a force of male channelers to rebalance the female Aes Sedai (the wheel is about balance)


    Don't really think a female Aes Sedai would be motivated enough to try to learn the ways of saidin and then find a male channeler to combine with to cleanse the taint.   Females were too biased against men going mad to ever going near helping one.  That's a completely different story if they decided to go that direction.


    Everything Moiraine is saying is simply her way of getting the girls to come along.  She senses their potential in saidar and knows they are important.  And using them to help defeat the dark one might not be untrue.  All this create mystery for the show, but anyone who has read the books knows it is simple misdirection. 

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