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Posts posted by Pandemonium

  1. Trans characters changing which power they channel and if they get an Aes Sedai powered  gender re assignment would certainly be a wild turn on the show.  Even that doesn't work though because some people may not identify with just 1 gender...  Or if certain souls have a Male soul born in a female body would channel saidin?  aka halima. the precedent was already there. 


    not sure how they will handle that.  Maybe some people are born with the innate ability to channel both saidin and saidar?  that would certainly make hermaphrodites and the like a much more valued group in the wheel of time world.  That works for me, in India they always used to say that the transexual people provided special blessings. 


    I guess they could go there, but I just hope it doesnt derail the rules that RJ established too much.  I'm not sure there is a way to respectfully display that demographic that would make the transexual community 100% happy.  not sure, but I would definitely listen to other perspectives on that.  

  2. I'm pretty much down for anything these days as long as they keep the spirit of the books in tact.

    And yes no overt preaching either!  Was merely hoping they still keep saidin and saidar distinct since gender itself seems to be such a problematic construct these days.  


    Bisexual Rand, trans actors, pillowfriends galore, pansexual, mixed race cast... cool no big deal, not even cutting edge these days.


    Some people here have a problem with man-hating, but I think that was already abundant in wheel of time.  The Aes Sedai are going to be heavily biased against men who can channel and the show wouldn't be doing its job if they didn't have lots of haughty/arrogant Aes Sedai.


    Keep the story alive and this should be amazing so I'm still really excited for what's coming.  


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