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Posts posted by Pandemonium

  1. Tam will have a fever dream scene that will include flashbacks of Rands birth at dragonmount.  Ishamael will invade everyone's dreams and we will hear him speak for the 1st time.  


    One odd thing is apparently Agelmar isn't in this season?  I'm curious how long they are in Fal Dara before they head to the Eye.  Apparently no green man unfortunately, but hope I'm wrong.  

    One of the most beautiful moments of EoTW was Loials treesinging.  They probably ripped that out of the plot unfortunately with no green man. Since everything is so different it will hard to predict.  However, there must be impending trolloc invasion right when all this happens so that is probably why Agelmar won't be in the keep.


    The other question is if the horn of valere will appear at the eye.  I have no idea since the Eye is not the same Eye of the  books.

  2. 45 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:


    I went back and looked for this specifically in episodes 1 through 3 and I couldn't find a single example. 


    About the only two that I found that might possibly be considered as such were Egwene's father being worried about her and Egwene's response to Rand after he challenged Moiraine.   For the later, you can find several examples of Egwene acting the same way in the books.


    Maybe, I'm just missing them. 



    Lan has definitely been made to look incompetent thus far, probably not intentionally. Lan gets tracked, losses track of the EF5 in Shadar Logoth, gets dosed unaware with sleeping medicine while his friend kills himself, almost gets killed by Logaine,  and probably more examples.I think the man hating arguments exist primarily because the men haven't had many big wins on screen yet.  Alot of this is a product of having too much story and not enough time to tell it.  Perrin has gotten the most onscreen displays of power but he had his thunder stolen by killing his wife and some of his  Whitcloaks escape was aided by Egwene.  Rand has been non existent other than knocking open a door in episode 3.  Matt looks a scoundrel who was dumb enough to take a tainted dagger and then abandon his friends at the Ways.  


    Episode 7 & 8 should change this hopefully very soon as Rand gets more screen time.  I'm also hoping Lan is revered more once he reaches the borderlands where he is greatly respected. the wheel is all about balance and the women do have the power in the 1st few books.  it doesn't really shift until book 4


  3. holding all final judgment on the show until episode 8 is done.  I was starting to get excited after episode 4.  5 & 6 were solid 7s for me.  I really want a 9 or a 10 though and am still waiting.  the pace of this show is jerky and inconsistent.  I really hope episode 7 and the lead into the dragon is not too abrupt.  Rand just hasn't gotten much attention so far. I want to feel a plot buildup in each episode, but there hasn't been enough build up.  All the side plots are entertaining but distracting a bit from the overall story. 

    I really hope episode 7 & 8 take this home.  As a fan I will always watch, and I know future seasons can make improvements.  But I don't want the low 55 metacritic score and user falloff to tank the show.  Hopefully the hype can sustain.  Don't want this to join the graveyard of canceled shows.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, LordyLord said:

    So Mixed feelings on this episode.


    Objectively speaking, this was probably the best written/acted Episode of the season.

    In fact If I judged it strictly on Acting and writing It would be 7/10. I suspect that Most Non readers will love this one.


    The only bad writing I saw in the Episode was

    -The Opening which was unnecessary

    -How Morainne recieved the ''Eye of the World'' Mission


    But theres a lot of good in the Show.

    -Morainne and Sian are wonderfully acted

    -Whitetower politics excellently done

    -Blue Ajah well potrayed

    -This is the First Episode I felt was PERFECTLY paced.


    Now why do you think why Im Mixed?


    Because this wonderful episode came at a cost.It sidelined the EF5 once again These are our wonderful Main characters and they are not being developed. I dont think it was worth it.This is not the Morainne/Lan show



    Season will end with Mat being captured by Padan Fain.Rand goes on Great hunt not just to get the Horn but to rescue Matt.

    3 minutes ago, LordyLord said:

    So Mixed feelings on this episode.


    Objectively speaking, this was probably the best written/acted Episode of the season.

    In fact If I judged it strictly on Acting and writing It would be 7/10. I suspect that Most Non readers will love this one.


    The only bad writing I saw in the Episode was

    -The Opening which was unnecessary

    -How Morainne recieved the ''Eye of the World'' Mission


    But theres a lot of good in the Show.

    -Morainne and Sian are wonderfully acted

    -Whitetower politics excellently done

    -Blue Ajah well potrayed

    -This is the First Episode I felt was PERFECTLY paced.


    Now why do you think why Im Mixed?


    Because this wonderful episode came at a cost.It sidelined the EF5 once again These are our wonderful Main characters and they are not being developed. I dont think it was worth it.This is not the Morainne/Lan show



    Season will end with Mat being captured by Padan Fain.Rand goes on Great hunt not just to get the Horn but to rescue Matt.


    That's a great theory and the only thing that makes sense to get Mat back in the same place as everyone else and aligned for book 2 chase.    Also that 100% makes sense because Mat didn't really do much in book 2, so sidelining him makes sense.

  5. 36 minutes ago, jh557 said:


    I have came to the same conclusion and that we are just going to have to wait for the story to shift to the EF5 and that season 1 is really a season from Moiraine's viewpoint until the dragon is revealed at The Eye. With that being said, I wish that we were starting each episode with a flashback from chapters from NS which would help people to understand Moiraine and Siuan (non-readers still have no idea how they ended up in a relationship from their Novice and Accepted days or what the reference to Gitara's vision is since they have not seen it- and I always thought this would be an amazing scene), Moiraine and Lan (a scene from their bonding would have helped eliminate the confusion surrounding the warder bond and some issues with E5 for non-readers), and the Moiraine/Liandrin possible Elaida combo (Accepted days/preparing for the Test during the War- Alanna and Leane could have also been involved as well). I don't hate what the show is doing, but there are still a bunch of holes in the storyline that they are currently developing even when accepting that it is not a page by page adaption of The Eye of the World that could be plugged with scenes from NS


    Or even better in my opinion would have been just starting with NS in the first couple of episodes. To me, there was no logical reason to jump to EF in episode 1 other than that is how the book started since they are not super focusing on the EF5 at this time. If season 1 was going to focus on Moiraine, the Aes Sedai, and their warders this much and skipping so much time in Andor with the EF5 than starting with NS would have made the storyline easier to flush out by actually showing the end of their time as Accepted and showing how Moiraine becomes who she is. Just a couple of episodes that could have ended with Siuan and Moiraine realizing the BA knew and that it was them against the entire word. Then you jump 20ish years to where we started this season. Just a thought that I have had while watching the adaption that I think would make this storyline easier to accept for book readers that this season's focus was not on the EF5 but on Moiraine.     


    I also hated the many headed dragon comment and have hated it since it was first stated in the show. I get that it is the show writers trying to create misdirection or at least I hope that is all, but I hate that the focus has shifted to its more than one of them. I don't care about whether they leave it open ended for whether the Dragon is male or female. More power to them from this regard. There should be some confusion for watchers as to which EF5 it is but possibly all of them is just nonsense and poor writing in my opinion (Again disagreement with me is fine). I am praying that The Eye episode will end this. Also unless Ishy has been much more successful in corrupting things on this continent in this turning there should still be a definite Karaethon Cycle that Moiraine and Siuan would be using as guidance and regarded as the best possible prophecy right? 


    A few of other things that bothered me. Suian is now possibly a Dreamer even if poorly trained? Why did we need to change this to Suian's dream rather than keep it with the EF kids/Dream Ishy and Loial's cool Aiel story about blinging the eye. They literally moved the inn to TV, so this could have just happened in the inn in TV rather than the weak Siuan storyline. Also the comment of the Eye being the prison of the DO really bothered me. Just how poorly have the Aes Sedai been at keeping any knowledge that they do not even known where the DO is trapped unless they are completely eliminating Shayol Ghul in the show? Women can no longer sense how strong another woman is in the power or their potential power? Moiraine knew that Egwene could channel but sensed nothing from Nynaeve? Or was she just not able to sense how strong she was which her wording left as a possibility?  Liandrin made certain to point out Nynaeve is stronger than Siuan but did not say Moiraine's name as well which could mean nothing. Is there a chance that Moiraine is weaker than Siuan now? Alanna talked about Moiraine being powerful enough to stand up to Siuan so I have to assume that they are pretty equal but could Siuan be more on a Cadsuane level in the show?     


    I just want to say that I am throwing out these thoughts not in "hating" on the show. I have liked the show, but I have not loved it so far. It is still early and I will continue to watch.       

    My impression is that Siuan is not a dreamer.  I could be wrong.  In her office she had the same ter'angreal that Moiraine has.  I think they are both just using ter'angreL.

  6. Everything is moving so fast!  10 episodes so badly needed in the future if they are going to focus on all these secondary characters so much.  


    Also, why doesn't Moiraine take her terangreal with her everywhere so she has constant communication with Siuan.  Is that terangreal our 1st glimpse of telaranrhiod?  


     Mat's dagger healing scene didn't look very convincing.  Not sure where the dagger is now but I'm assuming Mat is not entirely severed.  Will be fun to see what mischief Matt is up to now.  

  7. 11 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    i assume they'll wait the end of season 1, judge whether it's a success with whatever metrics they use, and then decide whether to greenlight season 3


    also, the egwene interview shows - if it wasn't clear from the episodes - they made her a lot kinder and less bitchy than in the books. part of that must be rafe, he said she's his favourite character. but i think they made her more likable also for the audience, having a large part of the audience hate one of your main characters is not good.

    I have a feeling season 3 is already greenlit.    they are probably just waiting for the end of season 1 to announce.  usually they will do a pr about the "unparalleled" success of the show and how they are thrilled to have a new season.  I don't think Amazon wants to sink a show of this caliber after only 2 seasons, not unless it was a complete flop.  will wait to see what the end of season viewership is before commenting further.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Wraith235 said:

    to everyone saying fain will steal the dagger - Fain isnt even credited in episode 6 
    so HIGHLY unlikely ... but plausible I suppose 

    Mat will get partially healed for sure - 
    Supposedly Egwane will meet Suian - not sure how I feel about this since novices aren't allowed to leave the tower
    MAYBE a mention of Eladia and Elayne (though I doubt it they prolly want to hold that surprise for season 2 opener)
    Aie Sedai Machinations a plenty
    Group will arrive at, and POSSIBLY enter the Ways via the Waygate in Tar Valon (if they enter maybe a post credit of fain following them?)
    more female dragon and female Ta'veran talk (BLECH) and unfortunately most likely confirmation that Egwane and /or Nyneave  is Ta'veran (picturing the Oprah Meme, and you get a ta'veran, and you get a ta'veran, ect...)---- I really Hope Im wrong on this one

    Loial being Loial

    more DR Misdirection (its getting old by now)

    they say this was supposed to be the best one but Im questioning it .... I just don't see a lot happening in this one tbh - unless your all about Daes Dae'mar ,  I mean sure the acting could be stellar but I dont know

    I am with you on this, don't see much happening in episode 6 either.  definitely don't see fain taking the dagger yet.  But I have no idea why they would enter the ways so soon after entering tar valon.  

    I am definitely predicting balzamon makes a bigger appearance and might be the reason for them going to the ways.

    I hope there is some action.  but episode 7 &8 are the action episodes imo. episode 6 will have the foretelling about the dragon when siuan and moiraine were younger

  9. 4 hours ago, DELTA said:

    Random musings


    In one of the dream sequences Perrin sees Laila being eaten by a wolf. Considering the connection between Perrin and wolves, I’m trying to reason out what the wolf’s appearance means.

    It made for good shock factor on screen but as Goldeneyes comes to be the wolf is less menacing  and very meaningful in retrospect because it can’t be coincidence (stating the obvious here)

    My theory is the wolf attacking “Laila” was a way of warning/alerting Perrin to the dangers of the Dream or that it wasn’t real. I’ve read elsewhere some believe it shows Laila was a DF since wolves hate all things Shadow


    does anyone else have any thoughts?

    my only thought was that Laila is the voice the wolves will use to communicate with Perrin.  But not sure if she is cast anymore episodes.  

  10. 32 minutes ago, Katherine said:

    Also completely forgot about Ingtar. That was a great character, and I am glad they are including him. Maybe this means that the Battle at Falme will be as epic and it needs to be! 

    hopefully.  some are saying there will be no battle of falme, only Tear.  truthfully Rand only needs to proclaim himself once so we shall see.  I can't imagine they will have Ingtar and not have his sacrifice.


    Also I'm wondering at what point Fain will steal the dagger.  Is it even reasonable 5o still think Fain will take the dagger at the same time as the horn.  not sure, lots if wild cards 

  11. episode 6 is kind of a wildcard episode.  don't really have any idea what will happen other than lots of Siuan meetings with Moiraine, Egwene, etc.


    I also wonder how they will keep Matt from getting healed in tar valon.  will Fain steal the dagger this episode?  it makes sense, but then what would Fains motives be for going to Fal Dara?  Also, will the horn of Valere be found in the Eye or somewhere else?  So many questions.  


    Finally what would cause then to leave Tar Valon abruptly on the way to the Eye?  Would Siuan really tolerate them leaving Tar Valon and facing imminent danger near the blight?  Lots of unanswered questions so can't make too many theories myself yet

  12. 13 minutes ago, Windigo said:

    They have already pulled elements from Book 2 (3?) into season 1,  I can see that they will continue to do that combining similar plots from multiple books into the same season.  I can see them also pulling Book 1 plots like Camlyn  into future seasons where Carhein and Camlyn are more relevant. 

    how many elements from book 2 are in season 1?  other than going to tar valon and some of the Aes Sedai stuff, I'm not actually sure.  


    Season 2 & 3 combined, I guess they could do it, but would need to use instant transportation devices.  falme and tear are pretty far apart unless they use the portal stones/ways.  The Dusty Wheel did have a picture of costume design for season 2 that includes both tear and seanchan.  so it will be interesting.  

    Some of the Tanchico plotlines and wonder girls chasing the black Ajah could definitely be condensed into 1 story.  Also Rand only needs to be proclaimed once, so there isn't a need for both callandor and the sky over Falme fight with Ishy.  


    Book 3 was Matt's breakout book, so hopefully they don't cut some of his best scenes too much.  Hopefully amazon allows them 10 episodes starting season 3!  

  13. 16 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:

    I really hope the success of this first season leads to some 10 episode seasons down the road. I think the show would really benefit from that.


    10 episode seasons seems almost necessary.  Some were saying that books 2 &3 were to be combined.  I really don't see how that is possible while building the characters and keeping enough plot lines going.  


    Hopefully WOT is a smash hit that keeps growing after Christmas.  I read some articles that the Boyz season 2 received a much bigger budget.  Hopefully that happens to WOT as well

  14. 3 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

    That was Tarkin, not Vader. I'm talking about direct personal action.

    I see.   Vader bears as much  responsibility there as anyone even if his finger wasn't directly on the trigger.  Vader enforced the plans, used slave labor, protected the defenses, and directly carried out the Emperors mandates knowing that a weapon capable of planetary destruction was being constructed 

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