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Posts posted by themann1086

  1. 37 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:


    Same I've always felt Egwene was far more conservative than Elayne. Elayne was the one who pushed the envelope so to speak, which is why I've always had a soft spot for her.

    Ha, I always felt the opposite, although they absolutely both have their moments of boldness! It’s neat how folks can get completely different impressions on characters. I wonder how they’ll be in the show. Guess we’ll have to wait for next season to see them on screen together

  2. 20 minutes ago, WhiteVeils said:

    Later on, if we do meet Abel again, we could find out, much to our amusement, that he's really /just like Mat/.  He's been telling his son...and himself...to look out for number 1 for years, but when push comes to shove and Emond's Field and his family is in danger, he steps up just as well as any man.

    This is basically my hope for the rumored storyline for Mat's family, or give Abel a character arc where he comes the man we see in the middle/later books.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Rose said:

    Re: pillow friends, it's also a poor example because it's considered a childish thing you're supposed to grow out and of looked down upon if you don't. That's not exactly stellar queer representation.

    I would love it if they changed Moiraine and Siuan's relationship to being real* but it falling apart as a result of their mission. Add some extra "I sacrificed everything for this" oomph


    *ETA by real I mean "a romantic relationship with depth" not "pillowfriends"

  4. 2 minutes ago, WalterKohl said:

    Yeah when people say these reboots are a failure, I think they mean to them personally so it must be a failure to more...  You are correct about the reception to She-Ra, it has been amazingly good overall.  

    Right, just to be clear: if you personally did not like something, for whatever reason, that is completely fair and valid. I'm sorry that you didn't like something that I did, just like I try to feel happy that others like something I didn't.


    But I am absolutely pleading for folks to stop speaking for others, or think that their opinion is The One True Fan Viewpoint. It absolutely is not. For example! I've headcanoned Egwene as bi since I read the series 20 years ago, so guess what: I hope they do make her bi! If it were done well, I'd be very happy with that decision! But I do get that this will clash with others' headcanons and so some disappointment would be understandable. But that doesn't make you a better fan than me, nor me a better fan than you.

  5. The She-ra reboot was amazing. Even outside of the "Harold they're lesbians" thing, it's just an incredible story about trauma and forgiveness and learning to love yourself and... look I could literally go on about this for a while but I won't, so instead I'll point out that She-Ra and the Princesses of Power was a smashing success with both critics and audiences. If Wheel of Time got even a fraction of that success it'd be excellent.

  6. 1 hour ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Book 9, Winters Heart - One of my favorite WoT Books, even though many hate it for the slog.

    That's a good one. As much as some of it was a slog, the Cleansing sequence might be the best climax in any of the books.


    1 hour ago, Pandemonium said:

    Rands 9 visions in Rhuidean 


    Maybe my favorite scene in the whole series

    Absolutely. And a great way to give backstory to both Rand and the readers that's organic to the universe. It's so clever and so well done

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