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Asha'man Shar'aman

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Posts posted by Asha'man Shar'aman

  1. 9 hours ago, Hayl3y said:

    sure, you can send this through PM ?


    Thank you! There is something I have to check first in regard to the picture, so I will likely send the PM in a day or two.

    2 hours ago, Elgee said:

    We should really have a signature auction again!

    I was reading about those! It sounds pretty fun!

  2. 8 hours ago, Hayl3y said:

    It's actually on top XD

    (just discovered it hahaha) - took ages to load ?

    it does look like an interesting feature but I'll have to get used to it before really giving it a try. It's hard to get into new habits lol

    It is hard! I discovered it on accident, and found it was a really useful way to find out what's going on in the Tower. 

    2 hours ago, Elgee said:


    "Kidnapped" is such a harsh word. "Invited to come on an extensive tour of the Kaf plantations" has a much nicer ring to it, don't you think?

    Perhaps Mother. But I'll bet the Seanchan would love to snap a cold, hard a'dam around all of our necks. Maybe I'm biased, but I don't like the way they look at us. Although they do brew some darn good kaf. 

  3. On 1/20/2021 at 5:47 AM, Hayl3y said:

    >> I always come here from on my PC lol ?


    You are right tho, we have a very important amount of Aes Sedai compared to the Warders... Did we scare them away ? ?

    Is the Overview the same on PC?


    Haha! No, I don't think so. I just think that the idea of being able to channel is more appealing to most people, as well as the ability to join Ajahs you are familiar with, rather than join a whole new faction, with new rankings, and subgroups. 

  4. On 2/9/2016 at 10:50 AM, Samm-uel said:

    I keep putting i's in more convenient places without realizing it. 12 books later and I just realized it's spelled Elaida and not Eladia.


    Generally if a name is complicated my subconscious says," Screw grammar!" and strips it down to whatever is easiest.


    For me:


    Egwene is Eg-ween


    Nynaeve is Nine-ave


    Elaida is Ela-dia


    Asmodean is Asmo-de-in


    Gawyn is Gone


    Morgase is More-giss


    Rhuarc is Ru-arc


    Graendal is Ghran-dall


    Semirhage is Simmer-Hage

    I said Eladia for like the first nine books. I say Tame instead of Ta-eem because Ta-eem sounds so weird. I also say Dam-ane instead of whatever it is pronounced as. I got a shock the first time I heard it as Domane, because that’s how I pronounce Domani. I say Sem-ir-age, but with the g being hard, I guess? Mostly I sound out the words, so Ituralde is It-ur-alde instead of I-tur-alda like in the audiobooks. 

  5. Random thoughts:


    1. In the books there are far too many Warders (or warriors in the Tower anyway) and far too few Aes Sedai. In the WT/Warders, there are far too many Aes Sedai, and far too few Warders. Anyone else find this funny?


    2. In tEotW, Balthamel looks like he is three thousand years old. Well he is, but the other Forsaken aside form Aginor don't. Balthamel means "essence of youth" in the Old Tongue. Robert Jordan did it again. That man is genius.  

  6. If you are on a phone, up by the banner, there is a menu you can open. It will show the name of the Ajah, Warders Yard or Public Forum. Click it, and at the bottom there is a thing called Overview. Click it, and it will show you all of the recent activity. If you are on a computer, then you should be able to see all of the Ajahs. Overview is on the very bottom. Let me know if you have problems. @Hayl3y Sedai. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Hayl3y said:

    I do have a lot of weird and random thought XD


    The last one I had reading your thread about WOT nationalities. I thought that I'd love to come from Antiva... which is a city of Thedas (Dragon Age Universe)   ?



    HA! That’s a pretty funny thought! Beautiful city!


    Am I the only one who uses the overview here? Not sure, and am curious. 

  8. I don't know if this is an okay place to put this, but I really want to know. How in the name of the flaming Dark One himself, did you get an image small enough to fit the signature box? Did you shrink the image, crop it or something else? I've been trying forever, but every time I find a decent image, it's too big. Even after cropping  until you can only see a quarter of the image. I don't know if I'm too stupid to figure it out, or what. I would really appreciate some help. Thank you!

  9. This is a thread to post really random thoughts and questions you happened to think of. They don't have to be WoT or WT/Warders related, just anything that is funny and random. Here's one I thought of:


    1. Der'Manshima. Meaning no disrespect to anyone, the literal translation of Der'Manshima is close to Senior Sword. This is funny to me because it makes me picture grizzled old Warders hobbling around the training yard yelling to each other about battles and complaining about how lucky their Aes Sedai are because they don't get old. I think what the people who came up with the name meant was Master Sword maybe? But that is almost as funny, because in the Legend of Zelda, the weapon the hero, Link, uses is called the Master Sword, so I just end up picturing giant Master Swords. But hey, I'm weird, so maybe this is all very serious to everyone else. ?


    Does anyone else have any weird or random thoughts?

  10. So there was an old thread asking about WoT nationality. It can be found here. https://dragonmount.com/forums/topic/82546-aiel-raid-wot-nationality/


    Since bringing old threads back to life in frowned upon, I though I would create a new one asking what nation in WoT you would be from. 


    I would be from Malkier. I love how the Malkieri men respect women. I also like how they are so duty oriented, and even after their nation was destroyed, they still kept the traditions. I would wear the hadori with pride.

  11. 2 hours ago, Lavandula said:

    Thank you! .

    Did someone eat the rest of BT or something? 

    I was thinking it was a little empty. Maybe they're recruiting, and left us totally responsible people to take charge?


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