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Everything posted by DojoToad

  1. @WhiteVeils Different from the books is not an issue of writing, but also does not preclude there being issues with the writing. Change is not always good just as the same is not always bad.
  2. True - in general, I love the Christian Bale Batman movies. But that does not mean that I like all adaptations that are not faithful to their origin stories. Case in point WoT. S1 of the show was not for me - so that is an adaptation that I didn't like. I finally kick started the book series again, and EotW has made me fall in love with the books all over again - and I have only made it to the trolloc attack at the 'al Thor farm. Not even the strongest book in the series and I'm loving it. We'll see if the S2 adaptation is one I can enjoy. If not, the original is there for the reading.
  3. Of course it is a cash grab - cast, crew, and the money behind the production all need to get paid! 🤑 The difference for the viewer can be if they find it entertaining. If 'I' enjoy it, make as much money as you want.
  4. I'm not sure about @phanooglestixs but I'm not sure that your questions are apples to apples. Star Wars started out as movies, the books came later. The MCU I can't speak to as I'm not a comic book person. That said, I enjoyed the movies but I'm not sure what a comic book 'purist' would say.
  5. Unfortunately, the show was not made for the book-reading fanbase. They are going on the premise that the show, as produced, will bring in a larger audience. If the book audience is drawn in as well, that is just icing.
  6. Not only wrong, but needed to be squashed. No differing opinions allowed to exist
  7. Right. I don't recall a veil being mentioned anywhere around Suroth. Appears a change has been made.
  8. An incorrect assumption does not necessarily equate to freaking out. Resting heart rate 55. 🤪
  9. Yes, on paper she was a bully and an abuser. Be interested to see where they take her as well.
  10. Indeed. And it is not a criticism, but an observation. A change from the source material - neither good nor bad.
  11. Of course it is an apron and is a separate piece from her main garment. She is waiting table in the Tower. My point was it wasn't white. Novices were only allowed to wear white down to shoes, belt, and any other accessory. Part of the discipline in the tower was novices being able to keep their gear white - or get it white again after dirty tasks such as scrubbing pots or cleaning hearths in the kitchens. Curious as to the reason for the change in the show. Overall, liking the first look.
  12. Considering everything they owned was white - I'm sure they could have found white aprons for them.
  13. Perrin and not Gaul. Loial still only taller than humans by his hair. Liking the Seanchan headgear. If the pic of Egwene is at the White Tower - she is not in all white. Moiraine's blue dress is the bomb! Lan and Mandarb looking badass. Josha looking good. Missed my season premiere guess by 2 months. Here's to hoping S2 is way better than S1! Bring it...
  14. Not that Brandon couldn't have done some research, but my guess is that Jordan had the name and the battle at least sketched out in his notes for Brandon to use. Jordan did the prep...
  15. Can’t say I picked up on it in the half season I watched. That would be a twist…
  16. You make 61 sound old. I turn 55 later this year and no longer think 61 is so bad... 👴
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