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Everything posted by DojoToad

  1. Yes - that and his whole not wanting to be controlled by the Tower but not breaking away.
  2. I'm going in even fresher than you. No re-watch of S1. I will watch the first episode of S2 and if I like it will then watch the 2nd episode. If I like that as well, then I will go back and watch all of S1 'knowing' that S2 was a vast improvement and I'll just need to live with a weak S1 to fully enjoy the show as a whole. And as others have said, maybe S2 lifts up S1 through connections, explanations, etc...
  3. I'm just wondering if Nynaeve comes up with the cleansing process rather than Rand. 🤔
  4. Really? Foreshadowing? Good to know. 😁
  5. Very much how she acted in the books while trying to learn control of channeling. Interesting cleansing drill they performed in the kitchens. Looks like a possible change to a major upcoming event - or at least who came up with the idea of how to pull it off.
  6. Yes, because the king wasn't creepy enough...
  7. She'd have been better, yes. Also like Priyanka Chopra.
  8. Don’t be, it’s a reference to the books that the show didn’t pick up on…
  9. Know this is very personal, but the actor they cast for Selene/Lanfear just doesn't do it for me. My tongue is far from dry...
  10. Having only watched the first 4 episodes of S1, I can't argue with you based on show knowledge. But based on what I've read on the forums here - 🤮
  11. Haven't seen Donal do anything yet, but I'm hopeful. I like that they 'darkened' Mat's family - the Two Rivers was too Pollannaish in the books, though I think they were a bit over the top with the parents - no subtlety. I liked Mat being a 'minor' rogue.
  12. The buck stops with Rafe. If he couldn't manage the Writers Room for a successful collaborative effort, that is on him. Hopefully he grew as a manager and S2 benefits greatly! As stand-alone scenes, I thought Nynaeve's test in the tower was great. Rand and Selene not so much. But hard to judge from snippets.
  13. Right could be meaningless - he could have changed a word. Or made a more meaningful contribution. Remember how many producers they had for 8 episodes, believe it was high teens.
  14. I can deal with changes. I might not like them all, but a good show is what matters.
  15. Did they have new writers? That could be promising.
  16. If I got the steak I ordered, I wouldn't complain. But if I order a filet rare, and they serve me a T-bone well-done - then there is room to complain. They are both steaks that have been cooked, but there are significant differences and room to complain. Your analogy needs work.
  17. Gawyn I could care less. But Galad had some awesome fight scenes in the books. Gawyn's were mostly off-screen, right?
  18. I agree with you. I don't expect S2 to change anything for me. Just hoping. With many people here saying that COVID and Barney Harris were significant contributing factors to the show not being as good as it could be - I'm just foolishly hoping they are correct. More than likely it will be more of the same and I will continue with the version I enjoy. I'll find out real soon...
  19. Yes. I'm quite happy diving back into the books and am currently doing so. This is a little harder. I also want a show and/or movies. The Judkins' interpretation has been hard to swallow for some. For me, I'm hoping S2 improves by leaps. If not, I'm back to the books alone until someone else gives it a go. I can live without a screen version if S1 is the best we can do. Other folks will take all they can get.
  20. I agree with your post, but do you really think Rafe has to do anything? Rafe has missed (or added) lots of key journey points for multiple characters. Rafe will continue doing what Rafe does...
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