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Everything posted by DojoToad

  1. Only concerned about the strength of his sword arm - no smarter than Mandorallen...
  2. Not my favorite part of the books, but didn’t put me off as strongly as it did you. If it is not your thing, move on. Why frustrate yourself? Personally, I think the series resolution is worth pushing through the ‘bad’ parts.
  3. God forbid. I don’t know if GRRM has that many books in him. Maybe his successor that has to finish the series…
  4. If S2 turns into a good show (for me) then I will go back and watch what I consider a subpar S1 and enjoy the rest of the show going forward. Fingers crossed...
  5. Politics and changes aside - I very much doubt Rafe's abilities. S2 will tell...
  6. I assumed Min. She did have 'experience' before meeting Rand and the gang - so a bit older wouldn't bother me. Older actors are often cast as younger characters - some more successfully than others.
  7. See what you mean. I'm more frustrated because of the broken promises (self-imposed) on when the book was coming out. He doesn't owe me anything, but do what you say you'll do. As far as starting a series that isn't finished, never would have crossed my mind not to until GRRM. So this 'rule' only applies to him for me. I'll buy 'Winds' when it comes out - I already have the first 5. And then just pray he or a proxy gets book 7 done. Then I can contentedly read the whole series again. We'll see. Life is what it is.
  8. Winds of Winter, not World of Warcraft... Sorry for the confusion.
  9. Not me. What are we at 11/12 years since the last book? Can't see investing more time in the series with a very good chance it won't be completed. I don't mind wasting $30 bucks for WoW on the off chance it all comes together, but time is too valuable...
  10. For real!! If GRRM ever publishes Winds of Winter, I will purchase it and put it on the shelf unread. Until all 7 books are published, I will not read them again.
  11. I'm fine with Demandred not knowing. Shows his fallibility. He is only human... I'm also fine without having everything tied with a neat bow. A bit of mystery is all good.
  12. It is not quibbling to discuss whether or not someone likes or dislikes specific creative choices Rafe and his team have made. People feel how they feel for specific reasons: it was like/unlike the book, the scene was/wasn't necessary, the writing was good/bad, the CGI was great/awful...
  13. There are many. One I came across in tGH - Siuan and Moiraine are talking about being found out by the Hall for their meddling with Rand. About the possibility of being Stilled and then being put in the kitchens as punishment. She would be held in the Tower as an example. But who could rally around a pathetic figure that scrubbed pots all day. This is book two. Remember a similar example from later...?
  14. People have flaws - some of Rand's were avoidance/procrastination. The fact that Jordan was able to elicit an emotional response shows how good his writing was. He made us love and hate his characters - what an author is supposed to do.
  15. I never thought Mat was pro slavery. Uncollaring captured damane during a battle makes no sense. Though some would gratefully accept their freedom, many more were broken and would be a danger to all around them. Time enough after the Battle to sort out what to do with them.
  16. But I thought prophecy demanded a new crew of Dreadlords at the Last Battle. If Rand had done something about Taim, he would have broken prophecy. Maybe the Pattern prevented him from taking action... Though I was very frustrated with his lack of addressing the obvious need as well.
  17. Glad you loved it. I'm on my third full re-read since MoL came out. Though many of the early books have been read a dozen times. Are you that kind of psycho, or do you have broader horizons?
  18. I never said the bowl of the winds was pointless or unnecessary. I said the arc was too long - which you presented evidence in support of...
  19. Yes - see below... Then it is You explained perfectly why it was too long. Thank you.
  20. Jordan took too long with Bowl of the Winds. Hopefully the show improves on that arc...
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