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Posts posted by JenniferL

  1. I had a student read the Eye of the World on my recommendation years ago. One day he walked by my desk and whispered “I figured it out. Rand is the Dragon Reborn.” He was so proud of himself for that. Jordan did intend for there to be some amount of misdirection regarding who the Dragon was to start. Whether or not you fell for it depends on how familiar you are with genre tropes. 


  2. If you are comparing budgets and production quality, make sure you are looking at the first few seasons of GOT. The later ones, after it became the biggest thing on TV had budgets similar to blockbuster movies. Think more about the epic battle between the Starks and Lannisters in season one that they never actually showed onscreen. Or the Battle of Blackwater in season two which takes place mostly on a couple yards of beach in the dark because they saved all the budget for a big explosion. HBO did not open up the checkbook for things like Hardhome and the Battle of the Bastards until the show was a proven hit. 

  3. On 9/21/2021 at 9:30 AM, DojoToad said:

    They couldn't get anyone to sign on to direct them all, so settled for what they could get.

    Citation please. Since it’s very common for tv shows to have multiple directors over the course of a season you have made an extraordinary claim and I’d like to see your evidence of it. 

  4. It’s very common for tv shows to have a different director each episode. Usually the first director establishes the “house style” that the others will mimic for their episodes. Like EH says, it’s to help spread out the work. Directing isn’t just the time on set with the actors and crew, it’s also time spent before shooting where the director goes over the script and breaks down how they plan to shoot it, meeting with producers, writers, etc. It’s easier if you have someone already shooting episode one while you have episode in setting up. 

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