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Posts posted by JenniferL

  1. You aren't a "big WoT fan" if you haven't actually read the books. You've just skipped around and read certain chapters. If you'd read through once and then skipped the parts that bored you on re-reads, that'd be one thing. But you haven't actually read the books a first time. 


    And yes, if you won't read a POV chapter because it's a woman's POV, I'd say you were sexist. Learn how to put yourself in someone else's mindset and you'll be a better person. 

  2. As I am beginning to listen to the audio books for the first time, I felt like rereading the WoTFAQ as I went, and wondered if there was ever a final version of it, with the questions all answered as best as they could be?  The last I have found is dated 2010, and was before A Memory of Light was published.  An e-Book of it would be a-maze-ing! (hint, hint) Pretty please!?


    Unfortunately, it's a casualty of my job changing scope. As I've shifted from being a classroom teacher with full summers off, to an Instructional Technology Specialist with summer responsibilities, I've had less "extra" time. And a good chunk of that "extra time" now goes into JordanCon. We're edging up on 1,000 people attending now, so that takes some of my energy. At some point it'll be updated. Either by me, or someone new. I just can't say when. 

  3. There's a couple things to keep in mind. One, hard core theory discussion is over. We have what answers are available, we can speculate further, but we will never get those answers. (Unless there's something in the Companion that they are keeping under wraps.) Two, the internet and we use it have changed significantly since this site came online in 1998. Back then, web based forums were the sexy new technology killing off Usenet. Now everything is moving over to Facebook, Twitter, etc. I see WoT posts all the time in my FB feed and I only follow one or two of the active groups. There's at least a half dozen. The Wheel of Time sub Reddit is also reasonably active. Three, as others have said, comparing us to Westeros.org is a terrible comparison. WoT and ASOIAF are only superficially similar to each other. The GoT series is one of the most popular shows on TV in years and is a pop culture juggernaut. Even people who haven't read the books know things like "Winter is coming" and who the Starks are. Their forum traffic reflects that. 


    But the Wheel of Time fandom is perfectly healthy. It's just moved on from here. 

  4. Yesterday on Facebook and Twitter I asked for suggestions for future Fan Art Fridays. I got lots great ideas (and some ridiculous) that I'll be using in the future. One suggestion I saw repeated several times was seeing depictions of some of the locations described in the books.




    First up is this digital painting by Shenku-Netsou This is Rand's dream of Tar Valon from near the beginning of The Eye of the World. (Is anyone else amused that most of the plot of the first book was "Let's go to Tar Valon!" and Rand doesn't make it there until Towers of Midnight? Just me? Okay.) Tar Valon is always described as a very beautiful, very clean city.




    Richard Boyetook his inspiration for this pencil sketch of the White Tower from the Vatican. Which makes sense, because the medieval Church was one of the inspirations Robert Jordan used when creating the Aes Sedai and their culture.

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  5. You don't need to be invited to post anywhere. If you can see it, you can post on it. The sole exception to this is the role play section. To keep clutter down and maintain story continuity, you need to join one of the RP Groups. You can find out how by reading the "Welcome Inn" board below. Enjoy.

  6. I will be the Dungeon Master. You will all be my vict...players. I definitely mean players.


    Roll up some characters and then we'll start the ADVENTURE!



  7. I'm mainly reading The Gathering Storm right now, but I've also be lightly browsing "The Long Halloween" graphic novel, and I read The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan on Saturday night. Excellent novel. Oh, and I'm reading Alcatraz verses the Evil Librarians to my students at lunch, but I don't think that counts.

  8. I think it was the 13th Depository where I read this. I claim none of this as an original idea. But the series seems to be structured as a series of thematic trilogies. The first three books are about Rand coming to terms with being the Dragon Reborn and accepting his fate. These books are probably more closely linked anyways, since Jordan originally planned the events covered by them to make up the first book of the series. The second trilogy, which ends with LoC, is about the world coming to terms with Rand being the Dragon.  The rest of the series, up to KoD, cannot be so easily grouped. So ACoS is the first book that doesn't have a thematic element connect it to the others in the series.

  9. Wow, I only have the BWB....nothing signed.  I'm sorta jealous.  Ok, I'm really jealous.  Damn.


    I was just thinking of a cool collectible if it existed.....bookends that were in the shape of the miniature statues of the Choedan Kal.  Saaaweeeet.  I'd love to put the series in between those.


    I will be sure to mention this to Tor next time they are asking if I want anything "special" for a convention.

  10. We have enough enchiladas leftover for both of us to have some tomorrow for lunch, especially since I'm making spaghetti for dinner tomorrow. Want me to pack that? I'll be sure to pack you some sort of breakfast sandwich too.


    Lunch Menu







    Turkey Sandwich

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