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Posts posted by Darthe

  1. Just now, whiskey delta said:

    cross them out. Tripped voted Dice D1 I believe so that’s a point in favor of possible teammates. Anything else?


    I’m working from memory here 

    I pulled the vote counts for both eods and color coded them a couple pages ago.  Sinister/tripped/hally were on the dice and the clov lynch.  

  2. 1 minute ago, VooDooNut said:

    If I could only pick one, I'd say Tripped. But I'll vote Darthe just to vote Darthe atp.

    That might actually get you banned from DM mafia if you’re town.  Throwing games is pretty frowned upon.

  3. 2 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Could be keeping up appearances. If you gave up, there's a chance you'd get lynched, flipped and a good vig kill could put this into the final stretch. 


    On the other end, you've been gunning after Hallia all game. That's not immediately sus.


    To everyone, Ignore I'm here, who's most likely wolf? 

    This leads me to another question.  Do you understand why I keep saying that I’m clear and what that means?


    also, hally.  Obviously.

  4. 2 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Given D1 and D2, if you were wolf, you could easily get 2 or 3 town to vote town. Lmao

    If that’s what you think then doesn’t that make sussing me a moot point?


    better question.  If I’m a wolf and I’m about to win this game, why am I taking risks here?  Why am I trying so hard?

  5. Just now, SinisterDeath said:

    Unless your wolf teammates just aren't active for another 6 hours. 😉

    That scenario requires a townsperson to vote with me, and me to be a wolf.  So if you’re town simply don’t vote, and the longer this goes the more sure you can be that 1 of hally and I is town and the other is a wolf. 


  6. Just now, SinisterDeath said:

    Yes. But that same vote situation works for you to, right?


    A wolf will know when their team is online.


    It's not lost on me that the hammer struck after 11pm central, after I went to bed. 

    Right.  What I’m doing is basically challenging Hally to a 1 v1.  She backed away from that given my position in the game, but every second my vote is on her and she doesn’t get sniped but the wolf team it makes it more likely that she is a wolf.  After all, they’d vote her out and win the game instantly if she were town.

  7. 27 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Sorry, I was posting that while walking.

    Tripped's post that Leelou was their Top wolf guess, has me questioning Tripped as a possible wolf.
    We don't know who controls the wolf-kill, or whether they're even working together in wolf chat.

    Cory's post

    Leeluo and Clov have been cleared.
    I know I'm a villager.
    Cory seemingly cleared Darthe, VooDoo, Delta, and Tripped.
    So I think it's worth examining Hallia and Verb.

    Internal guesses for D1
    Possible Wolves or PR

    Internal Guesses for D2
    Possible Wolves

    Possible PR
    Cory, Verbal.

    Guesses for D3.
    Possible Wolves

    Possible PR

    Possible Townies

    If I remove the duplicates, I get
    Hallia & Tripped.

    Mechanically, we really need to lynch a wolf today. Hopefully get a wolf with Verbal's shot tonight. (Assuming he's not actually a wolf)

    If you lynch me today, then better pray Verbal is legit and takes out a wolf. otherwise it's gg.

    I like the wim here

  8. 2 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    I said I wasn't but

    A single vote isn't something to be as hyped up about as you seem to be atm


    TO ME, it was a way to show how I felt at the moment

    If other people start joining you I guess I'll feel differently


    derpclear denied.


    7 people.  assuming 3 wolves for 12 p game.


    4 votes to lynch.  1 townie + 3 wolves.  You think I'm probably town.  Ergo you internally should think you're about to get 3 wolf votes in the span of 1 minute as they coordinate it, and that's GG.  


    You've played this game for 5-7 years, and know all of this exceptionally well.


    Ergo, you're a wolf.  

  9. 1 minute ago, Hallia said:

    Yep, I'll try not to let myself get prodded I to doing emotional things, so I've unvoted him for now. I do still think he's 99% town

    Yes, informed minorities have very good insight into who is and isn't town.  


    AJ, why isn't Hally fighting to get my vote off of her? We're at LYLO so far as she *should* know, and my vote on her ends the game once the wolves show up *from her town pov if she has one*.


    No one seeing that red flag?

  10. 16 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    Initially?  Yes, he was like my strongest town - could I see him doing this as a wolf, maybe?  But Cory did say he protected him the night Zander died didn't he?


    15 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    OH. Oh my god. That didn't enter my mind at all.


    14 minutes ago, Hallia said:


    This seems backwards to me.  You recognized the doc protect, then realized there was an out where that could not matter, and once you got that justification for a scenario your vote makes sense in you *then* unvote?

  11. 1 minute ago, whiskey delta said:

    Today isn’t the day to leave stuff off the table.


    If you’re a true son of Dragonmount like I am we will get there but these discussions do need to happen

    I'm leaving big stuff off the table right now.  We've got two new players and I'm trying to be very considerate of what this thread/gamestate looks like to them.  

  12. 1 minute ago, Darthe said:

    Like, what're you gonna do if you accidentally convince Sinister/Voodoo to yolo vote me with that kinda thing?  Say oops?

    BTW for everyone reading this, this ain't #ProMafiaPlayerDarthe, cause that guy doesn't exist.  This is #LostIn100DifferentWaysSoSeenItAllDarthe who made every single mistake you can make, didn't learn from it, and did it all again.  I'm not preaching to ya'll, I'm fighting for the W.

  13. 2 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    I’m not saying he lied. I’m saying just because he covered you and someone else died doesn’t mean you are confirmed town. Scum shooting Z is totally plausible on top of Verb’s bullet 

    Sure.  I'm not modconfirmed.  But I'm the best you've got, and if you reads + that incredibly low statistical probability aren't enough to avoid this conversation then that's a real bad sign.  In a world where you're a villager this is the sorta thing that you should know to not even bring up at Lylo.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    OH. Oh my god. That didn't enter my mind at all.

    See now this is really at odds with that post you got mad about where I fussed at this town not having their crap together at all.  You see where I'm at here?  AJ thinks I may not be town despite the dead doc claiming to have saved me, and you forgot.


    Yet I'm the a-hole for fussing about you guys, once, in a moment of frustration.

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