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Posts posted by Darthe

  1. 2 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    No I really don’t lol


    maybe that just falls into my S-tier reads this game but like I said there’s a non-zero chance Zander was double tapped N1 regardless of Cory’s claim and flip. It’s not like wolves haven’t been covered by protections before 

    Legitimately that makes you either a wolf or is so bad that I wanna discuss it post-game. If you had said you thought Verb and I set up this fake vig play and we got lucky in about 100 ways I'd follow, but suggesting that the confirmed townie lied about his protections when he was role claiming to avoid getting lynched... And on top of it, I'm the top poster with the most consensus town-read in the game.  Yeah, I'll wanna talk about that post game if you're town.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    I don't actually think anyone will follow me, but being talked down to by someone when we're all supposed to be, well I consider you all friends but maybe that's presumptuous, bothers me.

    In combination with clov self hammering and SD self voting I'm having a hard time wanting to participate


    I'll still engage but I'm not engaging with darthe 

    If that's real let me know post-game.  Absolutely not how that post was written, that's a "I'm very frustrated with this game" post from me.  Until post-game, I'm gonna assume this is gameplay from you.

  3. 8 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    Ngl this exchange between Hally/Darthe I could see going either way.


    Darthe is a high-WIM wolf that would absolutely carry Hally into lylo here knowing he could push her pretty easily


    then again I don’t feel great on her and the cross voting is going to make things even more murky because you BOTH know that’s a dumb move for this point in the game 

    You don't think i'm confirmed town?

  4. AJ's town btw.  I'm past my frustration, I need to stick with that read.


    I'd say that, barring Verb shenanigans, Tripped should be the lynch tomorrow.  Shoot one of Voodoo or Sinister (no offense to either of you, just trying to get a clearer picture) and then win the game by lynching the other after Tripped falls.  

  5. It's basically an open admission of being a wolf. A townsperson would've made an argument for how I've got it wrong and it's urgent that I remove my vote at LYLO so the wolves don't pop in and hammer, and they'd have been frustrated with me for not seeing their towniness.  

  6. For the new folks, that above quote from Hally?  That's a very bad reason to vote a confirmed townsperson. There are actually no good reasons to, but this in particular is an attempt to get people who are playing the game emotionally (mostly newer folks who go on what they "feel" instead of what they "think") to jump before they weigh it out.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


    Agree.  I'd really like to hit the hero shot I thought I was taking on Zander and actually hit scum this time....




    Do you think it's likely that NONE of the scum team stayed on Hallia?  Super risky as Zander could have gone either way, but on D1 I feel like scum could potentially risk that.

    I honestly don't know. It's a little less likely than pure random that a wolf team would all stay on one wagon.  I think Hally herself couldn't move her vote once the wagon built, and then you're only talking about 1 person moving to avoid the bus.  Rereading that EOD to see how the votes moved might be really beneficial.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Darthe said:

    Interesting tidbit, Hally Tripped and Sinister were on the lynch train both days. 

    I sense a great disturbance in the force, as if Cory/Clov/Zander/Dice are screaming at me from a dead thread.

  9. On 7/14/2022 at 9:17 AM, Cass said:



    TWILIGHT (No talking)




    Day 2 Final Vote Count


    Clov (6) - Darthe, Halli, Cory, SinisterDeath, Tripped, Clov

    SD (2) - Verbal, Leelou

    Leelou (1) - WhiskeyDelta


    Not Voting (2): VooDoo


    On 7/11/2022 at 3:02 PM, Sooh said:

    Final Vote Count:


    Dice (6) - Hallia, Leelou, Tripped, SinisterDeath, Verbal, Zander

    Leelou (1) - Clov

    Hallia (5) - Whiskey, Dice, VooDoo, CoryDarthe


    Dice has been killed. He was VANILLA TOWN.

    GLGL when he finds out he was killed in his sleep again.


    See you all in 24 hrs! 



    For reference, here's the color coded D1 and D2 final vote counts.  The only liberty I took was making myself green for obvious reasons.  If you know your own alignment to be town this should be a prettyy glaring solve.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:





    With the random Voodoo defense thrown in, SD/AJ/Voodoo scum team?


    I'm really distant on AJ, though - that could swap out for the rest of the POE for me.

    Your vig shot is gonna be critical.  Obviously, not having one or shooting the same target as the wolves gets you auto-lynched tomorrow.  Similarly, you hit a wolf and you've got 1 day to get that final lynch before you get NK'd, or you hit a townie and you are back in LYLO.  Make sure your shot gives you a very clear picture of who the wolf team is, even if you're shooting a townie.  I'd say Tripped or AJ, but it's honestly WIFOM between all four of the slots.  

  11. And yes, I realize that's not a good way for me to lead.  What else am I being left if not one of you can play clear enough for me to stop suspecting you?  It's not just darthe being paranoid here, this is the most scuffed performance we've collectively put in maybe ever.

  12. Like, do you even realize how pointless it is to try and argue this with me right now?  You don't have to like that I control the game but the entire town has to be on a lynch to even get it through.  Arguing against my vote at all is a terrible idea for your position in the game, completely irrespective of your beliefs about the game state.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


    Eh, I was feeling ok on Hallia - not comfortable letting scum pile on after me and pushing that through.

    I have great news.  With three wolves and me already voting her, scum can push it through with or without you.  Of course, since you already know that this is a really bad litmus test for you to fail.


    Bussing is hard?

  14. I'm actually in love with this game if the wolf team is voodoo/hally/sinister.  It's the people we gave 20 passes to because they're so obviously wolfy that we couldn't imagine their play being a sincere attempt to fake towniness, and we just ate each other alive.  That's the biggest lol.  



  15. 1 minute ago, Verbal32 said:

     I did not shoot.  I can only shoot on odd nights, which means Cory shot Leelou.  I felt decent about her D2, so there's no way I would have shot her even if I could.


    Town JOAT and odd-night vig seems ok with 3 scum, I think.

    It's super swingy, but you can prove it tonight.  Vote Hally?

  16. 1 minute ago, whiskey delta said:

    Between Tripped/Voodoo I think I got the latter tbh

    And that's why I am sussing you.  I'd agree, honest to goodness I would, but Voodoo is very obviously unaware of the game and very noobie, and wolves only need 1 mislynch.  Still, by all means make a case.  Just know it's not happening today.

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