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Posts posted by Darthe

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    And sorry, 6-9p my time is dinner/bath/peek in as I'm being pelted with old chicken nugget time so I'm finally in bed, please show me what you wanted responded to and I will

    You don't really have to respond, but you asked for why I was sussing you and it's laid out so I thought you'd be interested.

  2. 5 hours ago, Darthe said:

    Your vote on dice.  He got four quick votes, and I set up the train on him to snake out votes.  Then I pushed you without meaning it to see who followed. Turns out voodoo literally follows me everywhere, and I gave Cory a pass for the X-post, leaving you.  In hindight, his vote and yours were equally not great in that situation, and he’s been pocketing you all day and you aren’t wolves together ergo I dropped the wolf read on you.  I just didn’t bother saying so.  Why do you think I voted voodoo for voting you right after I voted you?


  3. Btw Hally, you didn't respond to my why I voted you post.  I'm very.. whelmed by your reintry to this thread, and less than whelmed by your immediate exit.  It prob doesn't make great sense for you to be a wolf, but I'm waffling back the other way on you rn.  Strictly cause the votes were Darthe, Voodoo, Cory, Hally in about 2 minutes on a (confirmed-town) Dice, and you can't tell me that's a natural all town train.  

  4. I still have WIM, but rn this thread feels dull.  Wish we were playing this IRL, we'd do some shots and lynch someone and have a great night.  


    Could any of you by chance make some big mistake we can lynch you for?  That'd be nice.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Darthe said:

    I dislike when everyone has the same reads, but I can't pretend that mine are that different rn.  Those would have to be some pretty good fake notes, but good players can do that.  


    Does anyone not want to lynch clov today?

    Wow this post was useless.  Do better Derf.  


    But really, does anyone not want to lynch clov?  

  6. I dislike when everyone has the same reads, but I can't pretend that mine are that different rn.  Those would have to be some pretty good fake notes, but good players can do that.  


    Does anyone not want to lynch clov today?

  7. 9 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:


    Chris would literally never park a vote on leelou when he knew it couldn't move it if his teammate was voodoo.  he might try it with Cory or AJ if they could control the thread while he was gone, but he's never going to do that with newbie voodoo.

    Can you give a full reads list with maybe a sentence or two on each?

  8. Just now, Leelou said:

    I have no idea what the vote count is and I’m gauging what people are thinking 

    I think I’d want to know why clov, beyond that he’s the flavor of the hour.  That doesn’t make sense but you know what I mean

  9. 1 minute ago, Leelou said:

    Yeah too bad there wasn’t some auto vote count feature in the forum

    I mean, if there were ever such a thing surely it'd remain for one of the most consistent and active userbases on the site.  After all, existing code is free. No one in their right mind would just "remove" features arbitrarily.

  10. 2 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    It’s been some years but I don’t think I ever lost to scum!Darthe so I’ll give it a shot…


    you’re gonna see a lot of the fluidity you’re seeing here. He’s going to change directions pretty quickly and fire off reads and votes. Its more a matter of where he goes with it I think. Is it all theatre or is Darthe *processing*?

    Wait really?  Cause that spreadsheet was made up and I win way more than that as a wolf 




  11. Lol I remember games that ten people posted as fast as I do, and I couldn’t read it in real time quick enough to keep up.  12-15 pages of mafia an hour, trying to keep reads and etc down while working.

  12. Just now, VooDooNut said:

    If any villas out there can give a previous games read on Darthe it owuld really help me out. Does Darthe usual do votes like this, villa or not?



    I take my own thoughts and reverse them sometimes so I can occasionally win games.  Sometimes my genius amazes even myself.

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