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Posts posted by Darthe

  1. 3 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    I for one, am glad Cory claimed.


    he’s tied to it now so if wolves don’t kill him or another Doc flips, we know.

    It’s so simple but this is my best AJ tone read post of the game.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Well, I'd say, wait and see if Hallia sides with Darthe. That should give us some answers. 

    She will, but we aren’t voting Cory.  Clov/AJ is a good fight to spectate and that storms brewing nicely.

  3. Just now, VooDooNut said:

    I still need to know why Cory would out as PR doc. Mad or not for real, that seems like an astoundingly odd play.


    Yeah, it’s not bad it’s just premature.  Also it’s not a perfect clear.  

    A townsperson would do it because they know their PR is a way to mostly clear themselves and they’re trying to avoid being mislynched.  Cory was ostensibly concerned that he would be dead before he had the chance to speak up if he waited.


    a wolf afraid they’re caught might lie about having a town PR in an effort to get the real doc to claim, ergo giving their team one last bit of positive utility they can.  I’ve seen that be so convincing that the real doc claims as well and gets lynched, and the wolf dies laughing all the way to the bank.

  4. Just now, SinisterDeath said:

    Is POEd cleared?

    The only other version of poe I know is poes law... 

    process of elimination.  Sometimes you catch wolves by all the townies being so obvious that, through PoE, you’ve only got a few choices left.

  5. Just now, VooDooNut said:

    This is crazy. All that talk about not outing PR and Darthe is totally fine with Cory supposedly outting as doctor?


    If I wasn't so gullible, I'd say that was a great duo-performance by Darthe and Cory. Encore!

    You can’t unscramble an egg.

  6. Just now, SinisterDeath said:


    So it's safe to say you believe you've cleared Cory?


    Where do you stand with Hallia and LeeLou? 

    Barring a CC yes.  Hallys gonna be interesting, let’s see what she has to my rationale for voting her.  Leelou is getting closer to being POEd, but that doesn’t feel right either.

  7. 1 minute ago, SinisterDeath said:


    If Cory was wolf, do you think he'd take out Zander, thinking he was a Vig? (I seem to think Zander lying about being a vig?)


    I also remember Verb claiming he'd vig Zander.


    If a doc saved someone from the wolf, then we can assume the Vig took out Zander.  Right? 

    Mafia isn’t scared of a vig usually. Mods assume a vig will miss more than they hit, and vigs introduce a sense of randomness to the game.  Mafia wants the cop and the doctor.

  8. 1 minute ago, Cory Caboose said:

    I'm gonna take a break, but I'll come back later and re-attempt the reread

    I wouldn't care at all about a vote or two but I have no idea what else to do when the game's most obv villager is trying to convince a somewhat lost town to blind maj you 3 hours into d2


    jesus christ

    Actually I was just pressuring to get something more real out of you.  There’s no way a lynch like that happens.  The feelings and etc were real though, you have been sketching me out.  

  9. See sinister that’s how you screw up and out town PRs in style.


    for reall though, that claims verifiable unless they have an RB in which case you’re screwed and I’ll live to tomorrow.  Unvote for now, and this is good cause now we have a 2p core.  Who else can find their way on the good guys list?

  10. Just now, Cory Caboose said:


    I could give a more organized reads list, but I'm literally doing my first full reread with a notepad right now. I think I'm known more for my d2s than my d1s specifically because it's after a few flips I do my big rereads (knowing some alignments helps).


    This is also my first game in 2 years, so IDK what meta is really doing for you there

    Take your time.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    I'll give you a read if you'll give me an actual reason why I went from being town to wolf - I've asked a couple of times

    Your vote on dice.  He got four quick votes, and I set up the train on him to snake out votes.  Then I pushed you without meaning it to see who followed. Turns out voodoo literally follows me everywhere, and I gave Cory a pass for the X-post, leaving you.  In hindight, his vote and yours were equally not great in that situation, and he’s been pocketing you all day and you aren’t wolves together ergo I dropped the wolf read on you.  I just didn’t bother saying so.  Why do you think I voted voodoo for voting you right after I voted you?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:


    I was actually having a lot of fun up until this very moment, not that there's any blame, it's mafia and I get we gotta do the things we do


    Other than that I stand by my game. I do not understand at all the notion that this has been arduous for me or that I'm not looking for villagers



    I’m not seeing it.  Maybe I remember your game differently than it is, given the time it’s been, but I don’t see the solving.  You used to half crack em D1 and here idk what your reads are.

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