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Posts posted by Darthe

  1. 2 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


    What do you think about my point that he spewed me town b/c he was acting like he knew my alignment already?  Rookie mistake, or scum slip?


    Initial gut reaction was a slip, but I acknowledge that sometimes mistakes are just mistakes, even for town (my shot on Zander, for example, lol).

    Eh I've said like 4 things like that in this game already and realized it after I posted them.  I'd rather you have a read on his 100+ posts.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hallia said:


    I've got a minute and tbh no one seems inherently scummy.  I don't really know who to go on ATM.  I feel verb/Cory lock town bc I believe their reads and bc of that darthe is also town imo


    I tbh keep waffling on you and clov.


    sheep me.

  3. Btw you all realize that verb claiming this hard clears me either way, right?  Town Verb shot Zander so I was docc'ed from the NK or wolf verb fakes this claim intending town to think I was protected because the wolves are okay with clearing me as collateral.  I suppose in a fringe scenario where I'm a wolf then the vig and NK were on the same target or verb and I are W/W, but those are both so unlikely.

  4. 3 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    So you wanted to make sure Darthe made it to D2.
    Did you believe there' was a good chance a wolf would actually attempt to NK him? Or was it just an insurance policy and you thought they might NK someone else?

    You know the answer here.  Ya'll tried to NK me and Verb being incompetent gave you a lucky replacement NK.

  5. 10 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    Could you give your read on Leelou?

    Very very very slightly townie.  Leelou's usually kind of rough around the edges, and I've seen some of that snark this game, so she's in her meta tone-wise, though it has been a bit diminished.  She isn't typically one to try and lead in these games but even so I'd like to see more from her.  Most importantly, she hasn't actively tried to do anything to push her agenda on the thread which is how she used to wolf.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Hallia said:

    Being willing to wait on a hammer is insanely town play imo

    Not really, unless you're new.  Common sense plays shouldn't earn brownie points at this point imo, and both things you're getting townread for are things I would distinctly do as a wolf.   IDK, maybe it's just me but these seem more explainable if you're a wolf because they both serve to give you town-cred despite not feeling natural for townies to do.

  7. 2 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

    I mean, I guess I get it, but I will never understand the mindset of a towny think they are a better yeet than literally anyone else who isn't also confirmed town.  And I have a really hard time with the part where you thought yeeting town!you over wolf!dice is ever better, but...eh.  I have an even harder time wrapping my mind around wolf!you saying that about town!dice so idk.

    What post are you referring to in the bold?

  8. 2 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    And if you're wrong? What does that mean other than you can't read me at all? IMO, you lead a wagon on me and I flip villager, it'll make you look like scum... But hey, that's a game winning move right there for wolf...right?

    or maybe OMGUS?

  9. 12 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Lets say you all wagon me and I Flip villager (I will)

    Maybe Verbal gets a good NK in and takes out a wolf. Maybe he hits a villager, maybe he holsters?
    Maybe the wolf eats Verbal. Maybe cory saves Verbal and Cory gets punked.
    We could see 3 dead before D3 starts.

    That would leave us with 7 to 8 players, 2 to 3 of them being wolves, and that's if you don't kill a PR. 
    You have no reason to trust me, I have no reason to trust you, cory, or Verbal. But from where I stand, if you Wagon me, you're helping the wolves.

    Have you ever heard of the term fear mongering?

  10. 38 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:


    My POE right now contains SD, Clov, AJ, and Tripped, with a complete 'I have no clue' on Voodoo.


    I'm likely not voting outside of that bucket unless something drastic happens, in the next 24 hours.

    Between SD and clov where do you want to go and why?

  11. 41 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:


    Yeah, I think most of this shakes out @TrippedOnReality


    I’m similarly apprehensive about anti-teams involving Chris because he’s pretty conscious as a wolf about interacting with teammates in ways designed to fool townies. I do think a wolf flip would look good for Leelou but wouldn’t move my needle personally for Verb or SD.


    Aj/Hallia are definitely not teamed. One nice thing about the d1 wagons is that Hallia has fewer and fewer mafia teams she could be in that make sense. 


    Don’t have any pairings to add atm

    Do you think there's a high chance of at least two wolves in clov/hally/verb/sinister?

  12. So here's the thing.  I was 100% sure that you'd be locktown if you claimed vanilla and said that the vig was made up last night.  Not doing that means you're leaning into the vig shot, but that's troublesome because Zander was the clearest villager in this game and you either didn't read or you're lying.  You had a whole night to do anything you wanted to catch up, and I can't imagine a player as good as you making no evolution in your reads with 24 hours of completely free time.  Ergo, more likely you're a wolf and killed Zander than a townie who lost his mind.  I've zero interest in watching you get copped, if you couldn't put in the effort to read, seems like a good way for a wolf to last an extra day and then out a PR and waste a cop shot all in one.

  13. 42 minutes ago, Verbal32 said:

    Ok, caught up.


    And yes, I shot Zander.  Roleclaim:  town vigilante


    Honestly, I thought he had a good chance at being scum.  Didn't like our back & forth and really thought he was going to flip scum and I'd do a little dance.


    What do we know?  That the Doc (assuming that's Cory because no cc as of yet) blocked the scum NK, or the scum didn't shoot after seeing me post about vigging Zander D1.  I would imagine that's less likely, as scum would want dead bodies, so I'm going with Doc blocking the NK.


    I usually holster N1 as a vig unless I feel confident, which is why I fired.  lolme

    vote verb

  14. I sincerely don’t think anyones playing a bad wolf game here, my reads are almost entirely me having enough experience to stay true to the thoughts that stick out.  These three players I keep coming back to are the ones that, in most games, aren’t townie enough to be your top reads but they’re good enough you’d lynch others ahead of them.  And then make an excuse to do it again tomorrow.  Oh they did that 1 thing right, can’t forget that.  Etc.  sometimes you gotta push through those nagging thoughts and get to your result to know if you’re crazy or not.

  15. 4 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    This is a good read no matter your alignment. It means absolutely nothing for me to say this but I also think I’m beginning to climb out of my wolf range.


    irt Hallia I understand your rational. The problem is that I look at her in totality and I still am not sure barring the no-claim move. I really question why Hally makes some of her D1 posts as scum but I also don’t love that method of evaluation because words are less important than action imo. Diligence is good but I would also note that I see what you are doing and in the world where you are a wolf trying to crater my town core and keep one of them on the table this raises your equity. Hally/Darthe are definitely not a team.

    I have the luxury of not waffling on my own slot.  It really clears the game up to do that 🙂

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