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Status Updates posted by hotpocket2006

  1. *pokes* *lurvs* *runs*

  2. *waves* Hi Pot! or is it kettle?...

  3. Cute without the e <3

  4. Is officially a Green Accepted<3

    1. Kathleen


      is officially really happy to have you *grins*

    2. hotpocket2006


      Thank you Kath *hugs*

  5. Bored out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I think it's funny that my email is set to private but my msn messanger isn't... especially when they are the same thing! *palmface*

  7. Merry Christmas!! xoxo

  8. TyTy!! I lurv the randomness<3

  9. Gosh I hate winter.

    1. Tynaal Consen

      Tynaal Consen

      Come to Africa!!! It's summer here ˆˆ

    2. hotpocket2006


      Goodness I wish I could go to Africa *is so jealous*

  10. "I'm not your friend, buddy." "I'm not your buddy, guy." "I'm not your guy, friend."

  11. Got's Army duty this weekend... Might not be very active... In case anyone cares ;oP

  12. Can't wait for TBS's new cd. Original members? It's going to be hawesome.

  13. Well let's see how long it lasts this time....

  14. I know that's so exciting! I new firing Wade would be a boost for them. And I think it's just fitting that we beat them. Romo broke his clavicle playing the Giants, and then they get their butts kicked XD

  15. Yeah he's in Minnesota right now *tear* but I live like 5 hours away to I couldn't make it down to see him. Oh well. He's doing a signing at a Barnes & Noble down there. My sis lives down there, maybe she'll get me and autographed book.

  16. I know right. It just proved my theory that we needed a coach change. God Manning sucked today. I think I'm almost more happy that the Giants lost to the Cowboys than the Cowboys beating the Giants. I wonder what George will have to say about this? I can't wait to read his blog.

  17. Yay profiles are back!!!!

    1. ThorkinBarrimore


      Amen to that! And PMs.

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