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Status Updates posted by hotpocket2006

  1. Everyone pray to the Aqua Buddha!

  2. Yeah it took me 2 weeks for the BT to get back to me, but that's because the leader was on vacay. Patience scotty dear XD

  3. Haha I spose I did. :oP

  4. Thanks hun, that's really thoughtful of you *rolls eyes*

  5. G'night Neverland<3

  6. Yeah oh well, I guess that's how it goes sometimes. I do however need to hide my face for the rest of the season. lol

  7. Well now that Romo has a broken clavicle, there's a good chance you'll get your wish *pouts*

  8. Broken clavicle? Really?!? A bunch of ritardedness. Poor Romo.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. soccerscott


      Yea...you guys are done. But hey...at least NY is letting you stay in this game :)

    3. hotpocket2006


      Don't even get me started on the Giants. I hate them with a fire of a thousand burning suns. lol

    4. soccerscott


      with every fiber of your being.

  9. Woot we're up 10-zip. Looking good right now.

  10. Well I always hope the Giants will lose, for 1) I hate them and for 2) It'll piss Mr Martin off, so maybe he'll feel inspired to write more of his book...

  11. Yes but not for long. The Giants normally lose to us *grumbles about how the playoffs in the 05-06 season was a fluke*

  12. I'm from Texas originally, plus they are America's Team :oP

  13. Off to bed. Go Cowboys<3 (don't let me down again, specially against the Giants)

    1. ThorkinBarrimore


      Yes! We are going to beat the G-Men tonight!

    2. hotpocket2006
  14. So did you ever read tGS? XD

  15. Woot woot the Vikes lost, now all I need is for my Boys to win tomorrow and it will be the perfect football weekend.

  16. Guess who lost? :oP

  17. IMO he is way to stuck on himself. I know he doesn't want to go to training, but keeping his decision to retire or not until the last minute is re-diculous! And then when he has his press conference it interupts my tv, as if I give a crap about his decision. Grrr.

  18. I hate Brett Favre *mad face* but I live in a state where I can't escape him lulz

  19. Did someone say vodka? *grins* Hand that sh*t over.

  20. Uh oh, a vikings fan? I don't know if we can be friends anymore :oP

  21. I hope the Vikings get their butts kicked, just sayin.

    1. maxofox


      Go Vikings and Farve!!!

  22. I remember when I had my first beer...

  23. Super bored... so it's off to bed for this one. Goodnight Neverland.

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