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Status Updates posted by hotpocket2006

  1. *glompsnuggletacklepounces*

  2. More awesome than captain awesome?

  3. Most definitely ^^

  4. You know where ^^

  5. What is it not supposed to mean? :P I totally got you there

  6. <3333 Why hello there.

  7. I'm not crazy, I'm just thirsty.

  8. Thank you for the cookies! omnomnom ^^

  9. Well I'm not in the game anymore, otherwise it might've been taken otherwise.

  10. *laughs* I liked your last Mistborn Mafia post. Not because any of it's true because I don't know that it is, but because it was hi-larious! Thought about sharing on thread, but thought best not to >.>

  11. 6 Hours drive home. Blah.

  12. Lots of people creepin. I love creeper tools. ^^

  13. Not alotta how are you?

  14. A Day to Remember show tomorow night!!!! *fan girl squee* I am so excited!!

  15. ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

  16. I touch the fire and it freezes me, I look into it and it's black. Why can't I feel? My skin should crack and peel. I want the fire back.

  17. Men!!!! And they say women can't make up their minds! *exasperated sigh*

  18. Sleepless in Minnesota... lulz

  19. Finished The Wise Man's Fear <3

  20. I can't go to sleep!!!! Grrr!!

    1. ThorkinBarrimore


      *Sings lullaby so Song can sleep* There ya go.

    2. hotpocket2006


      Thank you Thorkin <3

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