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Status Updates posted by hotpocket2006

  1. I know I should really learn how to put things where I will remember them. Anyway good night, I'm off to bed I guess, ttyl :o)

  2. Yeah I'm starting my reread tonight. Though I can't find a couple books. I'm kind of a space cadet sometimes and can't remember where I left things...

  3. Anyway I started reading WoT about 7 months ago, and then was hooked. I've reread tGS about 20 times. Can't wait until ToM comes out. How about you?

  4. I didn't figure you were 14, but I wanted to be polite in case you were :oP You're not stalking me *pouts* and I was so excited for a second there! Yeah I will still buy the 4th book in the Inheritence cycle, I don't really think Chris is a great writer but I'm fond of the books for personal reasons. The only series I never finished was the Sword of Truth series *shudders* A...

  5. That is weird. Are you stalking me, cuz that'd be super XD Yeah I never really fit in there, plus I hate the books. Now I'm here and liking it so much better. probably becuase there's not a bunch of 14 yr olds running around here. (Sorry if you're 14 lulz)

  6. Well I'm not really over there anymore, I was hotpocket2006, I commented mostly on the Song of Ice and Fire thread and such. lol but I recognized your name and your avatar so I had to check.

  7. haha you should :oP Especially since we used to talk WoT all the time.

  8. That's totally funny. I know you (sort of) lulz

  9. so this is random, were/are you part of the inheritance forums by any chance? lulz

  10. Fly like a G6<3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. soccerscott


      also a car by pontiac =P

    3. hotpocket2006


      I know, but the reference in the song is the airplace, not the crappy car.

    4. hotpocket2006


      and by airplace I meant airplane XD

  11. Bubble bath was ah-mazing.

  12. I look forward to it. XD

  13. Touche good sir. That round will go to you, but the fight has only just begun. XD

  14. That happens to a lot of good shows, it's like wtf all the crappy shows stay on because they have a good following, but the shows that are actually good get cancelled.

  15. And who made your personal opinion that of Gods? :oP It must be whatever they feed you guys at Ft Bragg...

  16. I loved that show The Black Donnelys. I was so pissed when it wasn't on anymore *tear*

  17. Don't blame me XD I think everyone just has a little bit of a creeper in them so DM has just given us the option to creep here just like on farcebook :oP

  18. Well right now all I gots to cuddle with is my doggie lulz

  19. Yeah the first couple days of snow is like I forgot how pretty it was, and then it does get old. It's just here there's like 7 months of snow/winter, if there was less I'd probably like it a little more. lulz

  20. Yeah Minnesota is okay. It was sleeting here earlier though. So not ready for winter!

  21. I'm from the North Shore of Minnesota. What part of Wisconsin are you from?

  22. I want some Chipotle, I wish I could just like beam some here like they do in start trek.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. soccerscott


      I can't think of anything witty to say right now, but I'm going to post here to save this space for when I do...

    3. soccerscott


      How about... yup... still nothin. I'll get back to you...

    4. hotpocket2006
  23. why must the internets shut down. I am going to petition the people in charge of the internets to keep the internets open longer for my entertainment.

  24. Grrrr my boys let me down again!

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