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Status Updates posted by hotpocket2006

  1. Comic book geek :oP

  2. Go- go- go- go insane, go insane, throw some glitter, makie it rain on 'em.

  3. Drinking? Yes I did that. lol

  4. Sleep escapes me.

  5. Thinks some people should just grow up and leave the drama for your mama *rolls eyes*

  6. Drill again this weekend ^^

    1. paetric


      you've been drilled a lot lately... ;)

  7. I need to get Pokemon White and The Wise Man's Fear!!! Have to wait until Thrusday though *sad face*

  8. I'm watching firefly ^^

  9. Can't see strait. ^^

    1. paetric


      I wonder why!?!?

  10. lol I live on the North Shor of Lake Superior. I also frequently go down to the cities though, my sister lives down there.

  11. Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't

  12. I like my beats fast and my bass down low.

  13. You guys need to get a room *barf* anyone who fills someones wall with I love yous and I miss yous is very insecure. Just saying. Keep it to pms. kthxbai.

  14. <3 Thinking of you deary

  15. Minnesota?!? I iz in Minnesota too. Weird.

  16. You don't update those either :oP

  17. Why you no has status?

  18. Monthly discussion in the Green ajah, You should participate! Yes, I mean you! *points*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hotpocket2006


      Yayz! I roped one in<3 I'm running the discussion ^^

    3. David Hermes

      David Hermes

      What's the discussion about? Wish I could join as the Green Ajah is not open to me...

    4. hotpocket2006


      That's true as you have to be a member of the WT org to see it. It's on family values.

  19. *points and laughs* Packers are the best?

  20. Why aren't we friends? And why don't you have any comments?!?

  21. Song of Ice and Fire becoming a series of graphic novels?!? Super excited.

    1. ThorkinBarrimore


      I'm wondering how the tv series will be. Game of Thrones. What do you think?

    2. hotpocket2006


      I am so excited for the show. I think it will be awesome, especially since George has a say in it. I'm sad I'm deploying halfway through the season, so I will miss some of it :(

    3. ThorkinBarrimore


      It's a LOT better that he will oversee things then. I'm sorry you'll miss it. There is always the DVD release then hopefully.

  22. lol Mysterious guy XD

  23. *pokes* you need more friends XD

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