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Posts posted by keyholder21

  1. This garden was the perfect place for a reunion, Miahna decided, looking around at the beautiful scenery. It had been too long since she'd taken time to stop and smell the roses – both figuratively and literally. In her line of work, life could become grim easily; she could become grim easily. It was difficult spending the bulk of one's time chasing down people who would (and did) do anything to another person. Her face started to slide back into the stern look that she presented to the world, which left her to wonder when she'd gone from smile to frown lines.


    Taia said something that brought Mimi back to the present. Shaking her head slightly, she refound her grin and asked the Green to repeat herself. She was with Taia now – this was not the time to dwell on harsher things. It had been years since they'd been together in person. Years since Miahna had sucked Taia into her world of mystery, constant traveling, and darkfriends. Of course they enjoyed the hunt, adrenaline pumping through their veins, but sometimes, stopping was the better course of action.


    "Things are, as always, busy. I am trying to find myself a warder to maybe settle myself down with," Taia said at her with a wink. Miahna rolled her eyes. She shouldn't have expected anything different! This was probably the first time in their friendship that she'd had a Warder when the Green did not. She opened her mouth to say something to that effect, but closed it when Taia continued speaking. "Anyway," she added sighing. "I've been trying to teach some of the Novices. You know how I feel about children. Its been like a form of torture for me. I think the Ajah enjoys watching my pain sometimes." Taia rolled her eyes and Miahna let out a small chuckle. While Taia was extremely knowledgable, and an able teacher, she should not be teaching novices. She was much more suited to teach advanced Accepted or new Aes Sedai. It was an interesting choice to have her teach the young ones instead.


    Rewinding to a few moments ago, Taia turned her attention back to the Blue and added "Of course I would ask you about your warder first by the way. What other question would a Green ask her best friend." Miahna shook her head as the Green smiled and added, "So tell me about him, have you kissed him yet." Miahna's eyes practically bulged out of her head and she leaned back to stare at the Green. Taia burst out laughing, a hand covering her mouth. "I'm sorry Mia I will stop talking about him. What else have you been doing? Next time you leave the tower I shall come with you. It will be fun."


    Crossing her arms, Mimi laughed a little at Taia's forwardness – she'd missed it – and shrugged. “I don't think there really is anything else Taia. You know how I am. Grish is a good companion, albeit quiet. He hasn't learned to really voice his opinions to me yet, so I'm working on that. Trying to encourage him to do so. He hasn't seemed to realize that sometimes he needs to tell me 'no'.” She grinned at her friend, knowing that the Green understood her penchant for getting into trouble. The smile was a welcome change from guilt, which had plagued her for years after Malachi's death. It wasn't a struggle to do so now, smile even as memories of him arguing with her over where to go surfaced.


    The pair of Aes Sedai rounded the corner and stopped, faces morphing into the serene mask that had been programmed into them. A novice stood in front of them, frozen in the middle of the path,"Erm A... Ah... Ae... Aes Sedai!?!"


    Miahna quirked an eyebrow at the girl and shifted her shawl. She hated that she had to wear the bloody thing while she was in the Tower, but what the First Selector wanted, the First Selector got. Or, at least with this battle. Mimi wasn't one to take orders well, thankfully she was never in the Tower long and conveniently, the bloody woman always forgot their previous fights when Miahna returned. There was something to be said for having a reputation as a darkfriend killer. No one ever wanted to get on your bad side – even those stronger than you.


    “Good evening child,” Miahna said, stepping forward slightly to address the girl, “what brings you to this garden?”

  2. Hey Rekinu,


    I'm going to go ahead and CC this, love, though I do have a few suggestions. I'd look at some of the other strings to get a feel for how we format our posts (multiple paragraphs, spaces between paragraphs and the like).



    Also, we write strictly in the past tense here - just like Jordan. So despite your last few paragraphs being eight months later than the previous ones, you would still write it in past tense. You should also be careful about writing what others are thinking. For characters of your own creation, that's fine, but with other player characters, that's a no-no.


    Rekinu sounds like an interesting kid though! Have fun rping him and maybe I'll see you around the boards :smile:.

  3. ooc: Rasi has asked me to bring in my Blue (that she has referenced) to ...help clean up the mess. In order to make it easier to discern what paragraphs are for who(m?), I've colored Miahna's blue and signed the character names at the end.


    Furthermore, I'd write more, but I'm TIRED. Mimi will have a bigger part to play next time.




    Tensleigh was sweet and warm, wrapped in a tight dark embrace, when the first shock came. She coughed, choking on blood that had gathered in her windpipe, feeling the harsh pain that came with it, before settling back into the black tendrils pulling at her. She almost sighed with relief, but another wave of blinding white pain slammed through her, causing a rush of harsh sounds to attack her ears. Groaning, the lion tamer followed instinct to bring her hands up, cradling her ears. The sweetness of the dark wore off and Tensleigh felt the rest of her senses rush back. Opening her eyes, she blinked several times as things came back into focus.


    One of the men who attacked her lay dead on the ground, eyes staring unblinkingly past her. She stared at him numbly as she struggled to understand the scene. How had this happened? Had one of his comrades betrayed him? The lifeless body refused to answer her unspoken questions. Tearing her eyes from his, Tensleigh moved her head slightly against the tree trunk to look for the other man. The bark clung to her hair, but did not snag. Once again she felt grateful to the little tree. She wasn't sure if she could move anything other than her head. Oddly, her arms and legs felt fine. She had been sure they were going to bruise, a random thought that had passed through her head as she fought futilely against the darkfriends. Her head, thought, felt heavy, which it never had before, and she felt sharp pain in her chest whenever she breathed.


    Her head complied enough to change her line of sight. It was then that she saw the Aes Sedai and the other man. They had obviously bandied words – his expression smug and hers grim – but Tensleigh didn't understand why he hadn't moved. A split second later, he stumbled slight and she understood. A chill rushed through her at the thought of the invisible strands that had held him. What a terrible power. she thought, invisible to all save those who wield it. No wonder so many fear Aes Sedai. Tensleigh's eyes widened as she realized that the man, now free, was stalking toward her. A scream welled up in her throat, but wouldn't move. All she could do was stare at him.


    Waves of copper hair filled her vision as the Aes Sedai stepped between the darkfriend and her. The lion tamer blinked, straining to hear what was happening. She heard nothing, however, until the body dropped to the ground. She stared at it, another pair of lifeless eyes, before swinging her gaze back to the Aes Sedai. "You will be okay child, I have saved your life,” the woman said emotionlessly. Tensleigh just stared at her. “I must go now and help your man Viktor. Can you walk? If you can come with me, you need to be close so I can make sure you do not die. It would break Viktors heart if you did." Viktor. The sound of his name brought a different tightness to her chest. She groaned as Taia reached down to help her up, and stifled a gasp as pain rocketed through her. The Aes Sedai paused, but Tensleigh grimaced and shook her head, forcing herself forward. Taia was needed back at camp. Putting one foot in front of the other, they slowly trudged through the trees and into the chaos.


    They hadn't traveled far when she placed her hand on the Aes Sedai's arm and pleaded wordlessly to stop. Breathing was difficult, her breaths getting shorter the more they moved. Taia stopped, staring at her. The face was serene, but Tensleigh could see worry in her green eyes. She coughed, trying to get more air, and felt less return. At this rate I won't make it up the hill. she thought woozily. Nodding to the Aes Sedai, she put her right foot in front of her left and started walking again.


    A rush of wind on her face made the lion tamer look up suddenly. She felt strong arms wrap around her and a familiar smell invade her nostrils. Viktor. She felt giddy in her wooziness, trying to figure out if he was truly there or if she was simply too lightheaded from her injury. The Aes Sedai spoke off to her left, her voice climbing in insistency, but Tensleigh couldn't make out what she was saying. Perhaps she was upset that she'd just saved Tensleigh's life and now her toy had his arms around another woman. She choked out a small laugh and began a retort, but then there were hands on her heavy head and soft lips on hers.


    Her body responded before her mind could instruct. Ignoring the pain in her chest as much as she could, Tensleigh leaned into his embrace and her mouth yielded under his. She kissed him back feverishly with all the pent up emotion of the past, snaking her hands around his waist to pull him flush to her.


    And then there was pain. Crying out, she broke away from his mouth and stumbled back a step before blackness overtook her yet again.


    Tensleigh Maer

    internally injured





    Beneath her, Tai’Mahdi's legs churned, the stallion breathing hard. He had worked hard since the Borderlands and had farther to go still. The Blue patted the dark hair on his neck before drawing her hand back up to the reins. Wind whipped around her face, staining her cheeks red. The force of it had long since knocked the hood of her cloak down. Thick twin braids of dark brown streamed out behind her, the tinkling of the tiny silver bells lost in the wind. There wasn't enough time to pull it up, to pull them back, as they sped down the road, leaving clouds of dust in their wake.


    Beside her, on his own stallion, Grisham looked over with something akin to worry. Miahna spared him no glance, however, her face and mind intent on the task at hand. In the year since they had been Bonded, the Warder had learned most of her mannerisms, but he was still learning. And this sudden fervor was new to him. They had chased down many a darkfriend, even taken down groups together, but the Aes Sedai had never been so careless with her stallion, had never thrown aside the research to hit the road running. She knew he was confused, but she couldn't tell him anything other than a Sister was in trouble.


    They sped toward Murandy as if the Dark One himself was on their heels. Perhaps he was.


    Miahna "Mimi" Sedai

    Blue Badass coming to save Taia's hide

  4. ....I think this is right....


    Gray Ajah Report - September 2011


    1) Total: 2 Members, 2 Characters (that would be Active + Inactive)


    New: 0 Members, 0 characters


    Active: 2 Members, 1 character

    Elgee - Esther Tremaine - Gray sister - July 2011

    KeyHolder21 - Freja Peyrodin - NSW Gray Head (not yet rped)


    Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 0 Members, 0 character

    Phelix and Jagen don't count since they were NSWs, right?



    MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 1 Member, 2 characters

    Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen (July 2010)

    Lavinya - Pia Tovisen (July 2010)


    Purged (bio must be re-approved):



    2) RPs done in September 2011


    No RPs done by a Gray this month.


    3) Ideas & News:


    I’m the new Gray Head – woo! I need to get around to updating stickies, it’s been a weird busy week or so since I was awarded the position.


    I’m excited for the Ajah head string :).


    4) Problems:



  5. Blue Ajah Report September 2011


    1) Total: 4 Members, 5 Characters


    New: 0 Members, 0 Characters


    Active: 2 Members, 3 characters

    Kathleen: NSW Black Head Alia Mariadoon (September 2011)

    KeyHolder21: Miahna “Mimi” Telonne Sedai (September 2011)

    KeyHolder21: Asyndara Ellenios (NPC Ajah Head; not yet rped)



    Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 2 Members, 2 Characters

    Phelix: Gera Mondwin Sedai (April 2011)

    Wayward_Fool: Regalia "Ray-ray" Frantelle Sedai (May 2011)


    MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 3 Members, 3 characters

    Elyssa: Elyssa Lliet

    Miya: Miya Kiyoshi (Feb 2010 - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/43143-at-the-request-of-an-old-friend-atn-alin)

    SerenaMorrigan: Serena Morrigan (July 2010)


    2) RP's done by Ajah characters during September


    Kathleen – Alia Mariadoon – Blue Sitter (NSW Black Head)


    A. Give me back my Toy - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/60941-give-me-my-toy-back/page__gopid__1903027#entry1903027

    Timeline: 1000 NE (Current)

    Interdivison RP with CotS. The PSW's Slayer character has come to the tower to retrieve his weapon with the help of the Black Ajah.


    KeyHolder21 – Miahna “Mimi” Telonne – Blue Aes Sedai

    A. Green + Blue = Pranks? - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/63424-green-blue-pranks/page__view__findpost__p__1951693

    Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

    Mimi and Taia (Rasheta Ardashir) reconnect after not seeing each other for years.


    3. Ideas & News:


    Kat and I are working on a Yellow/Blue RP. Its got something along the lines of them both going after the same info, perhaps crossing paths in it but not knowing then maybe meeting up in the end or perhaps not, we just think it would be fun.


    Still waiting to do the Ajah Heads string.


    Rasi and I are discussing a darkfriend hunt with Mimi and her new character Taia. Might try to tie it into the Black Ajah hunt at the Tower led by Mimi (very hush hush :wink:)


    4. Problems:


    *steals Kat's problem section* Activity is low from almost everyone, but the ones who are active are trying to stay so and planning out what we can.

  6. Carys noticed that Lugard held a much different air about it than Caemlyn. Where as the capital of Andor felt majestic and proud, the capital of Murandy felt ...disinterested and undignified. Perhaps it was because of the less than firm hand that the King used on the country, or maybe it was due to the swarm of merchants that always occupied the city. Regardless of the politics, Lugard was always a place where trade flourished. The Yellow recalled many correspondences being sent from the Murandian capital; it was a good place for furtive exchanges to happen and an excellent place to have a ton of Eyes and Ears.


    The city was not separated like that of Caemlyn, either. Rather it all seemed almost smashed together haphazardly. The buildings were all the same gray stone, but Carys recognized Andoran and Altaran style architecture along with two others that she couldn't place. The roof tiles, the only color provided by the buildings, were random assortments of blues, greens, purples, and reds. Betimes no tile on a roof was the same color. It was difficult to discen, however, as a thick layer of dust coated everything. It dulled the hues, almost negating them. The Yellow felt as if she stood out like a sore thumb in her lavender riding dress. She pulled her cloak further around her as they walked – almost pushed – their way through the streets.


    The Aes Sedai had long since donned the serene face that was brainwashed into every woman that made it to the ring, let alone the shawl. It was almost like taking a step back inside of herself. Next to her, on his stallion, Elessar presented a noncommittal stoic face to the people in the Lugard streets. His dark cloak – the color shifting Warder cloak packed away – hung limp in the stagnant air as their horses picked their way through the streets. Rather than moving out of the way, people merely glared up at them and moved just enough to the side.



    Glancing around, it was clear that they had their pick of places to stay. Lugard had more inns than it did anything else. Both sides of the street were occupied with buildings – every other one proclaiming it was this inn or that inn. The Yellow found it curious how even a city as heavy in trade as Lugard could support so many inns. Is there ever a time where all the rooms are taken? Carys pondered for a moment before a noise in the street pulled her attention. Her blue eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the source. It didn't take her long to find it. A group of men, and one tough looking woman, had begun to throw punches up ahead and to the left. The Aes Sedai drew in a breath and looked over at Elessar, trying to see if they should intervene. He nodded a quick 'no' and then pointed toward an Inn up ahead three doors. Apparently it was one he recognized. She nodded and pointed the mare in that direction, though her eyes kept darting to the steadily growing group of fighters.


    Eventually the pair made it to the Inn, a stableboy appearing immediately to take their horses. The Innkeeper, a chubby woman with black ringlets surrounding a pretty face, smiled at the two of them and ushered them in quickly. Her smile did not diminish as Carys lowered her hood to display the ageless face of an Aes Sedai – rather it deepened. She would be happy to provide room and board for an Aes Sedai and her Warder, the woman explained, in fact, her best rooms had just become available. Snapping her fingers, the Innkeeper instructed another young boy to get them some food and wine while she readied the rooms.


    The Common Room was empty, save for staff. Carys inquired about the lack of customers, but the young boy serving her food merely assured her that it was the time of day. She pursed her lips and stared at the door, curious if the mass in the streets was part of the cause. Elessar remained quiet next to her, though she caught him occasionally staring at the door. She quirked an eyebrow, asking silently again if they should enter the brawl, but again he shook her head no. She knit her eyebrows together at the answer, but stayed put. She'd put him in enough dangerous situations. It seemed like Lugard was a good city in which to listen to her Warder.

  7. Rasi and Elgs,


    I wanted to apply for this position, but (as Rasi knows) I had a busy weekend. My friend's mom had a stroke on Thursday and I spent the night (and most of Friday and Saturday) taking care of her kids. Then Sunday was spent getting my house in order and making sure that her family that had come into town had food and stuff like that.


    The doctors say (for some doctor-y reason) that things look good right now, but they aren't out of the woods yet.


    Anyway. I was wondering if I could still apply for this even though it's past the 24th :/.



    If so, I will get it to you as soon as I get a response!


    I talked to Elgee on MSN and have submitted the app :).

  8. The night sky was beautiful, as always, though the stars didn't seem to shine as brightly as they did before. Tensleigh sat cross legged on top of her wagon staring up at them. This was the third night in a row that she had crawled up here. If she had really wanted to admit it to herself, she was looking for Viktor. Not that she knew if seeing him or not seeing him would be better. Luckily, she was pretty good at locking out those kind of feelings, so she merely stared up at the stars and bolted with every noise that wasn't nature - diving into the bed in her wagon in a swift practiced motion.


    Nights were ...easier though. Almost. Somewhat. At night she often didn't see Viktor. He had taken to retiring to his cabin earlier than usual – most of the time with the seductive Aes Sedai on his arm. It drove Tensleigh crazy, but at least then she could stop putting on a show. It got tiring and she had to get very creative with her refusals. It was ridiculous how many men took her silly flirting seriously. Some of the men she'd known her entire life actually expected her to join them in their cabins when the sun went down!


    Not seeing him made the nights longer though. At least during the day she could steal glimpses when he was busy, her eyes caressing his handsome face. She was still angry at him for flaunting his relationship with the Aes Sedai all over the place, but that did not mean she couldn't admire him from afar. Of course she always became angry with herself afterward, reaffirming her vow to make him miss her despite never having had her in the first place. Those times were bad – even she knew they were – driving her to flirt with every male in the entire camp except for Viktor and Nico. She laughed at herself internally while she was doing it, but purred aloud instead. The men always reacted well to that, eyes lighting up and trailing all over her body. Every fiber of her being felt attuned to Viktor though, and she ached to know that he was paying attention. That he cared.


    Sunlight streamed in through her window, waking the lion tamer abruptly. Blinking away the bleariness, Tensleigh realized that somehow in the night she'd fallen asleep, her door still slightly open and askew. Good thing I don't have anything of value in here! she shouted to herself. Plopping her head back down on the bed, she laid there for another minute before crawling out and standing up. It was another day. Dressing quickly in a lowcut top she had found in town the day before, Tensleigh pulled her hair back into two small tails on either side of her head and stepped out into the morning air. She shivered slightly, but rolled her shoulders and stepped down onto the ground.


    Her heart betrayed her mind, the organ speeding up at the thought of seeing Viktor. Sighing at herself, she closed her blue eyes and forced it to calm down by walking through the exercises that Bo had taught her when she was young. You must have a clear mind to command lions, Tensleigh. she heard his voice say. Would it not be the same with men? hers echoed a moment later. Snapping her eyes open, she suddenly felt like a different person. In control instead of the mess she'd been for the past few days. Adjusting her skirt, she plastered a smile on her face and walked with the confidence she'd been lacking lately. Where was before it had been a mere illusion, today it was reality.


    It apparently showed, too, or it was the shirt. It wasn't nearly as lowcut as what the Aes Sedai wore daily, but it was lower than she had ever worn before. Though she always received attention from the male crew members, they seemed especially attentive to her today. Smiling, she gave some of her attention to them all, including Hue with his baby face and Grussel with his wrinkles. Even Hue ignored the Aes Sedai when she walked by, his eyes rooted to Tensleigh. The lion tamer grinned at that, chalking up a victory point in her head. The Aes Sedai paid no mind, instead draping herself in almost an obscene way over Viktor's arms. Gritting her teeth, Tensleigh wrenched her eyes away and back to the men in front of her. She laughed as one of the crew said something about his muscles and carrying her entire wagon to put it by his. She put her hands around his bicep and squeezed, laughing as she did so. He flexed and made her laugh again.


    A few moments later, she looked up for Viktor but he was gone. Excusing herself, she left the group and wandered toward her copse of trees. After she had passed the night there and fed the tree with her tears, she felt like it was her own. It stood a distance away, brilliant sun shining on the dense branches. Tensleigh kicked dirt up from the ground as she walked toward it, intent on her destination. So intent that she did not hear footsteps behind her as she reached the outskirts of the trees. She wasn't aware of the danger until a hand clasped the back of her neck, another clamped over her mouth and a blindfold was tied across her eyes.


    Screaming against the meaty hand, the lion tamer lashed out with her hands and feet. Her fist connected with something squishy in front of her, announcing that her attacker had at least one partner; her foot slammed into the knee of the attacker behind her. The man – his hands felt like a man's – stumbled but didn't let go. Instead, he rammed her in the back of the knees with something hard and she dropped to the ground, biting her tongue in the process. A voice rumbled deep laughter as she fell; the blindfold fell off for a moment. One of the men leaned down to pick it up, but the other told him not to worry. Forcing her mouth open, he put the cloth between her lips instead, tying it tight enough that she couldn't close her mouth. She glared at him and swung her hand up, connecting hard with his gut. His eyes about popped out of his head and he stumbled backward, catching himself on a tree. The other moved toward her and she dug her nails into his cheek as hard as she could until he stopped advancing.


    Tensleigh looked around, wild eyed, and started to scramble to her feet. She was on one bruised knee when something hit her in the head from behind. Blinking as her vision swam, she focused on her tree as tunnel vision began and eventually blackness washed over her.





    ooc: edited to fix extremely short sentences. Also, apparently I added the wrong one, so I fixed it. I think it only changed a sentence or two.

  9. She was sketching again. The pen tip scratched across the paper hurriedly as she outlined a bird in the sky. The markings were remarkable; Carys couldn't recall ever seeing wings that looked like that. The notebook page, light brown and small, immediately filled up with the black of her pen, lines connecting to make a fairly good representation of the markings. Squinting, she brought her hand up to shield her eyes. She attempted to follow the bird, but it was moving to fast toward the sun. Her blue eyes tingled as they moved closer toward the glowing ball, but she lost the bird in the intensity. Squeezing her eyes shut, Carys stared at the negative afterimage on the inside of her eyelids for a moment before she reopened them.


    Blinking rapidly, the Yellow stared forward as the surroundings came back into focus. She laughed to herself, at herself, sheepishly, glad that Elessar hadn't been around to see her foolishness. Where there was one bird there were sure to be many more. Tucking her notebook away, the Altaran thought back on the Palace visit. She felt a smile stretch over her face, as it often had on this journey. Where as before, adrenaline was the most constant state for her – pulse racing as she fought to save lives in the Infirmary – now it seemed to be more of a content feeling. Whether that was because she was out in the world, because of Elessar, or because of what she'd gone through in Cairhein and survived, she wasn't sure. Perhaps a little of all three?


    The Palace visit had been a phenomenal hit. Carys had thought her face might burst from excitement when the Warder had stepped down from the carriage and Celter had revealed himself. Elessar had seemed pleased, a grin growing on his face as well as he followed her and the older man into the Palace and down the hallway. They had walked into various rooms, with the antique shop owner explaining the elegant history, marveling at his knowledge and his ability to spin the story so that they were hanging on every word. Carys noticed the display of wealth as they walked, how it was obvious but not over-the-top. It gained the ruler a sense of decorum without her even present. The decorator was a genius.


    Later, the Gray sister in residence had found the trio in the Throne Room. She was an older sister, gray already snaking heavily into her brown hair. She had been out of the Tower for Carys's entire stint there, from novice to now. Irela, the Sister, had traveled spent time in every country east of the Aiel Waste, from the Borderlands to Mayene. She took Carys's arm and began speaking to her about Andoran politics. It wasn't something that truly interested the Yellow, but she was patient and listened anyway, though her ears sometimes drifted back to hear what Elessar and Celter were talking about. Eventually, Irela began speaking about how Aes Sedai were welcomed and treated in various cities, snapping Carys's attention back to her. The Yellow vaguely remembered reading about some countries being skeptical of Aes Sedai, but she had no idea of the magnitude. As the Palace walls zipped past them, Irela enlightened her.


    A history, and political, lesson later, Carys and Elessar departed. Lunch had been served in the “Rose Room,” Celter and Irela accompanying them and the four discussing Caemlyn's sights. The Aes Sedai suggested an herb shop to the younger Yellow; Celter and Elessar discussed the library. They had departed in the same carriage that had brought them, bidding farewell to a smiling Old Celter. Upon arriving at the inn, Elessar had thanked her for the tour before retiring. She had smiled her now-familiar smile in response and retired herself.


    The next day, in early morning, they had paid the innkeeper - who was his usual grouchy self once again. He attempted to glare at the pair as they walked down the stairs into the Common Room, though he was rubbing his bleary eyes with one hand and holding a rag in the other making it look comical. Carys donned her serene face and made no comment. She handed the man his payment for room and board, his hard eyes softening a bit at the look of Tar Valon silver in his hand and left the Inn for good. They had saddled their horses and had ridden toward the City Gate, heading south-west along the Caemlyn-Lugard road.


    Though she had enjoyed Caemlyn immensely, Carys felt at peace with leaving the city. She had found Celter a place at the Palace, where he should have been all along, and they had partaken of the library and the streets. It was a lovely City, but not their destination. Perhaps I'm becoming used to being on the road... she pondered. Elessar rode back then, nodding to her that everything was fine. They rode in companionable silence for another hour before the sun began to dip. Her Warder rode ahead again and when he returned he suggested a place to stop for the night. She assented, lost in her thoughts about Lugard and what it could contain.


    The night was calm and quiet, only the sounds of crickets and an occasional owl hoot broke the silence. Carys fell asleep quickly, the dark gray cloak covering her as she slept by the fire. Across the pit was her Warder. She assumed he slept sometime in the night, for she felt little exhaustion from him in the morning, but he was awake when she closed her eyes and awake when she opened them. They set out early in the morning, both slightly anxious to arrive in Lugard.

  10. Full name: Seralle din Atar Lightening Spray

    Age: 42

    Clan: Tremalking

    Rank: Windfinder to the Sailmistress of Wavedancer


    Physical appearance: 5feet 9 inches, 175 pounds, dark ebony skin with seablue eyes, pitch black wavey hair with a blue sheen on it, full round lips, small perky nose. Muscular body wit nimble limbs. Like all seafolk, she is extraordinarily gracefull in her movements.

    Physical weakness: a scar in the shape of a hook stands out on the right side of her neck which she wears as a white badge of honor.

    Physical strength: she has great strength in both arms and legs which comes from years working on a ship and her sense of balance is remarkable, even for a seafolk.


    Personality: Seralle is curious by nature and what she likes most of all about being on the sea is the exploration of new things. Whether that is new waters, lands, people or items, it’s all the same to her. Anything new excillerates her and she eagerly seeks out any rumor of things she hasn’t heard or seen before.

    Personality weakness: She’s not the most patient of people and often rushes in before thinking things through, which lands her in trouble more often than not.

    Personality strength: Luckily, she is also very imaginative and inventive, which allows her to get out of most of the trouble she seems to attract, though certainly not all of it. She is very adaptable, while maintaining a fixed eye on her intended goal.


    One Power: Seralle is a channeler of exceptional skill and strength among the Seafolk.





    Seralle, like all other Atha’an Miere, was born on a ship as the fourth daughter of the sailmistress Moran din Atar Seagull. Her mother was hard on her from the start, for Seralle’s sisters didn’t amount to much among the people and her mother was determined to produce at least one child of note. Her father, the ship’s cargomaster, never had much time for his daughter, as he was being kept busy with the ship’s trades and the raising of a daughter was the providence of women. Or so her mother claimed and whatever her mother claimed, her father took for law. Love didn’t facture in to Seralle’s upbringing, which was completely dominated by her duty to her family. She was punished harder, longer and quicker than anyone else, even to the point of drawing murmers from the crew as to the harsh conditions the girl was growing up in. Even those that understood that favoritism amongst family members had to be avoided at all cost felt that the treatment of Seralle by her mother was above and beyond what was necessary. And yet, her mother ruled her ship with iron hand and none ever dared confront her. She did well by her ship and her clan, for hers was the most productive and profitable of all the clan’s ships, so the Wavemistress was happy to let her mother be, so long as she continued to prosper the clan. She was confident in her position and confident that her mother did not pose a threat to her, because none of the other sailmistresses held any affection for her. While she was an exceptional tradeswoman, she was also incapable of maintaining a steady crew. Her ship being the one with the highest level of rotating crew of all the ships. A clear indication of a woman not capable of securing a crew’s loyalty, which was an absolute sign of incapability for a potential Wavemistress. And so, Seralle’s mother was stuck as sailmistress, something that shafed at the woman every minute of every day. Consequently, she was even more determined to see one of her children rise so she could claim status through them. This was a most shamefull line of thinking, since Atha’an Miere did everything in their power to avoid such links, but there you had it. The combination of all of this made Seralle’s childhood a living nightmare and many feared that the girl might end up giving herself to the deep blue at some point.


    But Seralle had a secret friend. A life savior that none knew about. She was born with a talent of great imagination and inquisitiveness, and while she was forced to grow up under the most harshest of conditions, this provided her with an escape from what might otherwise have been a very gloomy outlook on life. She worked hard, learned quick and secretely relished in every new thing that came her way. Examining it over and over in her mind, which became a habbit whenever she was punished again. She also developped a skill for fixing most problems before anyone found out, even if she created most of them herself by her curiosity and lack of patience. She endured the regime of her mother but couldn’t wait till she would be placed on another ship, hoping that she might finally be allowed to pursue her dream of exploration in truth.


    When the time came for her to be tested, Seralle was fourteen years old, and it was determined that she could learn to channel. She was placed under the Ship’s Windfinder, though not before she was beaten and strung up by her feet for a full week for daring to go against her mother’s wishes. Her mother wanted her to become Wavemistress of the clan. As Windfinder, she would never be able to do that, a drop in status that her mother took as a personal affront. But the laws were clear, channelers become Windfinders. Period. Not even her mother could go around that. And so she was placed under the Windfinder and life became somewhat better for Seralle, since a Windfinder’s apprentice was the Windfinder’s charge and not the sailmistress’. For two years, her mother completely ignored her, which was fine with Seralle. Then came the time when Seralle had to be transferred to another ship and, luckily, this was also up to the Windfinder to decide or Seralle was sure her mother would have picked the worst ship of the bunch, just to get back at her for daring to have the ability to channel.


    She was transferred to the Wavedancer, where the Windfinder soon became quite taken with Seralle. There, for the first time ever, the young woman found affection, appreciation and genuin friendships. The sailmistress was a hard woman, as all sailmistresses were, but she was also very fair. Quick to punish anything that threatened her crew and ship but equally quick to reward exceptional service to ship and crew. Hers was known to be the most loyal crew of all the clan’s ships. She wasn’t as skill a trader as Seralle’s mother had been, but she made that up with the ability to secure people’s trust and goodwill. She was also considered to be a high threat to the Wavemistress, as she was also quite popular among the other sailmistresses (excepting her mother, another reason the Wavemistress favors her). So, Wavedancer was always the first to be sent in to dangerous situations. A tactical move from the Wavemistress, who was hoping Lenara, Wavedancer’s sailmistress, would get killed on one of those expeditions.


    Because of this, Wavedancer’s crew became quite skilled in sea combat, interaction with different shorebound cultures and political intrigues of the various rulers across the world. And the ship’s Windfinder became quite skilled in defending both ship and crew in every situation that required their expertise and talents. Consequently, Seralle too became exceptionally skilled in these matters and she learned quickly. So quickly that she graduated to full Windfinder within another two years and became the youngest Windfinder in history. She stayed on Wavedancer, as now she had the freedom to choose her own deployment, as the ship definately could use two Windfinders, though only one could be the official one. So Seralle became the assistant to the Windfinder. This wasn’t a luxury, since the Wavemistress kept sending the ship off more and more in to ever more dangerous waters. Seralle didn’t mind, she loved it. For this was the ship that went to the most varied of places, saw the most varied people and encountered the most varied things and situations. She was in heaven!


    During one such encounter, the Windfinder was captured by the Seanchan. Seralle wanted to try to save her, but the sailmistress forbade it and made her take the ship to safety. Seralle conjured up the Winds and Wavedancer literally flew over the sea, creating a spray of unseen proportions in her wake. The crew was dumbfounded by the sight of it and the sailmistress called her to her that evening. She promoted her to Wavedancer’s Windfinder and gave her her salt name, Lightening Spray.


    Seralle’s mother was also captured by the Seanchan and her ship and crew were sunk, while her mother and father were beheaded for not yielding to Seanchan leadership. Seralle could find only one emotion at the news. She let out a sigh of relief, for the suffering of her siblings had finally come to an end. She had never been allowed to form a bond with them, but that had never stopped her from feeling sorry for them as they continued to live under their mother’s thumb.


    Now, the Coramoor was their greatest priority. A new Wavemistress was chosen and it wasn’t Wavedancer’s sailmistress. She had been offered the position but refused, feeling that she could serve the clan and the people better as sailmistress. She had been the first to throw her support at the woman that now led the clan.


    Seralle wondered what new explorations lay beyond those horizons and she was eager to get started on them. And to avenge the faith of her beloved Windfinder.

  11. Hey hey guys, I've posted on the string! Sorry it's so short - I'm a bit tired *g*.


    Sel and Rasi - I've actually been called that before :). I used to have an alternate AIM name that was HolderoftheKey, back before AIM let you sign in two or more places at once (also, back when I used AIM lol). So if you want to call me that, feel free! I'm pretty easy to keep happy :smile:.

  12. The air in the corridor was slightly cool and somehow maintained a breeze. Miahna figured that somewhere, in one of the rooms, an Aes Sedai had her balcony open and was letting in some air from outside. They were pretty high up in the Tower and here the breezes came naturally at any time of day. Several tapestries on the wall fluttered in the slight breeze, allowing glimpses of green tile underneath. Sound came from beyond the door pulling her attention back to it. She felt giddiness in her limbs and stepped back in surprise. It had been ...decades since she had felt this feeling. Somehow, however, she didn't care. Shedding Aes Sedai serenity, the Blue felt a wide grin split her face as the door opened.


    There stood Taia, looking as gorgeous as ever. Her face flashed surprise before she, too, smiled as if a cat that ate a canary. Her green eyes sparkled in acknowledgement, easily matching the green dress she wore. A large expanse of bosom was exposed, pale and shining in the corridor light. Miahna shook her head slightly at her friend. The same flirt as ever, the Blue thought fondly. She opened her mouth to say something, but the Green interrupted her thoughts by throwing her arms around Miahna in an embrace. Leaning into her friend, the Arafellin finally thought of herself as home. The White Tower never seemed so much like home when Taia was in residence.


    It was luck, and Taia's insistence that they were both here at the same time. Having risen to the Shawl a few years before Taia, it had taken the Green and Blue years to reconnect. Both had been set into her own path by that time. Mimi was already off hunting darkfriends and Taia had been brainwashed -or so Miahna thought of it - by her Ajah sisters. Nearly a decade later the two had reconnected and Taia had begun to aid Miahna in her quest to rid the world of darkfriends. Decades after that, it had become Taia's mission as well. What better way to prepare for the Last Battle than to rid the other side of it's soldiers before the fight?


    The two walked back out the Green Halls and into the Tower proper, arms still linked. Several girls in novices whites and Accepted bands curtsied to them, not really noticing who they were, but rather the ageless face they wore. Taia spoke to some of them, the friendly tone of a teacher coming out of her mouth. Mimi felt surprise at the idea of Taia teaching the initiates, but she hid it. Who was she to tell Taia what to do. Perhaps the Green Ajah's First Selector - or whatever they called their Ajah Head because Mimi was sure they had one - had requested (or demanded) it of her. The Blue stayed silent, her stoic face making a novice or two almost whimper at the sight. After two, she softened it a little. Her face tended to slip into 'darkfriend hunter' mode when she wasn't paying attention. It was useful on the road, but not so much when she was in the Tower. Almost shaking her head, the Arafellin reminded herself to keep track of what face she displayed to those around her. Another thing to be remembered in the Tower. If it weren't for Taia's arm around mine...and her summons, I would leave right now.


    When they finally got outside and well onto a path that snaked around the grounds, the Green dropped Mimi's arm and turned to look at her. With a beaming smile, Taia turned to Mimi and asked the first question of their visit, "Did you need pointers on how to dance the sa’sara for Grisham?"


    Blushing in horror Mimi rolled her eyes and punched Taia on the arm lightly. "Honestly Tai! We haven't physically seen each other in yearS - that's plural you know - and that's the first question you ask? Light, no!" Scrubbing back some hair that had come loose from her dual braids, Mimi stared at her friend, laughter overcoming her "anger" despite her attempts to look angry. She giggled - giggled! - and brought her hands up to her mouth. No one else would get that reaction from her. And no one else would choose to ask that question. Taia truly was the basis of her family now. Throwing her arm around the Green's shoulders she squeezed her redheaded friend. "How have you been my friend? I've missed you!"





    ooc: Sorry so short loves! I'm a bit tired *g*. I promise you'll have more to work from next time!

  13. The night air felt cool against her feverish skin. A soft breeze had picked up and golden curls were flying around her face as she stalked away. She reached a hand up to try and control them and then thrust it back down to her side with fury. It's not as if I can control how the wind blows my hair. It will go wherever it wants, so why should I try and fix it right now? Who cares what it looks like? It doesn't matter... Inane thoughts surrounding her hair kept running through her head as long strides carried her farther and farther away from Viktor's wagon and Viktor staring at the beautiful Aes Sedai with the striking red hair.


    She was outside the ring of tents before she realized, sucking in a gulp of air as she slowed down. Tears had gathered in her blue eyes and spilled down her cheeks as she walked, though she just now became aware of their existence. A drop of water splashed on her left hand and Tensleigh lifted it up in wonder. She stared at the bead of moisture as if perplexed by how it appeared on her hand. Her mind felt carefully void of anything, as if she'd spilled out all her thoughts on the way and they hadn't caught up yet. A weight in her stomach told her that they would, however, and that when they did she wouldn't like it.


    Standing in the middle of a small copse of trees, the lion tamer looked back at the menagerie. All the brilliant lights cast a glowing bubble about the tents and wagons. It was odd now to look at it from the outside, having spent all her life inside it. It looked unfamiliar and somewhat uninviting. Biting her lower lip, Tensleigh brushed a tangle of curls back from her forehead and gazed up into the sky. Her constellations were awaiting her there, stars twinkling brightly. Her eyes avoided the lion, it almost pulsing to the left. It would make her think of Viktor and she was trying not to at the moment. Those feelings were confusing and exhausting, and dangerous.


    Sighing, she sat at the base of a small tree and hugged her knees to her chest like a small child. No matter how much she wanted to, she could not avoid thinking about Viktor. Her entire life felt tangled up in thoughts of him – probably because it was. For a long time now he had been her closest friend, confidante, and she had been his. She remembered the excitement they'd felt together after receiving the request to perform for the Queen. How she'd grabbed his hand and danced a few steps with him, laughing in earnest, before the glowing feeling had dulled and a blanket of awkwardness had tucked itself around them.


    Staring forward, chin on her knees, Tensleigh forced her thoughts to linger on her friend instead of flitting away. It was more difficult than she remembered, for so long now she'd tiptoed around thoughts of him. In her mind, she pictured him – his intense eyes, full lips, and strong jaw fitting together in a handsome face, dark hair curling around it. It wasn't the ringmaster that she pictured, however, it was his face under starlight. The relaxed, real face that he rarely let anyone see. It was honest and bare, and terribly beautiful.


    With the picture came a torrent of feelings, practically drowning her as she sat curled up tight against tree trunk. She tried to blink back the tears that surfaced, but they came forward in a rush, burning hot and dropping onto her bare knees. Her body shook with the force of her pent up feelings, wordlessly explaining to the world how she felt. All the while, the little tree stood stout behind her, supporting her as if it was all she had in the world. And perhaps it was now.


    When she finished, Tensleigh wiped the sleeve of her outfit across her eyes in an attempt to steal the salt water from her lashes. Sniffling, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the tree, taking comfort in the solidness at her back. I love him, she thought sadly, and I've already lost him. How sadistic of the Wheel to have me figure it out now. Picking up a small twig, she tore pieces of the bark off of it until it was bare and then threw it aside to pick up another. After that omission, it felt good to have something basic to do with her hands.


    She stayed there all night, waking in the morning to find herself stretched out beneath that small tree. Blinking sleep out of her eyes, Tensleigh realized that it was well past midmorning. They had a show this evening and she wasn't anywhere to be found. The poor wardrobe girls would be throwing a fit. It gave her a little thrill of pleasure to think of Viktor having to worry about his star performer being missing. Her heart ached at little, still, at the thought of losing him, but today was a new day and she was a big girl. Viktor was a part of the menagerie – the owner in truth – and she would have to deal with him. It was best for them both if she put her feelings aside and was just an act in the group. Besides, he was with someone else now. He didn't want her. She needed to keep reminding herself that.


    Lifting her chin, Tensleigh marched out of the trees and into camp. On some level she knew she must look an outright mess – twigs in her hair, grass and bark clinging to her outfit – last night's performance outfit no less – but she stalked through with brazen confidence anyway. No one in his or her right mind would dare say anything to her when she looked like that. They knew enough of her temper. She was like her lions in that way. She could be gentle and soft the majority of the time, but get her riled up and that was another story.


    Whipping around the corner of the main tent, Tensleigh jerked backward, almost crashing into the taut rope line. She stood there for a moment, trying to regain composure as she watched the scene in front of her. It was almost as if she was separated from herself and watching a play. In the middle of the camp stood the Aes Sedai, her coppery hair blazing in the sun and a large expanse of pale bosom exposed. Around her stood a group of menagerie members – some workers and some performers – and Viktor. Tensleigh moved forward a little bit, skirting around the edges of the tents so she was less likely to be seen, but extremely curious as to what was being said.


    As she passed the group, Tensleigh picked up the tailend of what one of the men was saying, "Viktor will get that sorted then. He's our leader." The Aes Sedai laughed a throaty little laugh and then said conspiratorially, "Yes I know I saw him last night." She winked at them as she said so and the group laughed she put a hand on Viktors arm. The lion tamer felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach. This is going to be harder than I thought. Dredging up every ounce of willpower, she kept her chin up and continued walking, acting as if she wasn't aware of what was going on. Happily, anger started to win over her despair and she felt the flush of it fill her cheeks as the Aes Sedai dropped her voice to a seductive purr and led Viktor away.


    Fine. Just because he flaunts his relationship does not mean I need to moon over him like some little lamb. I can do that too. Viktor, be prepared to miss what you never knew was yours. Squaring her shoulders, Tensleigh moved toward her wagon with a renewed sense of purpose.

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