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Danger in Demons Cove GAME OVER Villains win


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On a completely unrelated note, the next person to post about how/why they're unable to post is probably going to cause me to burst a blood vessel.  Either you have time for the game or you don't, but if you can take five minutes to post about not being able to post, you can also use that time to at least throw out a town read or two or a person you're suspicious of.



OK, I've officially decided I am bad at the patented Zander Catchup.  I have far too limited time, and my brain just doesn't seem to want to work that way, so I'mma go back to my usual "toss everyone in a reads list, ISO the ones who you can't figure out, pull a few quotes if necessary" because tiiiiiiiime is NOT on my siiiiiiide o/~


Where I'm at post D-1 is not significantly different than I was Sunday night -  Nyn is solid town, with Sooh right behind her.  Dice I'll need to look at a little more closely to confirm but my gut says probably town.  Hallia has looked better since her Monday morning catchup as well.  These four I'm gonna leave alone for now.


On the nullish side I have Kat (need to look at in more detail now that she's had time to be more involved), Clov (vaguely positive vibes but the longer he's alive the more I'm gonna worry), Niniel (another one I need to reread as I recall being conflicted on her D1 posts and I need to see whether she's trending overall up or down).   Talmanes was giving me some gut-level pings D1 but I can't remember why, so... more ISOs.  At least I'll have something to do tomorrow night after work, during night phase :tongue:


Feeling overall pretty iffy on WiFi, although she's really hard to peg.  Ironeyes is still my bottom read, and the first ISO on my list (and probably the only one I'll have time for before bed).


I feel like there's something exploding inside my head. :dry:


I feel a little worse about Tress now.  I don't know what she's seen from Hallia to change her mind.  I barely remember her posting this phase, so I don't really her saying that she sounds better now than she did Monday.


Beyond that, this is a whole lot of nulls.  I don't really mind that by itself, but I feel like we've been waiting for a more substantial contribution from Tress for a while now.  I'm severely underwhelmed, and the last time I felt this way about her, she was mafia.

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I don't know what to make of this game. I hope it's not one of those where the mafia are intent on lurking themselves to victory, because I really hate when that happens. 


Most of the people in the game have less posts than the mod, and that's not right. 


Trying this on for size.




It really isn't. 

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On a completely unrelated note, the next person to post about how/why they're unable to post is probably going to cause me to burst a blood vessel.  Either you have time for the game or you don't, but if you can take five minutes to post about not being able to post, you can also use that time to at least throw out a town read or two or a person you're suspicious of.



OK, I've officially decided I am bad at the patented Zander Catchup.  I have far too limited time, and my brain just doesn't seem to want to work that way, so I'mma go back to my usual "toss everyone in a reads list, ISO the ones who you can't figure out, pull a few quotes if necessary" because tiiiiiiiime is NOT on my siiiiiiide o/~


Where I'm at post D-1 is not significantly different than I was Sunday night -  Nyn is solid town, with Sooh right behind her.  Dice I'll need to look at a little more closely to confirm but my gut says probably town.  Hallia has looked better since her Monday morning catchup as well.  These four I'm gonna leave alone for now.


On the nullish side I have Kat (need to look at in more detail now that she's had time to be more involved), Clov (vaguely positive vibes but the longer he's alive the more I'm gonna worry), Niniel (another one I need to reread as I recall being conflicted on her D1 posts and I need to see whether she's trending overall up or down).   Talmanes was giving me some gut-level pings D1 but I can't remember why, so... more ISOs.  At least I'll have something to do tomorrow night after work, during night phase :tongue:


Feeling overall pretty iffy on WiFi, although she's really hard to peg.  Ironeyes is still my bottom read, and the first ISO on my list (and probably the only one I'll have time for before bed).


I feel like there's something exploding inside my head. :dry:


I feel a little worse about Tress now.  I don't know what she's seen from Hallia to change her mind.  I barely remember her posting this phase, so I don't really her saying that she sounds better now than she did Monday.


Beyond that, this is a whole lot of nulls.  I don't really mind that by itself, but I feel like we've been waiting for a more substantial contribution from Tress for a while now.  I'm severely underwhelmed, and the last time I felt this way about her, she was mafia.



:dry: :dry: :dry:





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Going to say that I believe that Wildfire is definitely town here.


Wildfire doesn't do that kind of analysis with those conclusions as scum I don't think. 


Can you convince me?  Because the whole numbers thing seems like it's either TMI as mafia, or a really bad assumption by town based off of ??? reasons I'll probably never understand...but I'd like something more than she wouldn't spew her team like that and can't possibly be trying to fake the derpclear.

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My concerns?  Im concerned your playing puppetmaster. You comments dont feel like theres any real weight to them. Like you arnt fully committed to them. In fact the only posts that you seem REALLY committed to is the stuff youve been directing about me, probably cause ive annoyed you i guess.


I think he made some comments about me that made me feel like he's trying to figure me out, personally. And if he's trying to be a puppet master, I would say he's doing a pretty poor job of it considering how D1 went down. I dunno. 


What exactly makes you feel like he's not being committed? is it his tone?

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First most likely:  (EBWOP)


Clovr: cause he was in Pral's FoS: and he could easily be too townie to be townie...a deep wolf.

nyn: a couple of her posts ping'd me. another deep wolf

niniel: I never could get with her posts. something just makes me feel weird about her...and yes if others can feel "weird" so can I

Ironeyes: That post about being better for town if lynched...too scummy for me...willing to listen to him if he shows up to defend himself


lol  just no words.



A couple of my posts ping'd you? Please produce the posts. I'll be waiting.

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Sooh, I'd really like you to weigh in on WiFi.  You saw her in your game when you knew she was town.  I got there eventually, but it was only after AJ flipped and he had basically decided he was going to beat her to death with a rusty chainsaw.  I don't think it's wrong to say she drove me up a wall that game - not because we couldn't get anything from her, but because everything she said was just so out there.  I mean, she stated in the thread she thought Cory was the doctor for putting "AMA" at the start of the game.  It's hard to fake that kind of honesty.


Here, it seems like we've been pulling teeth to get thoughts from her or questions answered.  She's said multiple times that she couldn't really generate content but respond to questions. 


What am I missing?

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Ironeyes ISO




#27 - First post is a joke about his mother and sister stealing the brownies but since his mom's name is Alana he wouldn't vote her to avoid "the stigma" of voting someone with a similar name to the confirmed townie.  Kind of comes across as self-conscious, especially in combination with his later concern with unvoting.


#32 - Chitchats with Niniel and Nyn about playing with familiar faces


#37 - Asks "serious question" about whether the brownies are tainted. ;)


#54 - Chitchats about his mom's name pronunciation and his preferred nicknames.


#56 - Votes Clov for not having read WoT


#57 - Damn ninjas!


#61 #65 #67 - More chatting about his mom's name, plus obligatory town claim


#69 - Does not have any game related thoughts yet


#83 - Makes a point of unvoting his joke vote - this seems extremely self-conscious, especially in a deadline game with no danger of hammering


#88 - Denies being concerned about appearance and says this is his personal policy


#91 - Acknowledges Clov's question about who he would vote if he had to place a serious vote and says he will reread the game and respond


#92 - States he would vote Clov because he thinks Clov's push for serious gameplay means he's scum trying to earn town cred.  :unsure:


#93 - Immediately acknowledges this looks like an OMGUS


#96 - Notes he is "out of practice"


#98 - Questions whether this is Clov's normal play style


#102 - Amused by Nyn's candid assessment of Clov 


#104 - Questions who Nyn was referring to as Laine (not sure if serious)


#128 - Posts to say good morning and comment on the lack of overnight posting


#428 - Apologizes for absence and promises reread and game thoughts prior to deadline


#430 - Tells Nyn that he can't claim scum as that would be lying ;)


#480 - Again apologizes for absence over the weekend and states he will not be available to post on Sundays, promises to work hard to make up for it


#493 - Posts reads list - Town reads are Niniel, Sooh, Nyn, Tress, Pral... null WiFi, Hallia, Talmanes, Sooh (again)... Scum reading Dice for inactivity, and Clov for "going for the easy lynch".  Note he says he "stands by his opinion" IRT Clov, which he has not previously expressed - his only mention of Clov previously was that he thought Clov was trying to move the game into serious mode gave the impression of scum trying to earn town cred.


#494 - Clarifies his note about the Sabbath


#496 - Confirms he meant to have Sooh under his town reads and the null read was an error


#499 - In response to Sooh's question about how everyone feels about Dice, he states he feels Dice is normally very involved and "must have had a busy weekend" - although in his reads list he was FOSing Dice for inactivity.


#501 - Acknowledges that he should not edit his previous reads list post to correct his Sooh error


#502 - Requotes the reads list and notes that it was supposed to be Kat listed as null for "I keep seeing both scum and town tells from her"  :confused:


#506 - Confirms Kat is supposed to be where Sooh is under the null category


#511 - Says he knows his reads list is crap and he's just trying to contribute, doesn't remember why he wrote that about Kat  :unsure:


#560 - Piggybacks on Nyn's observation about Pral saying to give Hallia space and then voting her, adds his vote to Pral


#619 - Acknowledges he's just going with the flow and grasping at straws, doesn't see Hallia as scummy


#620 - Agrees with Nyn that we should lynch Pral


#625 - Questions Sooh's assertion that if Alanna's list of greens is correct town will win


#627 - Admits Pral vote is part self preservation and part trying to contribute to the game after being inactive over the weekend


#628 - Agrees with Nyn that Pral lynch wasn't "the easy way out"


#630 - Acknowledges he corrected his reads list after Sooh pointed out his error


#645 - Appreciates Nyn's suggestion to give him more time for a non-rushed analysis


#647 - After explanation, understands Sooh's theory about Alanna's green and orange list 


#650 - Responds to Nyn's query about where Pral is by suggesting he may be asleep depending on the time zone


#659 - Kinda sucks up to Nyn a little here about her "who's online" stalking just being a use of available resources


#681 - After Dice points out the hypocrisy in Ironeyes finding him suspicious for inactivity, he points out he said it was a "faint ping"


#686 - Hopes Pral will have a chance to defend himself before deadline


#798 - Is surprised he hasn't been lynched already for his D1 and Pral's town flip, says he didn't expect the train to grow that quickly


#802 - Tells Talmanes he doesn't need to defend him, states he is bad at mafia, had shoddy reads, and can't blame it all on lack of time.


#803 - Does not appear to be willing to fight his lynch


#805 - Says he still thinks Clov is going after him as an easy lynch


#806 - Going to bed


#831 - Decides to analyze Pral's train to see which votes looked like they were for a dumb or fabricated reason


#843 - States Talmanes and Clov's posts have made him want to do something useful before he is lynched


#844 - Asks what antispew means


#851 - Promises to do some analysis and post thoughts as he can


#853 - Gets a little snarky with Nyn about how he could just go inactive all day if she'd prefer him not to post instead of trying to analyze the train


#934 - Responds to WiFi's reads list that his #803 was just his honest feeling at the time, considers himself town's LVP... states he was unable to finish analyzing Pral's train but will try in the morning


#938 / #939 -  Double post responding to Clov's frustration with people posting that they can't post  (#940 LOLDM)


#943 / #944 - is working on his analysis


#945 - Analyzes Pral train, suggests either Nyn and Hallia are mafia teammates and she started the Pral train to prevent Hallia's lynch, or Nyn is town and started the train in good faith, in which case he feels Kat, Talmanes and Sooh are most likely to be mafia.  


#946 - Going to bed




Marsh's D1 started out a bit self-conscious about appearances and then after he went MIA over the weekend, he came back with a reads list that he couldn't clarify... piggybacked on the Pral lynch while maintaining Clov was "going for the easy lynch" (which he's continued into D2)... then came back after night phase with a bit of a "defeated scum" vibe.   I don't know if his teammates got on his case about trying a little harder or what, but then we get an analysis of Pral's train which gives us an... interesting... theory about Nyn and Hallia being scummates, or the alternate Kat/Talmanes/Sooh team which seems almost as wild, and completely disregards his earlier insistence that Clov is scum.


I'm pretty comfortable voting here in the morning but I do want to see if I can at least skim WiFi, Talmanes and Niniel to get a better idea on them.


And I'm never going to wake up if I don't call it a night :tongue:

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@CLOV: You are one of the ones that doesn't like to read my posts iirc.  I posted it in the post where I listed all the mafia teams: READ IT. Its the very first line.


I don't really understand why you say that people aren't reading your posts. I've read EVERY single post you've made this game (even if I understood a very small segment of them). Just because I didn't feel the need to respond to all of them doesn't mean I haven't read them. And if someone is asking you a question? it's because it was unclear what you meant, not because your post wasn't read at all. Hell, if we hadn't read the post to begin with, how would we know to ask about something specific in that post?  I just feel like you're constantly telling us to ask you questions and when you get asked questions you get sorta defensive about it. I don't get it.


Irt your potential scum teams, I don't have a clue on how you got there, nor do I get why you think there are 4 scum this game. There could just as well be 3 in a 13 players game, or maybe more, who knows... it depends on what kind of goodies BFG offers during the night, along with the existence of a IC. So it would be a question of balance. There's really no telling. Your calculation.... no idea how you got there either. Standard ratio is usually 1:4 but it's a 13 players game with an IC.... so maybe? Once we lynch 3 scum, we'll know.  :tongue:  

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Ironeyes ISO




#27 - First post is a joke about his mother and sister stealing the brownies but since his mom's name is Alana he wouldn't vote her to avoid "the stigma" of voting someone with a similar name to the confirmed townie.  Kind of comes across as self-conscious, especially in combination with his later concern with unvoting.


#32 - Chitchats with Niniel and Nyn about playing with familiar faces


#37 - Asks "serious question" about whether the brownies are tainted. ;)


#54 - Chitchats about his mom's name pronunciation and his preferred nicknames.


#56 - Votes Clov for not having read WoT


#57 - Damn ninjas!


#61 #65 #67 - More chatting about his mom's name, plus obligatory town claim


#69 - Does not have any game related thoughts yet


#83 - Makes a point of unvoting his joke vote - this seems extremely self-conscious, especially in a deadline game with no danger of hammering


#88 - Denies being concerned about appearance and says this is his personal policy


#91 - Acknowledges Clov's question about who he would vote if he had to place a serious vote and says he will reread the game and respond


#92 - States he would vote Clov because he thinks Clov's push for serious gameplay means he's scum trying to earn town cred.   :unsure:


#93 - Immediately acknowledges this looks like an OMGUS


#96 - Notes he is "out of practice"


#98 - Questions whether this is Clov's normal play style


#102 - Amused by Nyn's candid assessment of Clov 


#104 - Questions who Nyn was referring to as Laine (not sure if serious)


#128 - Posts to say good morning and comment on the lack of overnight posting


#428 - Apologizes for absence and promises reread and game thoughts prior to deadline


#430 - Tells Nyn that he can't claim scum as that would be lying ;)


#480 - Again apologizes for absence over the weekend and states he will not be available to post on Sundays, promises to work hard to make up for it


#493 - Posts reads list - Town reads are Niniel, Sooh, Nyn, Tress, Pral... null WiFi, Hallia, Talmanes, Sooh (again)... Scum reading Dice for inactivity, and Clov for "going for the easy lynch".  Note he says he "stands by his opinion" IRT Clov, which he has not previously expressed - his only mention of Clov previously was that he thought Clov was trying to move the game into serious mode gave the impression of scum trying to earn town cred.


#494 - Clarifies his note about the Sabbath


#496 - Confirms he meant to have Sooh under his town reads and the null read was an error


#499 - In response to Sooh's question about how everyone feels about Dice, he states he feels Dice is normally very involved and "must have had a busy weekend" - although in his reads list he was FOSing Dice for inactivity.


#501 - Acknowledges that he should not edit his previous reads list post to correct his Sooh error


#502 - Requotes the reads list and notes that it was supposed to be Kat listed as null for "I keep seeing both scum and town tells from her"  :confused:


#506 - Confirms Kat is supposed to be where Sooh is under the null category


#511 - Says he knows his reads list is crap and he's just trying to contribute, doesn't remember why he wrote that about Kat   :unsure:


#560 - Piggybacks on Nyn's observation about Pral saying to give Hallia space and then voting her, adds his vote to Pral


#619 - Acknowledges he's just going with the flow and grasping at straws, doesn't see Hallia as scummy


#620 - Agrees with Nyn that we should lynch Pral


#625 - Questions Sooh's assertion that if Alanna's list of greens is correct town will win


#627 - Admits Pral vote is part self preservation and part trying to contribute to the game after being inactive over the weekend


#628 - Agrees with Nyn that Pral lynch wasn't "the easy way out"


#630 - Acknowledges he corrected his reads list after Sooh pointed out his error


#645 - Appreciates Nyn's suggestion to give him more time for a non-rushed analysis


#647 - After explanation, understands Sooh's theory about Alanna's green and orange list 


#650 - Responds to Nyn's query about where Pral is by suggesting he may be asleep depending on the time zone


#659 - Kinda sucks up to Nyn a little here about her "who's online" stalking just being a use of available resources


#681 - After Dice points out the hypocrisy in Ironeyes finding him suspicious for inactivity, he points out he said it was a "faint ping"


#686 - Hopes Pral will have a chance to defend himself before deadline


#798 - Is surprised he hasn't been lynched already for his D1 and Pral's town flip, says he didn't expect the train to grow that quickly


#802 - Tells Talmanes he doesn't need to defend him, states he is bad at mafia, had shoddy reads, and can't blame it all on lack of time.


#803 - Does not appear to be willing to fight his lynch


#805 - Says he still thinks Clov is going after him as an easy lynch


#806 - Going to bed


#831 - Decides to analyze Pral's train to see which votes looked like they were for a dumb or fabricated reason


#843 - States Talmanes and Clov's posts have made him want to do something useful before he is lynched


#844 - Asks what antispew means


#851 - Promises to do some analysis and post thoughts as he can


#853 - Gets a little snarky with Nyn about how he could just go inactive all day if she'd prefer him not to post instead of trying to analyze the train


#934 - Responds to WiFi's reads list that his #803 was just his honest feeling at the time, considers himself town's LVP... states he was unable to finish analyzing Pral's train but will try in the morning


#938 / #939 -  Double post responding to Clov's frustration with people posting that they can't post  (#940 LOLDM)


#943 / #944 - is working on his analysis


#945 - Analyzes Pral train, suggests either Nyn and Hallia are mafia teammates and she started the Pral train to prevent Hallia's lynch, or Nyn is town and started the train in good faith, in which case he feels Kat, Talmanes and Sooh are most likely to be mafia.  


#946 - Going to bed




Marsh's D1 started out a bit self-conscious about appearances and then after he went MIA over the weekend, he came back with a reads list that he couldn't clarify... piggybacked on the Pral lynch while maintaining Clov was "going for the easy lynch" (which he's continued into D2)... then came back after night phase with a bit of a "defeated scum" vibe.   I don't know if his teammates got on his case about trying a little harder or what, but then we get an analysis of Pral's train which gives us an... interesting... theory about Nyn and Hallia being scummates, or the alternate Kat/Talmanes/Sooh team which seems almost as wild, and completely disregards his earlier insistence that Clov is scum.


I'm pretty comfortable voting here in the morning but I do want to see if I can at least skim WiFi, Talmanes and Niniel to get a better idea on them.


And I'm never going to wake up if I don't call it a night :tongue:


What makes you think those posts came from defeated scum versus town who knows he's done for?  Or was it because of your overall opinion of his alignment?

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That point about him apparently no longer being suspicious of me is pretty good though.  I remember thinking earlier when he was talking about how he probably should have been lynched that it didn't make any sense for him to say that and yet be suspicious of anyone (me, or otherwise) for pushing him.  If the person feels they were scummy themselves, why would any townie reach a different conclusion?

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The one 'point' you bring up that actually seems like a legitimate attempt at a read is trying to figure out how motivation for giving Iron the benefit of the doubt while not giving the same to Pral.  I think Tal has already addressed why he voted Pral, but I think that's at least a plus for you.



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On a completely unrelated note, the next person to post about how/why they're unable to post is probably going to cause me to burst a blood vessel.  Either you have time for the game or you don't, but if you can take five minutes to post about not being able to post, you can also use that time to at least throw out a town read or two or a person you're suspicious of.


Guys, will prolly be afk for a while on account of taking a bubble bath and getting a bikini wax. That means you probably won't see much of me in the next minute or so   :tongue:

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@CLOV: You are one of the ones that doesn't like to read my posts iirc.  I posted it in the post where I listed all the mafia teams: READ IT. Its the very first line.


I don't really understand why you say that people aren't reading your posts. I've read EVERY single post you've made this game (even if I understood a very small segment of them). Just because I didn't feel the need to respond to all of them doesn't mean I haven't read them. And if someone is asking you a question? it's because it was unclear what you meant, not because your post wasn't read at all. Hell, if we hadn't read the post to begin with, how would we know to ask about something specific in that post?  I just feel like you're constantly telling us to ask you questions and when you get asked questions you get sorta defensive about it. I don't get it.


Irt your potential scum teams, I don't have a clue on how you got there, nor do I get why you think there are 4 scum this game. There could just as well be 3 in a 13 players game, or maybe more, who knows... it depends on what kind of goodies BFG offers during the night, along with the existence of a IC. So it would be a question of balance. There's really no telling. Your calculation.... no idea how you got there either. Standard ratio is usually 1:4 but it's a 13 players game with an IC.... so maybe? Once we lynch 3 scum, we'll know.  :tongue:  



As someone who has ran written multiple games with her, ran a game with her, and had her co-mod one of MY games, I have a hard time believing that there would be four mafia in the game without town just being completely OP.  I could maybe see three mafia and an Indy role, but I don't see a four person team in a game this size.

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If I lose a game because I get outplayed, cool.  Congratulations - the other team probably earned it (or I had one of my C-LOL-vdyx games).  If I lose because half the game decided to refrain from actually playing, I'm not going to be pleasant afterwards.


That makes two of us. 

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On a completely unrelated note, the next person to post about how/why they're unable to post is probably going to cause me to burst a blood vessel.  Either you have time for the game or you don't, but if you can take five minutes to post about not being able to post, you can also use that time to at least throw out a town read or two or a person you're suspicious of.


Guys, will prolly be afk for a while on account of taking a bubble bath and getting a bikini wax. That means you probably won't see much of me in the next minute or so   :tongue:



I recommend getting laser hair removal.  Ever since that time I lost two layers of skin waxing, I won't do it, and shave bumps are bad enough on the face - I don't want to deal with them elsewhere.

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On a completely unrelated note, the next person to post about how/why they're unable to post is probably going to cause me to burst a blood vessel.  Either you have time for the game or you don't, but if you can take five minutes to post about not being able to post, you can also use that time to at least throw out a town read or two or a person you're suspicious of.


Guys, will prolly be afk for a while on account of taking a bubble bath and getting a bikini wax. That means you probably won't see much of me in the next minute or so   :tongue:



I recommend getting laser hair removal.  Ever since that time I lost two layers of skin waxing, I won't do it, and shave bumps are bad enough on the face - I don't want to deal with them elsewhere.



Can't. Apparently laser doesn't work on light hair. :/ 

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It's like.... there were some similar reads, true. Pral comes in and gives his unconventional top scum read on Clov. Tries to nudge in that direction but no one really follows him on it. Maybe we were looking in the right place at the time? Then he talks big about a competing train and not focusing on Hallia, but then votes her shortly after.

Do you think Clov would ever be an easy lynch to the point that scum!Pral would push in that direction or do you think it might be genuine townie sus?


Also: does Pral have a habit of going after big game?


The Hally thing is interesting tho

from the little i've seen pral like to bus teammates
1. Linking Pral to Clov, possibly?





Seems to be our best chances. Though if he's town I'm gonna have to re-evaluate everything

2. This vote doesn't make sense to me, because Pral wasn't really put best lynch opportunity at the time; I was. But it could just be Kat following Nyn's lead like the rest of us. Either way, slight ping.


I'm feeling fairly happy with my vote where it is at the moment. I'm not opposed to the lynch either, but I doubt I'll change unless needed.

3. At this point Sooh still would rather lynch me than Pral. She stayed remarkably consistent through all this, which gives me mixed feelings. I think scum probably would have wanted to save me for a D2 lynch since I would be an even easier target once Pral flipped town. So on one hand Sooh's insistence on not voting Pral seems like town not wanting to go with the crowd. But she also seemed to be subtly encouraging the lynch anyway by expressing support without voting Pral herself (on that point, she was also the first to agree with Nyn's original point about Pral). So I guess that's a slight ping on Sooh but obscured by some WIFOM.


4. So one possible conclusion that came to me is that Nyn and Hallia are scum-mates and this whole thing was fabricated to save Hallia from the lynch. However, that is a ridiculous scenario and if it turns out to be true, I will build an alter to the Mafia Godess Nynaeve immediately.


The other (more reasonable) conclusion is that this lynch started in good faith because Nyn saw something suspicious. In that case, my scum reads from this are Talmanes, Sooh, and Kat. I'm pretty sure I explained my reasoning for each well enough in this WoT, but if you aren't sure or tl;dr 'ed then ask me.



1. Lets assume she is linking Pral to Clov. Pral then flips town and then....... what? IMO, her mentioning it stems from Clov being Pral's top suspect. No idea if that's accurate meta or not. But if true, it's perfectly fine to mention.


2. Don't really understand why Kat's vote doesn't make sense to you. She agreed with me that Pral's actions were sketch, as you quoted. Assuming you are town, ScumKat has her pick of two trains in Pral and you. Doesn't really matter where she ends up. So I don't really see why you're specifically concerned with her voting Pral and not you. Explain?


3. That point would maybe be valid if Pral wasn't in her suspect pile. But he was. You can have more than one suspect, but at the end of the day you can only vote one. And I had no problem with her going with her strongest suspicion. This isn't a majority game. You can stick to your guns and not feel the need to consolidate. I also don't see how you'd be "an easier lynch for D2". Pral made himself look bad with how he handled himself and that would have stuck with him no matter what phase of the game we were in. You seem pretty big on portraying yourself as an easy target. Under that rationale, if you're an easy target, why didn't your lynch just go through D1? Because it seems like now you're arguing that you're such an easy target it was best to leave you for D2? lol  And IF you survive D2, are you gonna argue that scum left you for D3 for a sure deal?  eh. That rationale is wearing thin, dude.


4. Seeing as you're not the first to raise this "me saving Hallia" deal.... I should probably point out that I'm the one who pushed and formed the train on her to begin with. Which makes this thought all the more ridiculous for anyone trying to portray my actions as defending her when I was the one who turned the heat on her to begin with. If anything it shows a process of me trying to get a read on her. Inactivity always muddles things. It is what it is.


As far as your suspects and the reasoning.... eh.

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Going to say that I believe that Wildfire is definitely town here.


Wildfire doesn't do that kind of analysis with those conclusions as scum I don't think. 


Were you the one who in Tress' game gave her a town read cause she had some fluke?

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My concerns?  Im concerned your playing puppetmaster. You comments dont feel like theres any real weight to them. Like you arnt fully committed to them. In fact the only posts that you seem REALLY committed to is the stuff youve been directing about me, probably cause ive annoyed you i guess.


I think he made some comments about me that made me feel like he's trying to figure me out, personally. And if he's trying to be a puppet master, I would say he's doing a pretty poor job of it considering how D1 went down. I dunno. 


What exactly makes you feel like he's not being committed? is it his tone?



Tone and gut. I just REALLY want to lynch him. I cant word it right. He just seems to lack conviction to me and I feel like we are getting played.


But I also realise that realistically? Hes not getting lynched today. people just wont go for it i dont think. and thats annoying me tbh both because i suck at getting my suspects lynched and because i think part of it is because he's "clov".

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but here


im never lynching nyn or sooh


think halli is town


no idea on Talmanes or Kat 


need more from tina


not sure on wifi but she is different this game and i am wondering if this is scum wifi


ironeyes has been sucky but hes been sooo sucky im a bit waffly on him  hes on the scum lean side tho


think clov is scum. 

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