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Ghostbusters Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!

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I'm more likely to vote Rte for two reasons: dice is starting to feel town, and Rte has more votes and I refuse to lunch zander.


Pros to voting dice: he might still be scum and I'm second guessing myself, and resolve some of turin/zander. The catch on that is resolvement through NAs

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I'm here, at least for a bit. What would people like me to answer?


Zander is shouting a lot about progressing my views but I don't feel like content in thread has changed my views very much. Well, at least specifically not on him, and as my strongest scum read I don't see a reason for moving my vote. With each post I've tried to list players whose most recent interactions had me feel one way or another about them, moving them up or down the town-mafia continuum. Here's an updated reads list:


Tsuki (admittedly, only because of his claim, not his content)


I guess I'd describe progression of my views as follows:
Hallia's vote-jumping in combination with her consensus posts  has her trending down on my list. John started off very strong but Hallia throwing her vote around and justifying it retrospectively is not doing her any favours in terms of looking town.
Turin's idea that Dice may in fact be a third party is an interesting claim. If we argue that it is likely that there is at least one third party player in the game, I would put Dice in that slot at this point. However, his early breadcrumbing of not being able to die (yes, I do understand how a treestump works, I just figure he took some liberties with that comment) does give some credence to his claim. That being said he may just trying to be staying alive as a survivor, which to me also seems quite plausible. Third party would make sense with his gameplay as well (staying out of Zander Turin voting, for example). 
I still do feel like Mafia are avoiding Zander and Turin, and as I said should Zander flip town I would look at people who didn't vote either of them. While mafia obviously will vote to lynch townies, if Zander flips town, and I believe Turin is town, then they stayed off the early trains and played it safe by not committing a vote to either that could be later used against them or invite scrutiny. That is why it is so important one of them dies today, because I think that will reflect in a meaningful way on a number of players. Furthermore, there are other people that the cop can use his view tonight to vet, such as Dice for instance. 
Finally, there is no one else I would lynch who I believe is more likely to be scum than Zander, and as I said, his or Turin's lynch would offer the most information this early in the game. I don't think the fact that I need to remember to check the thread and can't do so as easily on my phone, and that I've been quite busy and stressed in real life, is indicative of my alignment in the game. I am town. I am not revealing my role or identity. I think Mafia already have their hands full with potential kills tonight, don't need to give them any more information than they already have. I would also like to stress that Tsuki is only town IMO because of his claim. Nothing he has posted would get him out of the null category otherwise, and prior to his claim I had him as a scum read. While we don't have a CC, the real cop may just be playing it safe. Therefore prior to some evidence I would also treat him with some modest scrutiny. Hopefully he uses his PR to contribute more to the game in coming days. Finally, my nulls (in orange) is where I think the rest of the scum team are hiding. 



Why dud you respond to my post about your stance on Dice not making sense?


You keep saying Mafia are avoiding me and Turin yet youre voting me?


That doesmt make sense.  Can you answer my questions about Dice please.

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First off I dont care what you think of what I have to say.  Zander gonna Zander.  Deal.


But yes I do do a lot of talking and not all of it is easy to understand but you know, you could ask if you dont.


So 2 issues I have here: 


Do you think RTE and I are bussing each other? 


And if you don't believe Dice's claim then why are you still voting me?

You do a lot of talking. Trimming the quotes would be helpful.


RTE started off very suspicious to me, swooping in, but his last couple of posts have been reasonable to me. His last post (#1277) on the lynch being between you and Turin being the most useful was absolutely spot-on. You two have been the main theme of day 1, and you've taken polar opposite sides. Whatever the result of a lynch, we will have reams of information that will be useful to us, to see who sided with who, and who changed their minds on who. 


I don't believe Dice, and I've said so repeatedly, but Dice is more benign to me than you. I've said it before, I think Dice should be next for the lynch after you.





So why arent you voting DIce?


What problem do you have with the Cop/NA solving me and Turin especially when you dont believe Dice?

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I'm here. It could also be scum is scared to take a stance lest they get caught.




[v] Zander [/v]


What is this?


I dont believe I was your highest scum read before Hallia.


Also Im here so whats your issue with me?


What are your thoughts about Dice and RTE?



So Turin, do you think that bodes ill or well for RTE?


Is he here now?


Just trying to follow your logic from you first post in here.

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